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Tell Rudy Salas to DROP his anti-parent school-based clinic bill

Saturday, August 6, 2022, 9:50 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Will you join me in trying to kill a bad bill? This time, we’re going to demand the author DROP his own bill!

AB 1940 is the center of a package of medical-tyranny bills advancing in the Democrat-controlled California State Legislature. SB 866’s coercive injections, SB 1419 hiding “health” records from parents, SB 1479’s perpetual “Covid tests” — they all hinge on the powerful presence of AB 1940’s immoral, anti-parent, school-based “health clinics.”
Fornication, abortion, risky vaccines, mind-altering drugs, “sex changes”

School-based clinics in California already push upon children fornication, abortion, injections, mind-altering drugs, and “sex changes,” all behind parents’ backs.

For evidence, look at Los Angeles Unified School District authorizing Planned Parenthood abortionists to set up 50 clinics at L.A. government-run high schools.

And consider there is no state law preventing immorality being pushed on children in government schools. In fact, there are Democrat-authored laws encouraging it.

One of the worst California laws permitting mental molestation of children is SB 543 signed by “Republican” Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2010, which permits school staff to remove children — aged 12 and up — from classrooms and take them off-campus for immoral “counseling” sessions (which includes grooming kids to become “LGBTQIA+”), without parental permission or involvement.

Or, as devilish Democrat State Senator Scott Weiner of San Francisco explains, “Young people age 12 and 17 can also get birth control and abortions, as well as medical treatment for sexually transmitted infections, drug and alcohol-related disorders, injuries resulting from sexual assaults and intimate partner violence, and mental health disorders – all without parental consent.”

AB 1940 takes advantage of existing bad laws and medical-tyranny bills this year to group all these “services” to children (as young as kindergarten) and fund them at as many “public schools” as possible. Children will be targeted with this garbage, and parents won’t know about it until it’s too late.

With AB 1940, there’s practically no “service” these school-based clinics can’t provide. And yes, Planned Parenthood can be paid to run them, as a “health provider relationship.”

As the Democrat-run Legislative Counsel’s office says, “This bill would rename the program as the School-Based Health Center Support Program and would redefine a school-based health center to mean a student-focused health center or clinic that is located at or near a school or schools, is organized through school, community, and health provider relationships, and provides age-appropriate, clinical health care services onsite by qualified health professionals. The bill would authorize a school-based health center to provide primary medical care, behavioral health services, or dental care services onsite or through mobile health or telehealth.”

Again, “clinical health care services,” “primary medical care,” and “behavioral health services” are very broad phrases. Of course, they can include pushing upon and providing children with birth control, abortions, risky vaccinations, mind-altering drugs, and “sex change” treatments, all behind parents’ backs.
Salas lied, said AB 1940 is about ‘eyeglasses’

On May 25, 2022 on the Assembly floor, Democrat Rudy Salas of Bakersfield spent only a half-minute describing his AB 1940, and he brashly lied about it, saying:

“Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, I present AB 1940, which updates and modernizes the existing school-based health centers. Members, this will allow kids that need eyeglasses to get eyeglasses and health checks. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.”— Source: Official Assembly video, May 25, 2022 floor session, 09:46:19 to 09:47:15

Without any Republicans rising to speak in opposition, AB 1940 passed the Assembly floor with the “aye” votes of 54 Democrats and the two most liberal Republicans, Jordan Cunningham and Suzette Valladares.

AB 1940 has been gliding through Democrat-controlled Senate committees. Unless the bill is pulled by the author, it will pass the Senate Appropriations Committee by August 12 and go to the Senate floor for a final vote, then to Gavin Newsom for his signature.
Rudy Salas can be pressured to drop his anti-family bill

Over the years, I’ve seen enough “heat” upon San Francisco Bay area Democrat legislators that they’ve shelved their bad bills — bills promoting communism, mandating the “Covid vaccine,” banning spanking, and banning Biblical counseling for struggling homosexuals.

Therefore, Rudy Salas, who’s from one of the most pro-family (but often Democrat-voting due to a large Hispanic population) parts of California — the southern San Joaquin Valley — can be pressured to drop AB 1940. People in his district are strongly for parental rights, and will be offended by Salas and his bill if they hear about it. Help the people there know they can call to say “Drop AB 1940!”

With enough calls, it can happen. Especially since Salas is running for Congress against incumbent “Republican” David Valadao (in the June primary, voters supported GOP candidates more than they did Salas). He wants to leave Sacramento behind for Washington, D.C. If Salas thinks AB 1940 will kill his chances, he’ll kill his own bill.

But time is of the essence. AB 1940 is scheduled to “escape” the “suspense file” of the Senate Appropriations Committee by August 12. That means today and this weekend and early next week are key days to urge Rudy Salas to drop this anti-parent bill, AB 1940.
ALERT: Please call Rudy Salas at 661-335-0302, 559-585-7170, and 916-319-2032

Leave a message such as, “Drop AB 1940. Your bill tramples parents and parental rights!”

You can leave voicemails at 661-335-0302 (his Bakersfield district office), 559-585-7170 (his Hanford “satellite” office) and 916-319-2032 (his State Capitol office).

And no matter where you live in California, you can leave an anonymous voicemail message weekdays (7pm to 8am). Don’t identify yourself or where you live, so that Salas’ staff won’t “trash” your message.

However, if you live in Kern, Kings, or Tulare counties, please call anytime and say where you live. Also please spread the word to all your friends in these three counties. That’s the new congressional district in which Salas is running. He will become very nervous if he receives many phone calls from people in the district he wants to represent.

You can see a detailed map of the new 22nd Congressional district near the bottom right of this page (look for map entitled “California District 22 after 2020 redistricting cycle”).

Here is the area of the congressional district Salas wants to reprepresent:

Tulare County: From Lindsay in the north and south along on 65 and everything east
Kings County: Nearly all of the county except Lemoore and north Hanford
Kern County: Delano, McFarland, Wasco, Shafter, Buttonwillow, Los Hills and westward; Bakersfield east of Chester Avenue and southeast Bakersfield, south of California Avenue, south of Ming Avenue, east of Ashe Road, south of Panama Lane, east of Gosford Road, north of Taft Highway (119), east of Wible Road, north of Houghton Road, east of 99 Freeway all the way so to the 5 Freeway interchange

IMPORTANT: If you live in or near this congressional district, please call and urge your friends to call. Salas needs to receive hundreds of calls urging him to drop AB 1940, from people he either knows (or thinks) are from Kern, Kings, and Tulare counties.

But everyone seeing this emergency alert can call, at least anonymously at night and on weekends, to “mix in” with the other calls Salas is receiving. Yet please send this alert to friends in the southern San Joaquin Valley, whose calls to Salas “will count” all the more!

“When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.”
Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States (1981 to 1989)

What this year’s big election has in common with the American Revolution

Sunday, July 3, 2022, 7:37 pm | Randy Thomasson

Today, Californians and Americans who want their God-given liberties and constitutional rights restored have much to learn from our U.S. founding fathers.

They knew their free-will liberties came directly from God’s Word, and that good government faithfully recognized and protected these rights.

They recognized evil government as infringing upon their God-given rights, such as “taxation without representation” and numerous other thieving and dehumanizing acts.

And they knew success requires hard work and that freedom isn’t free, so they pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in launching the Revolutionary War for our sakes.

Here in 2022, when we have more tyrannical government than our founding fathers could imagine, it’s time to be a patriot who sacrificially fights the good fight.

This election season is your opportunity to generate more good votes for good government. Please think of what you can do online, in your neighborhood, your workplace, and your church congregation. It’s time to fight for our rights and our families!

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, July 4, 1776

What the U.S. Supreme Court rulings on abortion and guns mean for California

Friday, June 24, 2022, 12:35 pm | Randy Thomasson

We’re living in historic, even revolutionary, times. As the U.S. Supreme Court acts for the sake of constitutional justice, here’s some perspective to help you make sense of it all.

No more Roe won’t help California babies

Finally, after 49 years of Roe v. Wade’s unconstitutional, murderous agenda, it’s gone and abortion policies revert to 50 states.

Yet the demise of Roe won’t help California or other states ruled by abortion-loving Democrats. This is all the more reason to stand up for life. Especially since Newsom & Co. want to force California taxpayers to subsidize out-of-state abortions.

A top need of California pro-lifers this fall is to defeat SCA 10, which would go on the ballot to “codify” abortion on-demand in the California State Constitution. By proclaiming “The state shall not deny or interfere with an individual’s reproductive freedom in their most intimate decisions, which includes their fundamental right to choose to have an abortion,” SCA 10 would continue the California carnage of taxpayer-funded abortion procedures or pills for any girl or woman, regardless of a girl’s age, the number of abortions she’s already had, or her ability to pay. To be placed on the November ballot, SCA 10 requires a two-thirds vote of both the Assembly and the Senate (it already passed the Senate), followed by an affirmative majority vote of the People.

Today’s SCOTUS ruling striking down the unconstitutional, unscientific 1973 Roe v. Wade and the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey opinions was 6 to 3 (Republican-president-nominated judges for the Constitution and life vs. Democrat-president-nominated judges for unconstitutional murder of pre-born babies). Read the history-making decision yourself

Get ready for more gun-owner freedoms

Unlike abortion, the “sacred cow” idol of Democrat politicians, and which is again a question of states’ rights, the fundamental rights of safety-conscious, constitutional gun owners will likely increase in California now that the U.S. Supreme Court has majorly upheld the Second Amendment in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.

The June 23 ruling portends a new era of constitutional equity for gun owners in America. Relying on the God-given liberties preceding our Constitution, it concludes:

The constitutional right to bear arms in public for self defense is not “a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees.” We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need. That is not how the First Amendment works when it comes to unpopular speech or the free exercise of religion. It is not how the Sixth Amendment works when it comes to a defendant’s right to confront the witnesses against him. And it is not how the Second Amendment works when it comes to public carry for self-defense. New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment in that it prevents law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms. We therefore reverse the judgment of the Court of Appeals and remand the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

The practical effect in California is this much-needed, admirable ruling will be used in both state and local lawsuits against the unconstitutional laws of the Democrat politicians. It might take a couple of years, but gun-owner rights organizations are planning to use the New York State decision against California’s unconstitutional ban on “assault weapons,” California’s unconstitutional ban on magazines over 10 rounds, California’s unconstitutional background checks, and the unconstitutional ban of concealed weapon permits in Democrat-controlled counties, such as Los Angeles. So have hope!

Just the facts: Why gas prices are so high

Why isn’t there a second Revolutionary War over oppressive gas prices? Because the godless government schools have been very successful at avoiding teaching children the Bible, the Constitution, real history, principles of logic, evidence-based research, and truisms such as the commerce law of Supply and Demand.

This week, SaveCalifornia.com produced and posted these three slides to help people realize who to blame for robbing them of their God-given resources and raising gas prices. Please enjoy and share!

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813, Scottish advocate, judge, writer and historian