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Archives for the ‘Jerry Brown’ Category

SB 1146 violates the line between secular and sacred

Monday, June 27, 2016, 10:01 am | Randy Thomasson


Please pick up the phone right now to defend Christian colleges from homosexual and transsexual activists. For if you don’t act now and “hold the line” against SB 1146, the forces of darkness will come for you next.

The Democrats at the State Capitol don’t like Christian colleges. The Bible offends them. Jesus Christ’s words against adultery, fornication, and lewdness — and the Savior’s definition of marriage as only for one man and one woman – all this offends these politicians.

So the Democrats want to punish Christian colleges by permitting homosexual and transsexual students to go to court and sue these colleges into becoming non-Christian, pro-perversity campuses instead. It’s like turning light into dark, right into wrong, and life into death.


Please take immediate action to save religious freedom. Tell Sacramento, “Maintain separation of Church and State. SB 1146 violates the line between sacred and secular. Please vote no!”

1. Call both your state assemblymember and state senator. Find them here

2. Call Governor Jerry Brown 916-445-2841

Want to do more? (Note: This is updated information as of Monday, June 27 @ 3pm) If you’re within driving distance of Sacramento, come to the Thursday, June 30 hearing on SB 1146 as soon as 11am in Room 444. And if you live in Southern California, rally for religious freedom and against SB 1146 on Wednesday, June 29 at 3:45pm.


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984), prominent pastor imprisoned by German Nazis

You can still resist a Suicide State

Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 5:56 pm | Randy Thomasson

The godless media that doesn’t investigate corrupt government or bad bills is fawning over Jerry Brown for signing the suicide promotion bill.

They think ABX2-15 gives them the choice when to die. But the fact is, this terrible bill allows pro-suicide forces in the government, insurance companies, and hospitals to steer sick, elderly, uninformed, and confused people to “agree” to suicide because the powers that be see them as cheaper dead. The bill does not prevent this money-motivated pressure.

Since Pandora’s Box has been opened, expect this to happen in many families, including church families. Elder abuse is already a huge problem in America. Under the California bill, a legal heir is permitted to be part of the request for the suicide pill, there’s no witness at death, no requirement to self-administer the lethal drug (someone else could do it to you), forgery is functionally permitted of a final attestation form, a false cause of death must go on the death certificate, and there’s no prosecution because nothing can be called “homicide” or “elder abuse” even if the evidence says otherwise. See how this “assisted suicide” bill sets up weak and vulnerable Californians to be killed off for money?

Consider the current law’s strong deterrent against pressuring or “assisting” someone to commit suicide. One of the big reasons for this law is to prevent deceitful murders that perpetrators call mere suicides!

California Penal Code Section 401: Every person who deliberately aids, or advises, or encourages another to commit suicide, is guilty of a felony.

How will this play out? Stop and think about how the pronouncement “it’s terminal” depresses a patient. And consider that 12 million Americans are misdiagnosed ever year in our country.

And the terrible thing, under ABX2-15, a doctor can say you’re “terminal” without factoring in medical-establishment treatments to extend your life and certainly without talking about natural-medicine cures that can heal you. If you think you’re a “burden” on family, friends, and caretakers, all the better for the suicide agenda. In Oregon, 40% of those committing “assisted suicide” reported one of their top “end-of-life concerns” was that they were a “burden on family, friends/caregivers.”

And realize that this “assisted suicide” law isn’t just for people who are “dying,” but for people who are “eligible.” This includes an 18-year-old with Type 1 diabetes who is insulin dependent. Because in Oregon, a “terminal” label doesn’t take into account any treatment. How’s that for informed consent? Because of the broad eligibility under ABX2-15, “assisted suicide” can cut short the lives of people who would otherwise have years, even decades, to live.

As I’ve said, I’ll say again — concerned families should make plans now to never allow sick family members to be alone in the hospital, and to rethink whether convalescent homes and hospices are safer elsewhere, in states that don’t promote suicide, such as Nevada and Arizona.

However, what’s immediately needed is a lawsuit to strike down ABX2-15 for violating the California Constitution’s requirement that extraordinary legislative session bills stick to the subject and don’t deviate from the governor’s proclamation, which in this case, was Medi-Cal funding, and not suicide in any way, shape, or form.

For more talking points to educate people in your family, in your church, and in your local media, see SaveCalifornia.com’s Oct. 5 news release.

However, none of these men committed suicide. Solomon learned to “fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Elijah was comforted by an angel, allowed to rest, and given a new commission. Jonah received admonition and rebuke from God. Paul learned that, although the pressure he faced was beyond his ability to endure, the Lord can bear all things: “This happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead” (2 Corinthians 1:9).
What is the Christian view of suicide? What does the Bible say about suicide?

Together, we fought the good fight (but Jerry Brown promoted suicide)

Monday, October 5, 2015, 6:35 pm | Randy Thomasson

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If you partnered with SaveCalifornia.com against California becoming a Suicide State, THANK YOU! You did a very good thing. You stood for what’s right by championing Life.

You stood up for a just, civilized, moral, and pro-life society with SaveCalifornia.com. And for the love of God and people, that’s what we must continue to do — in our homes, neighborhoods, churches, community, state, nation, and the world.

With Democrat Governor Jerry Brown today signing ABX2-15 to change California’s ethic from “suicide is wrong” to “sometimes suicide is good,” California will become THE Suicide State — UNLESS this bad law, which will likely go into effect in January, is repealed through a lawsuit or ballot measure.

We must respond to evil the way God wants us to. On sad days like this, when terrible agendas attack Godly, pro-family, pro-life values that you and I hold dear, will we run for cover, go silent, insulate ourselves, and pretend these battles don’t exist? OR will we do what’s right, and faithfully and prayerfully shine the light of Truth wherever we have a fighting chance? Because God always has something for us to do!

Here at SaveCalifornia.com, we believe that standing and speaking the truth — with a loving motivation — is always a success. THANK YOU AGAIN for doing your part alongside the leadership of SaveCalifornia.com and our Campaign for Children and Families. We’re privileged to be your pro-family and moral values advocate here in California.

Here’s the news release SaveCalifornia.com sent to the media today. This life-and-death issue will continue to be at the forefront in our state and nation. And you will no doubt find yourself in the middle of conversations about California being an “assisted suicide” state. Our news release talking points on ABX2-15 will empower you to be an articulate voice for truth in your circles of influence.