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Archives for the ‘California Governor’ Category

No new dams = less water for your family

Tuesday, February 4, 2014, 3:11 pm | Randy Thomasson


California’s Oroville Dam, opened in 1968. Seven years earlier, then-governor Pat Brown (a Democrat and father of current governor Jerry Brown) declared the sound of Oroville Dam’s construction “will echo in California history for generations to come.”

Over the past few decades, California voters have foolishly voted for what they thought would bring an abundance of clean, affordable water. But they were lied to. Instead, these “water”-labeled ballot measures made the government bureaucracy bigger, gave more power and taxpayer dollars to liberal environmental groups, and robbed people of land, water, and other natural resources that would have served their benefit. And no new water storage was built. Is it any wonder why Californians have less money and more thirst?

This is why there is a water storage problem today, why water prices are going up, and why water rationing is already here. The “new” government’s foolishness and corruption have replaced the “old” government’s wisdom and love for people. This is why we must urgently solve California’s water shortage by building more dams to store water in the wet months for people’s needs in the dry months.

But most of all, we all need to remember that rain is a gift from God (read about the drought in 1 Kings 17). So now is also the time to repent of all known sin and to cry out to God to send rain from the sky.

Listen to my SaveCalifornia.com Minute on why new dams are needed, drought or no drought
“It’s clear we don’t have enough water for people and farmers and ranchers and animals. It’s because we don’t store enough water.”

Less water means more water politics
Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee, Feb. 3, 2014
“…some new storage, that some people believe, with good reason, California needs to prevent future droughts by putting more water beyond reservoirs, either on stream or off-stream, and therefore having more water FOR when a drought hits. The utility of that is demonstrated by what’s going on in Southern California. The drought hits the whole state. But Southern California is not feeling the pinch nearly as badly because it has built reservoirs and has filled them up. And they can last for several more years while Northern California is in danger of drying out altogether, with communities having no water for their customers.”

Parched from drought, California’s reservoirs nearly empty
NBC Nightly News, Jan. 30, 2014
This is the first time an exceptional drought has been declared in California. For communities in 10 counties, water could run out in 60 days. Fourth generation farmer Andy De Montegonni feels the pain. “It’s actually all brown and dried up.” Without rain, he’ll lose this wheat’s rain harvest. He sold livestock just to keep the farm. And he says what’s happening here will affect Americans across the country. “I can’t grow any crop. That doesn’t go to market, and creates a shortage, and what happens with a shortage? Prices go up.”

New dam could ease water woes in the Central Valley
KSFN Ch. 30 Fresno, Aug. 9, 2013
“It’s a small reservoir. Over the past 30 years, we’ve lost about 14 million acre feet to the ocean and we’re continuing to lose water,” said Mario Santoyo, Executive Director of the California Latino Water Coalition. Supporters like Mario Santoyo say the solution is building the Temperance dam within Millerton Lake.

Self-Evident Water Truths by Congressman Tom McClintock
Feb. 27, 2013
Self-Evident Truth #3: Water is unevenly distributed over both time and distance. So if we want to have plenty of water in dry periods we have to store it in wet ones, and if we want to have plenty of water in dry regions we have to move it from wet ones. That is why we build dams and aqueducts and canals.

Which brings us to Self-Evident Truth #4: that we don’t need to build dams, aqueducts and reservoirs if our goal is to let our water run into the ocean. Water tends to run downhill very well on its own and doesn’t need our help to do so. The reason that we build dams, aqueducts, and reservoirs is so that the water DOESN’T run into the ocean, but rather is retained and distributed where it will do the most good.

People kill each other over diamonds; countries go to war over oil. But the world’s most expensive commodities are worth nothing in the absence of water. Fresh water is essential for life, with no substitute. Although mostly unpriced, it is the most valuable stuff in the world.
The world’s most valuable stuff, The Economist, May 20, 2010

800 new state laws

Thursday, January 2, 2014, 1:20 pm | Randy Thomasson


 SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

800 new laws. That’s what’s now in effect in California. The Democrats, who have firm control of California government (two-thirds of each house of the State Legislature + the governor’s office + all other statewide offices), have passed and implemented these new laws which punish parental rights, pre-born babies, gun owners, and business owners (i.e. jobs), and reward homosexuals, transsexuals, illegals, and liberal environmentalists.

For the record, Democrats have been in control of the California State Legislature for more than 50 years (with only 3 years of exception): Assembly Speakers | Senate Presidents

It’s simple how a government functions in an era of voter ignorance and political corruption. In California, Democrat legislators in control pass laws favoring government unions, the wealthy unions pay for an overwhelming number of campaign messages telling voters to support the Democrats, the voters end up electing Democrats, the Democrats’ control of the California Legislature gets stronger, and their laws are passed that you live under today and that affect jobs, prices, and families. If you don’t like the way it works, you have to do things just the opposite, right?

Which is why you should be glad this is an election year. One person can make a different for good government. How? Simply research the declared candidates online who shares your values, then contact their office to say you want to volunteer or donate or both. And be sure to get teenagers involved so they can use their energy to restore good government!

There’s so much up for grabs. This year, all of California’s statewide offices – Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Insurance Commissioner, and Lieutenant Governor will be up for grabs. So will all 80 state Assembly seats, all 53 California congressional seats, 20 of 40 state Senate seats, numerous state ballot measures, and a multitude of local candidates and ballot items.

But don’t be overwhelmed and don’t try to run away emotionally. In so many ways, people who know better have “not begun to fight.” Truly, one person can make a difference for good government, right in your own community. Why not you?

California: A half-full glass

Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 2:55 pm | Randy Thomasson


SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Do you see the glass half full or half empty?

I invite you to see the significantly good potential in a half-full glass of water, and all the satisfying quenching of thirst it can bring. Especially if it’s a big, tall glass.

The State of California is like that glass. And there are guaranteed opportunities to fill this big, tall glass with clean, sparkling, nourishing water that helps children and families as God desires.

So instead of thinking it’s impossible to fill the glass more, grasp the reality that indeed it is possible. And realize you are part of the faucet that releases the water that fills the glass.

‘Loser’ vs. ‘winner’ conservatives

Consider that there are actual or near majorities of Californian voters who support man-woman marriage, are against many types of baby-killing abortions, and who want lower prices and lower taxes. Conservative values are not extinct, just underrepresented in our elected representatives.

Now ask yourself — are liberals responsible for bad government, or are conservatives? Consider that:

• Many conservatives don’t vote or vote regularly

• Most conservatives don’t speak out publicly to educate other voters

• Many conservative pastors don’t help their congregations vote right in God’s sight

• Most conservatives never donate to or volunteer for good candidates

• Too many conservatives who know better have thrown up their hands and “dropped out”

The conclusion is obvious. Conservatives have been thinking like losers and not like community activists. This “loser” behavior must stop. For winners never have a “loser” attitude. Instead of imagining failure, they imagine success!

Your historic opportunity

Stop and realize that 2014 is California’s big election year. And for all those who see the glass as half-full, an election year is good, not bad. It’s good because you have an opportunity to make our government and laws and culture better.

On the ballot are governor and all the other statewide offices. Also up for grabs is every state assembly seat, half the state senate seats, and all of California’s congressional seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Because so much is at stake, I’m challenging every moral conservative to choose to make a difference for God’s values here on earth. The results are in your hands, because whoever fights harder for something usually wins it.

How to make a simple and strong difference in your community in the 2014 elections:

1. Distribute a candidate information flyer: Report and compare the popular moral/social/fiscal positions of area candidates on a flyer. Make it look good, and document as much information as you can. Put these flyers on the windshields of vehicles in shopping centers, church lots, neighborhoods – and of course, online. Maximize your social engineering, a special website, and any other creative ideas you have. And recruit home schooling and church schooling teenagers to distribute flyers on a given Saturday or Sunday.

2. Find a candidate with great values and volunteer to hold a fundraising “coffee”: When a candidate is morally principled and has a chance to win, you can really help by inviting your friends to meet the candidate in your home, which is his or her opportunity to ask for funding for mailers and other essential campaign activities. Invite your value-voter friends over and have them bring their checkbook!

3. Consider starting a community group to do even more: One person can powerfully influence others. See how at SaveCalifornia.com’s Training Center (download “10 Ways To Build A Pro-Family Army”).

Here are the declared or likely candidates for Governor (in alphabetical order):

Jerry Brown

Tim Donnelly

Neel Kashmir

Abel Maldonado

Now are you motivated? For the love of God and people, turn on your faucet.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2 NKJV