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Archives for the ‘Religious Freedom’ Category
Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 7:01 pm | Randy Thomasson
This election season, I have 3 important questions for professing Christians in California:
1. How can you enjoy religious freedom if the government does not grant, respect, and protect your legal right of conscience before Holy God?
2. How can we have good government unless people who know what is good are themselves the main influencers of government?
3. And since Christians are commanded to “love your neighbor as yourself,” shouldn’t they feel compassionate anger when bad government is harming their family and neighbors?
Obviously, California need more voters who know the basic difference between right and wrong.
Therefore, one of the simplest and best things pastors can do is urge everyone in their church to register to vote. People need to re-register if they’ve moved, turned 18, or if a woman has recently married and changed her surname.
If you’re a pastor or church leader, please act now:
1. Preach on the need for good government and urge everyone to be registered to vote.
2. Give everyone in the congregation a special bulletin insert.
3. Set up tables in the foyer to register voters on the spot.
California’s legal deadline to register to vote in the very important November 6, 2018 general election is Monday, October 22 (postmark deadline).
You can pick up registration forms at the post office or at your county registrar of voters.
You can also urge your congregants and their friends to register to vote by posting this link.
Churches used to be the source of morality in communities, and they can fulfill their biblical role again.
All that’s required is sincere love for Jesus Christ and for people, and obeying the LORD with action and in truth.
In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother. 1 John 3:10
By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:16-18
Tags: Randy Thomasson, SaveCalifornia.com Posted in Ballot, Christians, Churches, Culture, Election, Good Government, Religious Freedom, SaveCalifornia.com | Comments Off on Pastors, teach Christian love by registering people to vote
Thursday, June 28, 2018, 6:27 pm | Randy Thomasson
If you’re sick and tired of the Democrat rulers of California trying to ban or punish any moral values they disagree with, here’s some real hope for you.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s big decision recognizing the First Amendment right of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to NOT be forced to promote values that they oppose (e.g., killing preborn babies via abortion) has set a key precedent for the protected speech of other organizations and business owners with moral values.
As the pro-family legal organization Liberty Counsel notes (quoting from the June 26 opinion in National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) v. Becerra):
This case will also have an impact on laws that seek to ban counsel for unwanted same-sex attractions, behavior, or identity (SOCE). The opinion explicitly adopts the arguments Liberty Counsel has made all along in SOCE cases, which is that “professional speech” cannot be exempted as some “new category of speech.”
The opinion states: “The dangers associated with content-based regulations of speech are also present in the context of professional speech. As with other kinds of speech, regulating the content of professionals’ speech pose[s] the inherent risk that the Government seeks not to advance a legitimate regulatory goal, but to suppress unpopular ideas or information… Take medicine, for example. ‘Doctors help patients make deeply personal decisions, and their candor is crucial.’ Throughout history, governments have ‘manipulat[ed] the content of doctor-patient discourse’ to increase state power and suppress minorities.'”Justice Thomas notes that professional disagreements about the efficacy of professional services cannot be used to suppress speech.
Therefore, have hope! As you know, AB 2943 banning the free speech of counselors, ministries, churches that help people overcome unwanted homosexual or transsexual desires is advancing through the Democrat-controlled California State Legislature. These Democrat politicians don’t care about your basic liberties — they just do the bidding of their tyrannical special-interest supporters (“LGBT’ groups, Planned Parenthood abortionists, etc.)
So even though it’s probable that the Democrat rulers of California will pass AB 2943, it’s also highly probable that the right lawsuit or lawsuits could use National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) v. Becerra to win a future U.S. Supreme Court victory that broadly protects moral speech in America. A success here would not only strike down AB 2943, thus protecting counselors who help adults overcome homosexuality or transsexuality, but would also affirm the right of counselors to help minors who struggle with homosexuality or transsexuality (which Governor Jerry Brown and the Democrats banned in 2012).
This is why I’m asking you to use the White House web form to send a strong message to President Donald Trump. Urge him to “Nominate a strict constructionist and originalist like Neil Gorsuch who will be loyal to the written Constitution, not loyal to their feelings or liberal revisionism like the four leftists currently on the high court. And please don’t nominate William Pryor, who has been inconsistent and even unconstitutional in his rulings.”
“..on every question of construction, carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was past.”
Tags: Children, Randy Thomasson, SaveAmerica.com, SaveCalifornia.com Posted in Abortion, America, California Bills, California Legislature, Children, Churches, Culture, Democrats, Homosexuality, Jerry Brown, Judges, LGBT, Parenting, Religious Freedom, SaveCalifornia.com, Transsexuality | Comments Off on Ruling on pro-life centers could also stop AB 2943
Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 7:23 pm | Randy Thomasson
It was great to see several hundred people who came to California’s State Capitol on June 12 to protest AB 2943. It was another rare opportunity for people of faith to see the evil of the Democrat-dominated State Legislature, and to exercise their love for others.
As you know, the tyrannical AB 2943, authored by perverse Democrats, would prohibit counseling for anyone who wants out of homosexuality or transsexuality, and would threaten religious entities if they sold a book or DVD or tickets to an event about helping people escape out of the sexual bondage of homosexuality or transsexuality.
In committee, I stood in a long line of opponents to AB 2943 and told the committee and the bill’s main author, homosexual activist Democrat Evan Low, that “We oppose this bill that discriminates against and denies ‘LGBT’ people’s personal rights to seek self-improvement.”
Earlier, I had given a powerful article to the two Republican senators on the committee, through their staffers and the sergeant-at-arms. The article is called 4 Reasons Even Liberals Should Oppose California’s Gay Therapy Ban. On a post-it note to the two senators, I asked them to hand the article to the five Democrats who sit with them on the committee.
What’s more, in a news advisory prior to the hearing, I told the media that “AB 2943 unfairly discriminates against gays and lesbians whose ‘sexual orientation’ is ‘fluid’ and who want a difference in their lives. Don’t deny people their basic right to choose self-improvement. AB 2943 is anti-choice, anti-free speech, and anti-religious freedom. Every liberty-loving person should oppose this un-American bill.”
At the same time AB 2943 was being heard, so was another horrible bill from the Democrats. SB 320 would require CSU and UC campuses to issue abortion pills to young women (hurting the woman and killing the baby). I joined others who spoke out, saying, “SB 320 lacks medical safeguards for inducing chemical abortions, which often involve negative side effects. This bill is pushing an unfunded liability upon our state colleges and universities.”
Now for the bottom line. I believe these awful Democrat bills, and their other bad bills, have a very high chance of passing the Democrat-controlled California Legislature and going to Governor Jerry Brown. The Democrat legislators don’t care how many people oppose the tyrannical “LGBT” agenda — because they support it. And the Democrats don’t care how many people oppose abortion — because they love it.
Therefore, one of the very best things you can do this election season is to tell your friends what the Democrat politicians are doing. Open their eyes, and you may end up changing their votes.
If AB 2943 is signed into law, there need to be well-crafted lawsuits to overturn it in federal court as the unconstitutional beast that it is. And if SB 320 becomes law, it’ll be yet another reason to keep your impressionable daughters out of CSU and UC — otherwise they could be handed dangerous abortion pills.
Yes, we must be faithful and we must try at every opportunity to defeat evil. If you wish, please leave a message for Jerry Brown. In two separate calls, urge him to veto AB 2943 and SB 320. You can call (916) 445-2841 Monday through Friday, 9 to 5.
“The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
Albert Einstein, famous physicist (1879-1955)
Tags: Randy Thomasson, SaveAmerica.com, SaveCalifornia.com Posted in Abortion, California Bills, California Governor, Children, Christians, Democrats, Election, Fighting for what's right, Homosexuality, LGBT, Life, Parenting, Religious Freedom, Transsexuality | Comments Off on At the State Capitol protesting the tyrannical AB 2943
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