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Archives for the ‘Children’ Category

YOU are needed in this fight TODAY

Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 2:47 pm | Randy Thomasson

Today is a battle between Good and Evil. How? Because today is “Giving Tuesday,” the Hallmark-like designated day for people to donate to their favorite causes.

11-29-2016Now, the Liberal Left loves Giving Tuesday. They maximize it by asking “progressives” who hate God and love evil to donate. And give they do on on Giving Tuesday!

But YOU believe in what’s best for children and families, in God’s enduring and beneficial values, and in all that’s good, right, and true!

Because YOU and I know that:

nuclearfamily• Marriage is, was, and will always only be for one man and one woman.
• Children do best with a married father and mother living under the same roof.
• Religious freedom is of paramount importance in a free society.
• Parental rights and authority are a fundamental requirement of family.
• The “LGBTIQ” agenda is unhealthy, unnatural, unbiblical, and tyrannical.
• Innocent human life from womb to tomb must be protected and respected.
• Personal responsibility and prosperity thrive when government says you’re the boss.

With your dependable values, which are based on the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of what’s good for children, people, culture, and government, will you help COMBAT and REFUTE the Liberal Left TODAY, on “Giving Tuesday”?

gifts_v14Please give $10 or more today
at SaveCalifornia.com


Thank you for caring! You and I know that light OVERCOMES darkness, both physically and spiritually. That’s why SaveCalifornia.com, which has been serving California families since 1999, needs more people — people like you — to SHINE THEIR LIGHT with us to EXPOSE liberal lies and TAKE ON the Left.

Your gift of $10 or more TODAY will go to work for children and families TOMORROW. Please give your best gift now. Thank you for helping SaveCalifornia.com promote good and oppose evil!

Seek good and not evil,
That you may live;
So the Lord God of hosts will be with you,
As you have spoken.
Hate evil, love good;
Establish justice in the gate.
It may be that the Lord God of hosts
Will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.
Amos 5:14-15

Will ‘men’ and ‘women’ restroom signs be torn down?

Monday, August 22, 2016, 8:43 pm | Randy Thomasson

Scroll down for your sample letter to urge a veto of AB 1732


The foolish favoritism that the ruling Democrats (and some Republicans) in the California Legislature give to a segment of transsexual activists, who want to abolish male/female differences wherever they can, may result in the elimination of “men,” “women,” “boys,” and “girls” single-user restrooms up and down California.

genderneutralrestroomsignOn August 22, the California State Assembly gave final approval to AB 1732, which requires the removal of male- and female-designated single-user restrooms in all California businesses (including home businesses) and all religious schools and colleges, senior centers, and day care centers.

This radical bill that has no religious exemption passed the California State Assembly with the “yes” votes of most of the Democrats and 5 Republicans. This came after 25 Democrats and 3 Republicans in the State Senate passed it. See who voted yes and no.

This year, SaveCalifornia.com was the only organization opposing AB 1732 at the State Capitol. No business organizations spoke out like their counterparts did in other states where similar bills were defeated. No other pro-family organizations fought it either (one pro-family leader even publicly said AB 1732 “makes a lot of sense” for how it’s “sensitive to many transgendered people”).

Now AB 1732 can only be stopped by Jerry Brown. There is no legislation in the nation like this that has gotten this far. It is time for every pro-family business owner to mail and fax their veto letter to Gov. Brown, on business letterhead. Brown’s fax is 916-558-3160.



Governor Jerry Brown
State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: AB 1732 Veto Request

Dear Governor Brown,

As a small business owner, I am writing to urge you to veto AB 1732.
This bill is unnecessary. We’ve never had a problem, incident, or complaint. Anyone who identifies as male uses the men’s room; anyone who identifies as female uses the women’s room.

Yet AB 1732 would force me to buy and install new door signs and possibly also install a men’s urinal in the women’s room. Subsection (c) of the bill defines “single-user toilet facility” as “a toilet facility with no more than one water closet and one urinal with a locking mechanism controlled by the user.” This is poorly drafted at the least. I don’t want to be forced to pay for plumbing, drywall, and masonry work to install a men’s urinal in the women’s room.

And women and girls don’t want to use a urine-stained toilet seat, which I’ve seen too many times. Also, while my restrooms shut and lock properly, I am concerned for the privacy and security of women and girls in restrooms that don’t shut or lock properly, since under an “all-gender” restroom mandate, a man or boy could surprise a woman or girl who is on the toilet.

I am also concerned this bill could result in less access. Under AB 1732, small businesses — especially businesses that start up or move — that wish to save time and money can go from two single-user restrooms (one for men and one for women) to only one restroom (“all gender”). They could easily be motivated to save costs on installation, repair, supplies, cleaning, water, electricity, and inspection. For AB 1732 is silent on whether there must be “two restrooms.”

Furthermore, AB 1732 is inconsistent with laws requiring separate restrooms for males and females. At restaurants, public and private school cafeterias, etc.: California Health and Safety Code, Section 114276 requires that “a food facility with more than 20,000 square feet of floor space shall provide at least one separate toilet facility for men and one separate toilet facility for women.” At gas stations: Business and Professions Code, Section 13651 mandates urban and suburban service stations to “include separate facilities for men and women.” At construction sites: Cal/OSHA Title 8 regulations (Subchapter 4. Construction Safety Orders, Article 3, Section 1526) reads “A minimum of one separate toilet facility shall be provided for each 20 employees or fraction thereof of each sex.” At government buildings and offices: Health and Safety Code, Section 118500 says public agencies must provide restrooms “for each sex.”

Governor Brown, AB 1732 is not only unnecessary, it’s poorly drafted and it’s intrusive. As a small business owner, I would appreciate your veto of AB 1732.




Mothers always pass an X chromosome on to their children. Whether your father passes on his X chromosome (leading to a pair of X chromosomes) or his Y chromosome (making a mixed set) determines your sex.
“The X and Y Chromosomes Determine Your Sex”, 23andme.com

Children’s souls dissed by California Senate

Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 2:35 pm | Randy Thomasson


It’s not only sad — it’s frightening and angering that the California State Senate has said giving a little more religious Released Time Education away from the iron-fisted grip of the public schools upon children’s minds, hearts, bodies, and souls… is a BADDDDDD thing.

The vote Monday in the 40-member California State Senate was 15 yes, 18 no on SB 1457 (21 votes are needed to pass), which would allow school boards to expand the hours of Released Time Education and give some school credit hours to attending students.

One of the most evil things that happened during the debate was that pro-perversity Democrats labeled religious education as bad:

Senate Bill 1457, which was opposed by the state’s powerful teachers unions, faced strong objections from Democrats who argued that it would undermine the secular foundation of public education and violate the Constitution’s “establishment clause” separating church and state. Several members noted that the state would have no influence over the content of the religious instruction, raising the possibility that students might receive credit for anti-gay or white supremacist teachings. Sacramento Bee story

Another evil thing was the massively wealthy California teachers union lobbied hard against the bill, even pulling a co-author, Democrat Jim Beall, into the abstain column. Can you say pimps and prostitutes? If the 7 senators that purposefully abstained voted yes, the bill would have passed!

What’s your reaction when the majority of state senators are against children learning to love their neighbor as themselves and learning stealing is wrong and that God is watching them? With this, you know that the majority of these legislators are evil, corrupt, anti-children, anti-God, and need to be replaced.

Fortunately, this is an election year, and half of these state senate districts are up for grabs (so are all 80 state assembly districts and all 53 California congressional districts).

So please, response to this attack upon the most sublime, basic, traditional religious freedom bill imaginable for children:

1. REPORT: Let other people know who voted for or against moral standards for children. See the 15-18 Senate floor vote and Democrat floor analysis

2. CALL SACRAMENTO: Since SB 1457 was approved for “reconsideration” — meaning the bill could return for a second vote within a week — please call the 7 swing votes to urge them:”Vote yes on SB 1457. Children need to be taught do not steal and treat others as you ought to be treated. This bill is optional for school districts. Please do what’s right and vote yes.”

Benjamin Allen — Democrat
Call especially if you live in the Hollywood/Beverly Hills/Santa Monica/Redondo Beach/Palos Verdes area of Los Angeles County) map
(916) 651-4026 Capitol / (310) 318-6994 district

Jim Beall (pronounced “Bell”) — Democrat
Call especially if you live in Santa Clara County map
(916) 651-4015 Capitol / (408) 558-1295 district

Robert Hertzberg — Democrat
Call especially if you live in or near the sprawling San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles map
(916) 651-4018 Capitol / (818) 901-5588 district

Ben Hueso — Democrat
Call especially if you live in the Palm Springs area, the south Riverside County area, Imperial County, and the southern part of San Diego County map
(916) 651-4040 Capitol / (619) 409-7690 district / (760) 335-3442 district

Connie Leyva — Democrat
Call especially if you live in or near Pomona, Bloomington, Chino, Colton, Fontana, Grand Terrace, Montclair, Muscoy, Ontario, Rialto, San Bernardino map
(916) 651-4020 Capitol / (909) 591-7016 district / (909) 888-5360 district

Richard Pan — Democrat
Call especially if you live in Sacramento, West Sacramento, Arden-Arcade, Elk Grove, Florin, Fruitridge Pocket, La Riviera, Lemon Hill, McClellan Park, North Highlands, Parkway, Rosemont, Vineyard map
(916) 651-4006 Capitol / (916) 262-2904 district / (916) 651-1529 district

Sharon Runner (may have been absent) — Republican
Call especially if you live in Lancaster, Palmdale, Santa Clarita, Adelanto, Victorville, Apple Valley, Hesperia, Castaic Lake, Pyramid Lake map
(916) 651-4021 Capitol / (661) 729-6232 district / (760) 843-8414 district / (661) 286-1471 district

3. HELP ELECT PRO-FAMILY LEGISLATORS: Because you have an opportunity to replace frustration with satisfaction, evil with good, inaction with love, and despair with hope, please visit and share the SaveCalifornia.com Election Center so that you can make your own voter guide to share with your friends via email, Facebook, and Twitter. Be creative and aggressive to multiply good votes — this week!

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20

But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble,
it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck,
and he were thrown into the sea.

Jesus Christ in Mark 9:42