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Archives for the ‘California Governor’ Category

Only 1 minute to oppose ‘assisted suicide’

Thursday, September 17, 2015, 8:10 pm | Randy Thomasson

A few hours ago, a dear woman who is deeply against “assisted suicide” because someone in her family was euthanized called me to share her detective work on Jerry Brown’s administration.

She told me that when you use the governor’s web form, you can now click the suicide bill, oppose it, and your “vote” will be instantly tabulated by their computer.

So please do this right now — it only takes 1 minute! And then share with others how they can do the same. Help build a tidal wave of opposition against California becoming the Suicide State.


1. Go to https://govnews.ca.gov/gov39mail/mail.php

2. Under “Email the Governor,” choose “Have Comment”

3. Enter your First Name, Last Name, and Email Address

4. Under “Please Choose Your Subject,” scroll down to the very bottom of the list and select X2AB00015\End of life. (this is what the governor’s staff wrote and even though it’s not the exact number of the bill, they know it’s “assisted suicide,” so go with it)

5. Click “Continue”

6. A new page will open up

7. At the top of this new page, you must choose “Con” in order to have your opposition immediately counted (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART)

8. Under “Write your email,” you may enter in additional comments about why the “assisted suicide” bill is bad (some users have said you must write something in order to process your request, such as “Veto assisted suicide”)

9. Click “Send Email” and you’re done

Do all 3: Web form, phone, fax

1. PHONE: Call the Governor’s comment line at 916-445-2841 9am – 5pm Monday through Friday. Push the buttons to get to a live representative and tell them you want the Governor to veto “assisted suicide,” ABX2-15.

2. FAX: Copy and paste SaveCalifornia.com’s pre-written, expert letter onto your business, church, school, or organization letterhead. All who fax Governor Jerry Brown their opposition to ABX2-15 on their official letterhead are a significant voice FOR natural “days of our lives” and AGAINST “assisted suicide.” Your business/church/school/organization represents people and community influence!

Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.
Often attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler, a Scottish historian and statesman

California election lessons

Thursday, November 6, 2014, 2:59 pm | Randy Thomasson


SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Was the election emotional for you too?

I live on hope. So every election I try for the best, work hard, imagine victory, celebrate when “we win,” and mope around when “we lose.” But I’m looking forward to talking with you about the election that was, so that you and I can learn important lessons from it.

As I near 50 years of age, I am taking more stock of life, of what God desires for people, and what people desire for themselves. And it’s become clear to me that people do what they know, and don’t do what they don’t know. And it’s a fact that people trust people they know, and don’t trust people they don’t know. So what you know and who you know is key to your behavior.

So, from the ashes of the election, I challenge you to renew your hunger for knowledge. Because the power of knowledge, mixed with Godly inspiration and humility, is a fruitful force!

What we can learn from the just-concluded California election?

1. The “Republican wave” did not reach California. While Republicans took the U.S. Senate and increased their U.S. House membership and governors, this so-called “Republican wave” was stopped cold in California. No excitement (nor moral values) at the top of the statewide ticket and no big ballot measures meant that average voters weren’t motivated, and many didn’t vote. However, because California has the largest and most powerful unions of any state, the Democrat-union machine worked hardest and “held” all their statewide offices. The biggest get-out-the-vote factor for conservatives and Republicans was actually not any motivator, but math. With general voter disenchantment in California and a record low turnout of registered voters this year, those right-thinking and right-leaning voters who cast their ballots actually had more influence at the polls. If only more pro-family people cared to vote! But keep reading, because you and I can and should inspire more people to care.

2. The Democrat-union machine is a force to be reckoned with. The Bible tells believers “your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Likewise, the ruling Democrat politicians and their liberal allies, fueled by union money and taxpayer funds, will gobble up, take, and hold territory — unless a stronger force rises up.

What do you get with Democrats in power? Look at their record: Abortion expansion; perversity enforcement at the expense of religious freedom, free speech, and parental rights; coercion of taxpayer dollars and employee dollars; replacing public service with a “revenue” motive; punishing hard work and profit; encouraging crime by lowering penalties; wasting God-given natural resources; increasing debt; restricting consumer freedoms; ignoring the written Constitution; corrupting justice in the courts; and ruining children but calling it “freedom.”

Yes, this election saw California Republicans win back a few seats in the Legislature, enough to deny Democrats a two-thirds supermajority with which to raise taxes without voter approval. But if this was the best Republicans could do in a low turnout election (which tends to favor conservatives), you can expect the Democrat-union machine to mount a formidable challenge to retake those seats in future elections. So expect a continual fight. This “fight mentality” is easier to accept this when you realize that life is a battle and you must choose sides. For when we expect peace, we tend to err. A proper expectation that life involves conflict and faith involves risk promotes personal responsibility, sacrificial love, productivity and a proper defense. As it’s been aptly said, “Freedom is not free.”

3. Light dispels darkness. Given that the average person is discouraged by government and doesn’t vote, this is an opportunity for numerical minorities to win victories. If you feel small or ineffective or perhaps even like a loser, consider the minority groups of the Sadducees in the Gospels or homosexual activists today – both small in number but mighty in power. If you feel small, think big and how to grow your impact. The fact that light dispels darkness is a truism both physically and spiritually. We just need more light! So put on love and reject fear and shine the light all you can.

The Church is the problem and the solution. It used to be that the Church founded by Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, was the solution. Christianity was first persecuted by Rome, but then eventually took over Rome because Christians displayed God’s purpose, justice, love, and hope to the world.

Fast forward to the 1700’s, which several church historians view as the high point of Christian influence in Western Civilization. Christians founded universities, hospitals, schools, charities, companies – and good government, giving Americans a magnificent inheritance.

Now fast forward to after the Civil War, when Christian influence was waning. That’s when a minister of the Gospel, Rev. James A. Garfield, who later became the 20th U.S. president, prophetically said:

Now more than ever the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature. . . . [I]f the next centennial does not find us a great nation . . . it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.

Again, look at history. There have been up to four “Great Awakenings” in America, which were periods of Christian revival, faith in action, and holy reform: Historians mark them as First (c. 1731–1755), Second (c. 1790–1840), Third (c. 1850–1900), and Fourth (c. 1960–1980).

Do you agree with me that it’s time for another “Great Awakening” — where people of faith recognize that faith doesn’t mean non-action, but action; that the standard of truth for real Christians is the word of God, not feelings; that God’s word, not ourselves, defines morality; that fear of God must replace fear of man; that courage must overcome cowardice; and that love for others must extinguish selfishness?

Indeed, there is an urgent need for radical reformation of the Church. For how can we have moral government unless the majority of voters are moral? And how we can have good government unless the majority of voters know the difference between right and wrong?

Listen to what a friend of mine posted on our Facebook the day after the election:

I visited individually each and every church in my area in 1990. It took two of us together one year. Out of 222 “churches” only 70 were actually “pro-life” or other family, Biblical thinkers or values! These are the churches I have remained in contact with. In 1990, they would be open to either a speaker and informative meeting or printed voters guidelines etc. Today it is almost unbelievable and unbearable to deal with them and any election day issues!

Do you grasp what this means? This unique poll of churches in Modesto, California means perhaps today’s “Bible-based” churches should stop calling themselves Jesus Christ’s CHURCH because they are hiding His light instead of reflecting and shining it powerfully in every area of life and our land.

In Matthew 5:13-16, the Savior of the world told His followers, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

So what’s the solution?

Obviously, for government to be good, the main influence on the government must be people who know what good is and does. Therefore, individuals, pastors, congregations can and should repent, and commit to God that they will stop fearing man and going with their feelings, and begin learning to fear God and love people. On a large scale, this would be a 5th “Great Awakening” in our culture, the heart of morality and the source of winning back good government. How welcome this would be! Knowing God and living out His goodness in our lives and our culture? It’s the ultimate Who and What!

FrankTurek_ChristiansInPoliticsVideo“Ironically, Christians who shun politics to supposedly advance the Gospel are actually allowing others to STOP the Gospel. How so? Because politics and law impact one’s ability to preach the Gospel.” — Frank Turek of CrossExamined.org.

Watch Frank’s video explaining that religious freedom is dependent on good government, which is dependent on people of faith voting to please God. See Frank’s article

Why we won for parental rights (AB 1444 vetoed)

Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 11:54 am | Randy Thomasson


SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

We’re celebrating a significant victory for parental rights.  Governor Jerry Brown has vetoed AB 1444, the mandatory kindergarten bill!

Now I want to you understand why this happened. Then you can apply the same principles to winning more victories for what’s right in God’s sight.

First, this victory was earned. This bad bill wasn’t vetoed because of “fate” or because the governor was studying the Bible. No, there were simply more phone calls to Jerry Brown opposing the elimination of a parental right than phone calls in support of AB 1444. We

The pro-family opposition campaign was initiated and led earlier this year by the California-based Family Protection Ministries and HSLDA. Once AB 1444 passed the Democrat-controlled State Legislature, SaveCalifornia.com stepped in to help and “poured it on.” Thank you to everyone who called and gave of yourselves.

Second, this was a window of opportunity to be seized for good. Informed Americans know that the diabolical Islamic army ISIS took over Iraq because Obama had foolishly pulled out U.S. troops — thus leaving a vacuum for them to exploit.

Similarly, but with completely opposite values (because we love God and people), SaveCalifornia.com exploited the absence of Democrat “sacred cows” (abortion, “LGBT” agenda, environmentalism, etc.), which weren’t part of AB 1444.

No, AB 1444 was about mandatory kindergarten, pure and simple. On one side, the teacher unions said they know what’s best for children; on the other side, parents said, no way, these are our children and we decide. And I knew that if another parental right fell, liberals won’t think twice about killing off more.

In the end, Jerry Brown, who’s already given too much to the teacher unions, who’s well aware he’s running for reelection, and who’s old enough to remember when parental rights were the standard du jour in America, sided with fathers and mothers. See the 5 reasons why Brown was “open” to a veto.

This is an important and sweet example that victory must be earned. We expect this in sports, in war, in business, in education, in romance, and in the real world. Likewise, in politics, whatever side works harder will win. If you did anything to oppose AB 1444, you are part of this victory!

If you’re celebrating this wonderful win for parental rights, I invite you to pursue more victories in the present election. It is well worth your time to help a good candidate win, so that they’ll vote right all the time. If you called Jerry Brown to urge his veto of AB 1444, please call a good candidate in your area today. On the phone, schedule yourself to volunteer for just 1 hour at their campaign office. It’s that easy.

This election is a historic opportunity for moral conservatives. Liberal voters across America are depressed! In June, complacency and apathy resulted in only 25% of California’s registered voters actually voting — a record low.

As I’ve written before, a low voter turnout — which is also expected in the general election now upon us — means a greater opportunity for pro-family victories. When you vote and vote wisely, and work to generate as many good votes as you can in your community and from among your friends — you can win!

When you understand that the AB 1444 victory was earned and that all victories require your participation, then you will grow as a people-loving difference-maker, and avoid the non-productive, fatalistic thinking of a mere spectator.

Thank you again to everyone who called and donated to SaveCalifornia.com in this important battle. We seized the day and families are the victors!

The price of success is hard work,
dedication to the job at hand,
and the determination that whether we win or lose,
we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
Vince Lombardi, ESPN’s “greatest NFL coach ever”

Blessed be the Lord my Rock,
Who trains my hands for war,
And my fingers for battle—
Psalm 144:1 NKJV