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Archives for the ‘Election’ Category

The fight for election integrity

Saturday, November 21, 2020, 1:51 pm | Randy Thomasson
Nov. 19, 2020 news conference detailing election fraud in the presidential election

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Has your vote been stolen?

If dishonest, biased, liberal activists disguised as government employees subtracted valid votes from one candidate and added invalid votes to another, then yes — your vote and the votes of millions of Americans has been abused.

You deserve to see what the Big Media doesn’t want you to know — that there is probable cause — enough to justify subpoenas and criminal investigations — that coordinated voter fraud via computer programs, government employees, and Democrat activists occurred in the 2020 presidential election.

Disturbing “irregularities” were detailed November 19 by the Trump for President legal team at a Washington, D.C. news conference. What they describe is alarming and eye-opening. Watch it now.

Realize that in multiple battleground states — Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin — there are at least “a dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in the 2020 election, from ejected ballot observers to fraudulently backdated mail-in votes.”

And it’s not just the Trump campaign finding this out. The chairman of the Federal Election Committee, who’s well acquainted with election fraud, says the obvious fraud makes this election “illegitimate” and that the Trump campaign is bringing “legitimate accusations” of fraud to court.

Watch the Nov. 19 news conference, and you’ll be glad that the Trump campaign is gathering evidence and aiming for the U.S. Supreme Court to remedy this election-law crime spree, committed in the widespread vote-by-mail scheme of Democrat politicians exploiting the China virus scare.

What people fail to appreciate is that the currency of corruption in elective office is, not money, but votes.
American constitutional statesman and conservative hero James L. Buckley

Do lockdowns and masks work?

Friday, November 20, 2020, 11:06 am | Randy Thomasson

This is a very important, eye-opening blog. After reading it below, see my other Covid-related blogs:

(11/01/20) The latest evidence on face coverings
(10/17/20) Chipping away at the lockdown wall
(10/14/20) Science says face masks don’t protect you from Covid
(09/24/20) Let’s stop this lockdown madness together
(08/10/20) I admire these loving California pastors who’ve reopened
(08/07/20) Try to open your church school now — the State says you can
(07/22/20) How I’m still not wearing a mask
(06/20/20) Why I won’t wear a mask
(06/13/20) 15 facts why the lockdown and mask mandates are wrong
(05/30/20) The facts are coming out about COVID-19 and the destructive lockdown
(04/13/20) Look what’s curing COVID-19

Do lockdowns and mask mandates prevent transmission of Covid?

In July, the Lancet medical journal, after examining Covid data from fifty countries, concluded, “lockdowns…were not associated with a statistically significant reduction in … overall mortality.” Get it? The novel idea of a “lockdown” doesn’t save lives, despite doing a superb job of destroying people’s livelihoods.

And earlier this month, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found lockdowns and masks do not prevent Covid transmission. Military recruits locking down, wearing masks, and social distancing experienced a 1.9% infection rate, while military recruits not doing any of this had a 1.7% infection rate. Therefore, not locking down, not masking up, and not social distancing is as “safe” (and even safer) than performing these establishment-ordered acts.

And a large study of more than 6,000 adults in the small nation of Denmark found there was no statistically significant infection difference between people who wear masks and those who don’t. After one month, 1.8% of the people wearing masks had been infected and 2.1% in the unmasked group had also tested positive. This hardly-any-difference result explodes the myth of masks protecting you.

Remember, back in February and March, the medical establishment agreed that masks for the general public were ineffective in stopping the flu or Covid. But now, the opinion of these “authorities” has flipped, not based on science, but based on political correctness.

Let these facts stir you to rebel against the destructive, dehumanizing tyranny of lockdowns and mask mandates!

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God”
U.S. founding father Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson

Some good news in California’s election results

Wednesday, November 4, 2020, 7:27 pm | Randy Thomasson
Counting votes in Los Angeles County in November 2018

In our era of mail-in ballots, there are still many votes to be counted in California. But here’s what we know so far, at this moment, with 100% of California’s voting precincts partially reporting: 

U.S. House of Representatives:
Nationally, it will take 18 seats to flip from blue to red for Republicans to recapture the U.S. House and remove Nancy Pelosi’s gavel. Already 5 House seats outside of California have flipped, and RealClearPolitics says “Republicans Poised to Pick Up Over Ten Seats in House”

Adding to this national count are 1 to 4 flipped seats that could still occur in California. Here are the updated vote totals as of 6:21 p.m. on November 4:

  • In CD 21, Republican David Valadao is 3,033 votes ahead of Democrat TJ Cox
  • In CD 48, Republican Michelle Steel is 2,851 votes ahead of Democrat Harley Rouda
  • In CD 39, Republican Young Kim is 1,503 votes ahead of Democrat Gil Cisneros
  • In CD 25, Republican Mike Garcia is 1,722 votes behind Democrat Christy Smith

See the ongoing count

Worst California propositions defeated:
In California, it was a victory for what’s right in God’s sight when Proposition 22 resoundingly won freedom for gig-economy drivers (Uber, Lyft, Doordash, Postmates, Instacart) to work as independent contractors, rather than as employees. This victory paves the way for the eventual elimination of the Democrat politicians’ destructive, dysfunctional, and tyrannical AB 5.

More good news is the worst propositions are current losing:

  • Prop. 15 raising property taxes of commercial and industrial properties
  • Prop. 16 legalizing both racial and sex discrimination in government jobs
  • Prop. 21 statewide rent control (would have resulted in fewer places to rent)
  • Prop. 23 oppressive regulation of kidney dialysis (would have resulted in fewer clinics)
  • Prop. 25 eliminating money bail system

See the ongoing count

And now the bad news:
Due to lack of money to inform California voters on a massive scale, Prop. 20 was defeated. This good, corrective proposition would have made our streets safer by restricting early parole for more violent crimes, and by permitting more mostly non-violent crimes to be treated as felonies, rather than misdemeanors.

Bad propositions that passed because most people didn’t know what they were voting for:

  • Prop. 14 to spend $7.8 BILLION in taxpayer dollars for more research on dead pre-born babies’ stem cells, which has been an utter, unethical failure
  • Prop. 17 to permit tens of thousands of convicts who were released early (paroled) to vote
  • Prop. 19 to impose taxes when non-primary-residential property is inherited
  • Prop. 24 to create a new online privacy bureaucracy that’s likely to make things worse

Thank you for voting and for helping others to vote. California’s results could have been worse, and could have been better. But SaveCalifornia.com knows it was better because of your patriotic participation!

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.
Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.
James 5:13