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How children were brainwashed with Harvey Milk’s agenda

Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 6:08 pm |

Please read this shocking and true account of what happened to highschooler Lauren, in the name of notorious homosexual activist Harvey Milk.

Here’s the email SaveCalifornia.com received on Monday, May 23 at 4:14 p.m.: You were right our daughter was told she had to attend a gay straight alliance rally to honor Harvey Milk at Moreno Valley High School. She shared she was a christian with the teacher and only after she saw Lauren was clearly upset about going to this rally did she issue her a hall pass. She was persecuted by another student but made it out of the class . I picked her up and she was very upset. How many other Christians were forced to go to this rally? Parents Stand and teach your children to. God Bless and thank you for your work with save California — Deanna Aguirre, Moreno Valley (provided with permission)

I was saddened, by not surprised, to read Deanna’s message. Even though this concerned mother didn’t hear in time about our boycott of “Harvey Milk Gay Day,” she’s now found SaveCalifornia.com and has signed up for our email updates. Keep reading to find out how “Harvey Milk Gay Day” played out at her daughter’s school.

16-year-old Lauren’s account of sexual brainwashing in public school

Harvey Milk “education” during the past two weeks is only the tip of the iceberg of perverse indoctrination happening all over California. Moreno Valley is a conservative area, consistently sending Riverside County Republicans to serve in the state legislature and U.S. Congress. Yet, because this sexual brainwashing is based on state laws, it’s a mandate on all California K-12 government schools, no matter the neighborhood or community. This is despite all the evidence that homosexuality is unnatural and unhealthy.

I talked with Deanna’s 16-year-old daughter, Lauren, about the Harvey Milk takeover at the government high school she attends. She told me the following:

When she walked into her U.S. History class Monday, May 23, she saw the words “Gay-Straight Alliance Assembly — Harvey Milk” on the blackboard. Her teacher, obviously a pro-homosexuality agenda sympathizer, told Lauren and every other student walking in to go to the assembly. Lauren protested, but the teacher didn’t listen to her at first. Lauren again said she didn’t want to go, and finally the teacher exempted her, but only her.

Lauren got out of that one, but her fellow students were corralled into the brainwashing assembly, like cattle going to slaughter, where the homosexual sponsor of the on-campus Gay-Straight Alliance told them how they must support the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda of Harvey Milk. Later, a Muslim classmate told Lauren she wished she had refused to go to the assembly too.

But three days earlier, it was even worse for Lauren. On Friday, May 20,  in her English class taught by the same homosexual teacher who would lead the Harvey Milk assembly, Lauren was made to read out loud to the class an all-positive, one-page biography of Harvey Milk. Lauren’s mother says the teacher seems to pick on her because he knows she’s a Christian.

Then, the teacher turned off the lights and played several minutes of the R-rated Milk film, which showed two homosexual men in bed together. “I wanted to leave so bad,” Lauren told me. Then, to top off this Harvey Milk “commemorative exercise,” the homosexual activist teacher handed out “Milk Duds” candy, apparently trying to attach a pleasurable sense to his perverse teaching.

Trampling parental rights

Parents, realize there was NO advance parental notification of this happening or the opportunity to opt out your children. Even more, realize there was no parent permission sought, no opt-in form to sign. No, Harvey Milk sexual indoctrination, and other sexual indoctrination implemented, because of other perverse laws are being done behind parents’ backs and despite parents’ objections.

Realize that these “Gay-Straight Alliances” (GSAs are homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda clubs) are at many California public high schools (see the list). In May, they actively promoted the perverse Harvey Milk in public schools.

In addition to government schools nationwide having to permit GSA clubs (as long as any other non-curricular clubs are allowed), every California K-12 government school is under a state mandate to sexually indoctrinate children. See the list of these immoral California laws.

What you must do

Because of the raft of mandatory “LGBTIQ” laws — as well as “school options” such as “Harvey Milk Day” and “Day of Silence” — children left in California’s government school system WILL be sexually indoctrinated. You won’t be notified and they certainly won’t ask your permission. Time for a reality check. The only reliable way to opt your child out of this garbage is to permanently opt out of the government school system.

Parents, you must wake up and embrace the truth. Sexual indoctrination is just part of why government schools have become so bad in the last generation. See the list of problems facing every child in California public schools.

I challenge you to put on faith and love. In the face of this clear and present danger, you can choose to provide your child the stronger academics, moral values, character development, better socialization, physical safety, and flexible schedule provided by homeschooling. Be encouraged that homeschooling is simpler than ever, with inexpensive curriculum packages that do most of the teaching. And many parents are learning how to prioritize and afford a church school education. Discover how today at our special website, RescueYourChild.com.

I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth.
Martin Luther, Protestant Reformer

See our eye-opening video exposing Harvey Milk sexual indoctrination

Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 10:52 am |

Sorry I haven’t been blogging in a while. I’ve been full-pressing to warn parents about liberal teachers using “Harvey Milk Day” as an excuse to sexually brainwash kids in K-12 government schools this week and next.

Please watch the eye-opening 3-min. video that SaveCalifornia.com released during our May 17 news conference.

Then take action and send your friends who have children in public school to our Boycott Harvey Milk Gay Day page. This is the most urgent, loving thing you can do right now.

A snapshot of SaveCalifornia.com’s work for you

Sunday, February 20, 2011, 4:27 pm |

If you’ve been tracking with us recently, you know that SaveCalifornia.com is empowering, alerting, teaching, explaining, launching new media, and pioneering much-needed cultural renewal for the good of children and families in California and beyond.

If you appreciate our work and our voice for your values, please let us know by giving a gift to continue our mission. Thank you so much. Donate online | Donate by mail

Here in 2011, SaveCalifornia has been hard at work:

Empowering Californians to send “no more taxes” emails to keep Republican legislators from selling out to the Democrats (a winnable battle in which we can have victory, and that we’re winning so far).

Alerting citizens on the worst school sexual indoctrination bill ever. Right now, we’re empowering Californians to email and call Jerry Brown and state legislators to oppose SB 48 by homosexual activist state senator Mark Leno. On Feb. 12, our call to action was the top story on WorldNetDaily.com. This bill is a long shot to defeat, but we’re exposing it so that parents realize SB 48 would be the 7th school sexual indoctrination law on the books. Parents and grandparents need to wake up and rescue their children and grandchildren!

Teaching Californians on live secular radio that homosexuality has no biological basis and is the cause of the overwhelming majority of HIV/AIDS cases. On Feb. 15, I was on the Andy Caldwell Show in San Luis Obispo, explaining how homosexual researcher Simon LeVay admitted there’s no biological evidence for homosexuality and also telling folks the sad fact that homosexual and bisexual behavior is the overwhelming cause of HIV transmission.

Launching a new 1-minute message to air on radio stations, reaching even more people with the truth. Listen to my first SaveCalifornia.com Minute.

Helping explain to judges and to the public why Proposition 8 reserving marriage licenses for “a man and a woman” must be upheld. Listen to my Dec. 7 bulletin. See our SaveCalifornia.com/Campaign for Children and Families amicus brief in the Prop. 8 case.

Pioneering a much-needed project for 2011 to reach young people with the truth about the consequences of their sexual choices and behavior. Our dream of holding up a recognizable moral standard for the younger generation is only in the planning stages. But like me, I hope you’re excited about this priority direction to attract, inspire, and instruct the under-30 crowd. See my short YouTube video and catch the vision.

You can keep our good work going. If you appreciate SaveCalifornia.com, please show it today. Your gift of any amount — $20, $35, $50, $100, $200, $500 or $1,000 — is needed to continue and further our work and mission and vision. Thank you in advance, very much.

Donate online | Donate by mail

Lastly, enjoy our voice featured three times last month in OneNewsNow (American Family Association):

ACLU ‘kissing cousins’ with Communist Party? (Jan. 25, 2011)
Celebrating a lie, ignoring the truth (Jan. 19, 2011)
New judge may be more liberal (Jan. 13, 2011)