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Archives for the ‘Children’ Category

ALERT: Defend Prop. 8, rescue schoolchildren, get equipped to vote

Friday, May 21, 2010, 9:19 am |

Let me quickly update you on the State Capitol battle over Prop. 8, why “Harvey Milk Gay Day” for children is just the tip of the iceberg of sexual indoctrination, and why you should visit SaveCalifornia.com’s Election Center.

SB 906

We’ve been telling you about SB 906, which intends to pave the way for the future legalization of homosexual “marriages.” If SB 906 becomes law, “LGBTQ” activists will say this means letting “any two people” get married doesn’t threaten religious freedom. But that’s not true — redefining marriage would mean further trampling the dearly-held values of religious business owners and parents of children in public schools.
View Tuesday’s TV news report on SB 906

Thursday’s anticipated vote on the floor of the California Senate didn’t happen, since the senators decided to make it a “check-in” session, where they show up for a couple of minutes to qualify for their $141.86 “per diem” money, and go home. This means Monday afternoon is the next possible floor vote on SB 906.

Keep emailing and calling against SB 906 | About per diem

Who’s sponsoring and supporting SB 906?

Equality California (co-sponsor)
California Council of Churches (co-sponsor)
AIDS Project Los Angeles
Anti-Defamation League
Asian Americans for Civil Rights & Equality
California Communities United Institute
California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
California Teachers Association
Consumer Attorneys of California
Jewish Political Action Committee (JPAC)
Sacramento Lawyers for the Equality of Gays and Lesbians
Inland Counties Stonewall Democrats
City of West Hollywood

Harvey Milk Gay Day

The “celebration” of homosexual activist Harvey Milk will hit its high point today and Saturday.

Today, aggressive liberal teachers in California are expected to tell children that Milk was admirable, when he was actually a teen predator, sexual anarchist, public liar, and an aggressive devotee of deadly cultist Jim Jones.

Tomorrow, Milk’s birthday, at the State Capitol in Sacramento, “LGBTQ” activists and their supporters will rally for the media. Throughout the state there will be special showings of the part-fiction movie “Milk,” starring Sean Penn. Nationwide, some 26 cities in 20 states will hold events to honor Harvey Milk.

This is just the beginning of this new, blatant and perverse indoctrination of children via Harvey Milk Gay Day. “Milk Day” is designed to teach children they may be homosexual, bisexual or transsexual, and that they should support political activism to destroy marriage and family and religious opposition to the harmful “LGBTQ” agenda. It will increase even more next year, and then Harvey Milk’s indoctrination will manifest in many more government schools in 2012 when May 22 finally falls on a school day, Monday.

Parents and grandparents, I plead with you to rescue your children and grandchildren from immoral education and awful peer pressure. Harvey Milk Gay Day is just one of 6 school sexual indoctrination measures passes in the last several years. And there’s a raft of other pressing reasons to save children from government-run schools.

Choose to permanently rescue your child | See one of the stories exposing Harvey Milk Gay Day

Visit the Election Center

With a little more than two weeks until Election Day, it’s important to study the propositions and the candidates. Don’t let yourself be paralyzed by lack of knowledge. SaveCalifornia.com’s Election Center will help you vote with confidence. Enter the Election Center

No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.
Samuel Adams, a major leader of the American Revolution (1722-1803)

ACTION: See the new movie To Save A Life

Sunday, January 17, 2010, 4:25 pm |

I’m calling on everyone who loves God and loves people to an urgent, important, and pleasurable task. Together, we can and we must rescue our youth from being ruined by immoral influences.

There’s a life-affirming, faith-affirming film that needs your support. Please see To Save A Life, which is coming to the big screen January 22. After seeing an advanced screening, I can say that To Save A Life is the best tool in America right now to reach teenagers and young adults with the truth that God can save them and show them a better way of life.

For the sake of the next generation, please join me and prioritize taking yourself and the mature teenagers and young adults you know to see To Save A Life. This film is rated PG-13 because it shows real-life temptations of teens. Please watch my movie review below for specific cautions and the official trailer.

Visit our TO SAVE A LIFE page to find
theater locations, movie resources and more.


The family-friendly film The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry is playing again in select theaters. We were so impressed and moved with Sperry’s strong Christian message, that SaveCalifornia.com is sponsoring the showing of this film in Carlsbad, California on the weekend of Feb. 26. Visit our SECRETS OF JONATHAN SPERRY page to see the trailer and find out where it’s showing.


I avoid most movies in the theaters because they have garbage and appeal to prurient interests. Instead, I’m seeing great movies to view at home. Although they weren’t box office hits, they’re hits with me because they inspire and improve the soul.

I can’t say enough good about The Board. This 40-minute short film is a masterpiece. It was beautifully produced by an Ohio church, but it doesn’t look anything like a church movie. The Board is a very gripping portrayal of how our soul — our mind, feelings, conscience, heart, will and memory — all combine to make a decision for or against Jesus. I found it personally edifying because it reminded me that everything I do has already been approved by my mind, conscience, and heart. I give The Board my highest recommendation!

I also recommend the The River Within. This heartfelt and inspiring movie centers on a 20-something believer and a pastor who learn that talking about the Christian life is a whole lot different than living the Christian life. Through twists and turns, you can’t help but connect with the characters in this film as several plot lines merge and lead to its dramatic conclusion. The River Within is a clear message about doing God’s work, not “just talking.”

What’s really impressive is that The Board and The River Within were produced with very small budgets and volunteers, but both films have excellent cinematography, story line, characters…and by everything I can see, God’s blessing.

Another excellent movie I recommend is Time Changer starring Gavin McLeod. This film is challenging and stimulating. It explains how America fell away from God’s standards, and how God’s Word is essential to the health of nations, churches, and generations of families.

While I’m at it, let me recommend the 20-minute Butterfly Circus. This short film by Joshua Wiegel about two very different circuses and a life-changing ringmaster is a powerful message of hope and redemption. Warning: this film can make you cry. It stars Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms or legs. The Butterfly Circus is the winner of the 2009 Doorpost Film Project. View this beautiful film online.

But again, my priority, your priority, every concerned person’s priority is to see To Save A Life on opening weekend January 22-24. And don’t just go yourself. Bring along teenagers and young adults you know. Then afterward, talk about the life lessons and the spiritual themes. If you’re a Christian, I recommend you take some Gospel tracts if, after seeing To Save A Life, someone want to pray to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.


Every California school an ‘LGBTQ’ indoctrination center

Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 11:00 pm |

California parents have more reason than ever to remove their children from government schools.

Tuesday night’s vote by the Alameda Unified School Board was a decision to push homosexual-bisexual-transsexual curriculum upon children under the guise of “anti-bullying” training. A judge has already said this can go through, and there is no state law preventing it. The protests of parents and pro-family attorneys were rejected.

If Alameda can do this to indoctrinate little children as young as kindergarten, any California school district can.  Remember, most of California’s 1,000+ school districts are run by liberals or uncourageous conservatives. That’s simply the reality.

This latest threat comes on the heels of Harvey Milk Gay Day and four other statewide sexual indoctrination laws. Add to all this the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination of  “Diversity Day,” “Day of Silence,” “Gay-Straight Alliance” clubs, and other sexual propaganda in most high school campuses and many junior high schools too, not to mention more and more elementary schools.

TAKE ACTION: SaveCalifornia.com is urging parents and grandparents to grasp both the problem and the solution and to develop an action plan to rescue their children and grandchildren.