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Archives for the ‘Election’ Category

Yes, you can have good government again

Monday, March 24, 2014, 8:30 am | Randy Thomasson


SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Pro-family citizens are used to losing in California.

It’s because we’ve become used to protesting, not capturing seats. In my 20 years of statewide pro-family leadership, I’ve found that Californians’ successful protests of Democrat legislators in “swing” districts mostly ended in the early 2000’s. Why?

Well, for example, when Democrat lawmakers in competitive districts voted anti-family, the Republican leadership didn’t make those bad votes known to voters in an election year. So most bad legislators kept their seats in Sacramento, and anti-family legislators currently see our collective protests as empty threats. You decide how to vote, but I’m telling you the cold, hard facts.

All this is why it’s crucial for you to change your focus this big election year. Now is the time to do your part to elect good representatives, who don’t need to be “pressured” to do what’s right in God’s sight, and who will cast votes against the darkness and for the benefit of children and families.

But if you’re like most moral citizens, helping a good candidate win elected office sounds like a daunting task. That’s an understandable feeling, since most folks aren’t experienced in political campaigns, nor do they make civic involvement a regular habit. But stay with me, because SaveCalifornia.com is here to help. Let us assist you to cross the threshold of hope.

By giving you the Who, What, Why, When, Where and How of helping candidates with your values win, you can do your part alongside others and make a satisfactory difference this 2014 election year. If you’re like me, you want to imagine success instead of failure; you want to win, not lose; and you want good, not bad, government. If so, now is the time for action!

Regain an active hope as you love God and love people. Get invigorated by listening to my latest SaveCalifornia.com Minutes. These 4 teachings are only 1 minute each:

1. Want good government? Do your part.

2. Make a difference this election year.

3. Freedom is not free. Now is the time to fight for your values.

4. Where does good government begin?

“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Jesus Christ in Mark 12:30-31 NKJV

The Democrats’ drought deception

Saturday, February 15, 2014, 5:15 pm | Randy Thomasson


You’re seeing Democrat politicians telling a big lie about California’s extraordinary drought.

On Friday, Barack Obama was in California’s Central Valley, which produces most of California’s fruits and vegetables and dairy products. The Central Valley is being hurt — and the rest of California by extension — because there has been little rain in December and January (thus the snowpack is low) and no large California dams have been constructed since the 1970s (despite a doubling of the state population).

But did Obama, and Jerry Brown and Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, who were all with him, even mention the only real solutions, which are: 1)  praying to God for rain, and 2) demanding new construction of water storage so that the wet months’ rain can be saved for people’s needs in the dry months? Not a chance.

Instead, Obama, Brown, Feinstein, and Boxer called for bigger government programs, water rationing, and – can you believe it – blamed their false villain of “man-made global warming” instead of blaming themselves and their radical environmental group allies for refusing to build large, new dams to serve the public. Of course, the liberal media is fawning all over them, and is helping to deceive the public that these politicians really care enough to bring new water to people.

But if these Democrat leaders truly cared about ushering in more water, they would at least agree with the Republican House of Representatives’ sound plan to stop California’s drinking water from being sent into the ocean, and instead divert that good water back to farmers and families. To get there, the Democrat politicians would have to reject their environmental wacko groups and accept the fact that Californian farmers and families need more water, right now.

This commonsense plan to prioritize water for people will only happen if voters who know the truth will rise up and demand more water supply and more water storage from the Democrat lawmakers in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. In an election year, if people’s voices are heard, we might just see some unprecedented action to quench a thirsty land.

Please barrage Sacramento with phone calls to “Build more water storage!” And spread the word to others!

“We went into 2013 with reservoirs 80% full and ended the year at 20% full, and now we have 0%,” said Valadao, citing the failure to build adequate storage for water. “We had lots of opportunities to prepare,” he noted, but Democrats “blew it.”
Republican U.S. Congressman David Valadao of Hanford, quoted in Investors’ Business Daily

800 new state laws

Thursday, January 2, 2014, 1:20 pm | Randy Thomasson


 SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

800 new laws. That’s what’s now in effect in California. The Democrats, who have firm control of California government (two-thirds of each house of the State Legislature + the governor’s office + all other statewide offices), have passed and implemented these new laws which punish parental rights, pre-born babies, gun owners, and business owners (i.e. jobs), and reward homosexuals, transsexuals, illegals, and liberal environmentalists.

For the record, Democrats have been in control of the California State Legislature for more than 50 years (with only 3 years of exception): Assembly Speakers | Senate Presidents

It’s simple how a government functions in an era of voter ignorance and political corruption. In California, Democrat legislators in control pass laws favoring government unions, the wealthy unions pay for an overwhelming number of campaign messages telling voters to support the Democrats, the voters end up electing Democrats, the Democrats’ control of the California Legislature gets stronger, and their laws are passed that you live under today and that affect jobs, prices, and families. If you don’t like the way it works, you have to do things just the opposite, right?

Which is why you should be glad this is an election year. One person can make a different for good government. How? Simply research the declared candidates online who shares your values, then contact their office to say you want to volunteer or donate or both. And be sure to get teenagers involved so they can use their energy to restore good government!

There’s so much up for grabs. This year, all of California’s statewide offices – Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Insurance Commissioner, and Lieutenant Governor will be up for grabs. So will all 80 state Assembly seats, all 53 California congressional seats, 20 of 40 state Senate seats, numerous state ballot measures, and a multitude of local candidates and ballot items.

But don’t be overwhelmed and don’t try to run away emotionally. In so many ways, people who know better have “not begun to fight.” Truly, one person can make a difference for good government, right in your own community. Why not you?