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5 reasons why stealing is always wrong

Saturday, August 3, 2019, 8:42 am | Randy Thomasson

“It’s mine!” Remember hearing this from a young child or saying it yourself?

Little children know stealing is wrong — as long as they’re the victim of the theft. Otherwise, it’s all too easy to fall into self-deception and “justify” a little stealing here, a little pilfering there, nothing that will be easily
noticed or missed. But God sees it all, doesn’t He?

Likewise, a liberal in an immoral city might claim there’s no absolute truth. But steal from him or lie to him and he’ll say that was absolutely wrong to do!

Because theft is rampant in our culture and our government, and because we’ve all stolen something (no matter how small), SaveCalifornia.com urges you to teach your children and grandchildren that stealing is absolutely wrong because:

1. Stealing always disrespects an owner. Instead of caring what the owner’s free will is, the thief will take what he wants, even if the owner has not given his voluntary, non-coerced consent. For this reason, stealing always devalues the person, deeming the thing to be taken more important than the person it’s being taken from.

2. Stealing always harms an owner. Theft always decreases a legal owner’s profit, use, or enjoyment; theft causes a rightful owner to suffer loss, no matter how small. Because stealing always subtracts from what an owner owns. Whether the owner knows or doesn’t know you stole from her, God sees and knows what you did.

3. Stealing always harms the character of the perpetrator. By agreeing to sin, and agreeing to harm an owner, a thief immediately lowers his standards, becomes untrustworthy, and finds it all the easier to steal more often, in greater amounts. This is the hardening of the heart, the scarring of the conscience, and the depravity of the soul.

4. Stealing always grieves Creator God. From Genesis to Revelation, the Word of God calls stealing a sin and prohibits it. This is why Western Civilization reflects God’s laws when it makes it punishable to steal, beginning with “petty theft” or “larceny,” whenever someone takes or uses property without the owner’s informed consent (the very definition of theft). As the Author of morality, God views any stealing as a crime against Himself, for He cannot fellowship with sin.

5. Stealing always begins with coveting. Security experts know that if a thief can’t see something or doesn’t know it exists, it’s less likely that theft will occur. In the same way, the Bible informs us that all sins start on the inside before they manifest on the outside.

As Christian writer Tim Challies writesOne way of looking at things is to see the tenth commandment as the internalization of the eighth commandment. Just as adultery of the heart is lust, and murder of the heart is hatred, so theft is the heart of covetousness. When Achan stole some of the devoted things from Ai, he first “coveted them” and then “took them” (Josh. 7:21). Likewise, James says, “You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel” (James 4:3).

Types of stealing

Petty theft
Knowingly receiving stolen property
Cooperating with thieves
Identity theft
Intellectual property theft
Illegal Entry
Dishonest business practices
Cheating on taxes
Refusing to pay debts
Keeping property you found without making an effort to find the owner
Claiming the work or knowledge of others to be your own
When politicians defraud voters
When union bosses coerce money from workers
When stealing anything from your employer
When stealing food or drink from a restaurant

The Early Church had a high moral standard against all forms of theft: “…they were accustomed to meet on a fixed day before dawn and sing responsively a hymn to Christ as to a god, and to bind themselves by oath, not to some crime, but not to commit fraud, theft, or adultery, not falsify their trust, nor to refuse to return a trust when called upon to do so.”

Show your children and grandchildren this and then talk about it, especially what moral standard kept some people from stealing: LA Riot Looters: ‘A Colorblind Orgy Of Wrecking And Taking’ (national news report of 1992 Los Angeles riots)

David Pratte explains what the Bible says about stealing: “When I was about 6 years old, my family visited a neighbor down the street. I saw lying on the floor a toy Mickey Mouse watch — it didn’t really even tell time, but it looked like a wristwatch. I wanted it, so I picked it up, put it in my pocket, and took it home. Of course, I felt terrible, because I knew better. Besides, I couldn’t wear it without my parents asking me where it came from. Next time we visited that neighbor, I took it back and put it where I had found it. I never told anybody, and nobody ever said anything about it, but I learned my lesson. Most people do not want to think of themselves as thieves, because they know stealing is wrong.”


ALERT: The new SB 276 still replaces pediatricians with a state bureaucrat

Thursday, June 20, 2019, 11:38 am | Randy Thomasson

After surprisingly expressing support for parents’ concerns and the doctor-patient relationship surrounding medical exemptions for childhood vaccines, California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has flip-flopped in a disturbing compromise that threatens to increase tyrannical government under his watch.

The amended SB 276 would permit the State of California to deny any and all medical exemptions for controversial vaccines — essentially permitting the government to replace pediatricians — despite evidence of harm to a child or within a family. This is so wrong!

NEWSOM ON JUNE 1: “I’m a parent. I don’t want someone that the governor of California appointed to make a decision for my family …  I believe in immunizations … however I do legitimately have concerns about a bureaucrat making a decision that is very personal … That’s just something we need to pause and think about. Source  

NEWSOM’S HHS SECRETARY ON JUNE 18: “The Governor would like to thank Dr. Pan for his leadership and for partnering with the Administration on these amendments. These amendments ensure the this bill protects the doctor-patient relationship, strengthens the state’s ability to target doctors who abuse the medical exemption process and gives state public health officials the tools to identify and protect schools and communities where herd immunity is in danger.” Source

ACTION: Every person of conscience, whether pro- or anti-vaccine, should unite for parental rights and medical freedom and against more government tyranny. So let’s together unleash a mini-flood of messages to our double-minded governor!

STEP 1. Copy SaveCalifornia.com’s pre-written message below into the Governor’s web contact form. Once on that web form, select “Have Comment.” Then, under “Please choose your subject,” select “OTHER.” Then paste in the following message (which you can edit, of course):

The amended SB 276 still replaces pediatricians with bureaucrats. The amended bill still permits state officials to trump family doctors and the doctor-patient relationship. So please veto this invasive bill. SB 276 still ignores the real-life concerns of parents with children with genetic weaknesses and children who are already vaccine-damaged, and creates a harsh, “one size fits all” vaccine bureaucracy.

Governor Newsom, please get informed on the serious problems with SB 276 by reading the following public letters: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/PIC-MBC-SB276-7-9-19.pdf

STEP 2. Call Governor Gavin Newsom’s constituent services phone line at 916-445-2841 (9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday). When your call is answered, simply read all or part of the above message. (The person answering will also ask for your name and address, which you can always decline to provide.)

I believe that there’s still a small chance that Newsom will veto SB 276 later this summer if he receives enough email, phone calls, and personal visits from parents concerned about the State forcing controversial vaccinations.

On Thursday, June 20, at the “hurry up” hearing on the amended SB 276, hundreds of parents pleaded with the Democrat-controlled committee to abandon their forced vaccination bill. Despite reasonable testimony to the contrary, the Democrat committee still passed it.

You can expect this tyrannical bill to pass the Assembly floor and then the State Senate, on a concurrence vote, later this summer. Because these Democrat legislators are paid very well by Big Pharma!

But long-term, parents who don’t want their children forcibly vaccinated, or who oppose school sexual indoctrination, negative peer pressure, and dumbed-down “academics,” should prepare to homeschool because homeschoolers are exempt from California’s mandatory vaccination law.

Realize that homeschooling is simpler and more needed than ever (the curriculum is so good, it does the teaching). See how at SaveCalifornia.com’s special website, RescueYourChild.com. All it takes to rescue your children is love for them and faith in God.

Is Governor Gavin Newsom pro-family on vaccines?

Saturday, June 15, 2019, 8:43 am | Randy Thomasson

Could one of the worst anti-family bills in the California State Legislature this year be stopped because uber-liberal Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom dislikes it?

SB 276 would eliminate a pediatrician’s right to provide vaccination exemptions for children at risk. This is despite evidence of family health weaknesses, vaccine-damaged siblings, and parents’ medical concerns. Instead, the State would decide.

Yet, when quizzed about this bad bill at the Democrats’ state convention on June 1, Newsom surprised liberal reporters. Here’s an excerpt from the Sacramento Bee report:

“I’m a parent. I don’t want someone that the governor of California appointed to make a decision for my family,” he told reporters after his speech at the California Democratic Party Convention.

Although Newsom said he strongly supports the bill Brown signed in 2015, he said he’s concerned about handing those decisions over to a government appointee, not a doctor.

“I believe in immunizations… however I do legitimately have concerns about a bureaucrat making a decision that is very personal,” Newsom said. “That’s just something we need to pause and think about.”

What’s going on here? Does Newsom or his wife (California’s self-proclaimed “First Partner”) know any vaccine-damaged children, or have friends with vaccine-damaged children? Or do they know Robert Kennedy, Jr., a California Democrat, who’s a national leader against forced vaccination?

In any case, Newsom’s public comments provide hope for California parents and grandparents who support parental rights and medical freedom. It’s time to unite for what’s right. So whether you’re pro- or anti-vaccine, let’s stand our ground for parental rights, medical freedom, and resistance to tyrannical government by urging Governor Newsom to veto SB 276 if it reaches his desk.

Let’s face it. Children belong to parents, not the State. And parents are responsible for raising their own children — and that includes informed consent for ALL medical care, including being adequately informed about the pros and cons of numerous vaccines routinely injected into babies.


STEP 1. Copy our pre-written message below into the Governor’s web contact form. Once on that web form, select “Have Comment.” Then, under “Please choose your subject,” select “OTHER.” Then paste in the following message (which you can edit, of course):

Please veto SB 276. This bill would eliminate the doctor-patient relationship concerning medical exemptions for childhood vaccinations. This ignores the real-life concerns of parents with children with genetic weaknesses or children who are already vaccine-damaged. Veto SB 276. Don’t permit the State to trump parents and pediatricians by creating a harsh, “one size fits all” vaccination bureaucracy.

STEP 2. Call Governor Gavin Newsom’s constituent services phone line at 916-445-2841 (9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday). When your call is answered, simply read all or part of the above message. (The person answering will also ask for your name and address, which you can always decline to provide.)

Thank you for uniting with SaveCalifornia.com for medical freedom for families!

People bring children into this world and nurture them through long years of dependency. They do this with no hope of immediate gain and every expectation of sleepless nights, financial burdens, and daily vexations … Scholars bent on finding self-serving explanations for behavior will argue that parents produce offspring because the latter are useful as unpaid laborers and future breadwinners. While this no doubt occurs and may explain why some parents feel a duty to their children, it cannot explain why children should feel any obligation to their parents. The youngsters are free-riders who benefit from nurturance whether they later support those who nurtured them or not. Yet children feel and act upon obligations to their parents despite the fact that such actions are unprofitable.
James Q. Wilson, The Child As Recipient and Source of The Moral Sense, The Moral Sense, March 1993