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‘LGBT’ activists push aside “mother” and “father” on birth certificates

Friday, May 9, 2014, 7:10 pm | Randy Thomasson


Homosexual activists in California are marking Mother’s Day with the passage of a bill replacing “mother” and “father” on birth certificates with “parent.”

This bad bill sponsored by “Equality California” permits one or more homosexuals to falsely claim the role of biological parent when they are not the biological father or mother of the child, and a surrogate mother or a sperm donor has been used to create “same-sex families.”

If this fib passes the Democrat-controlled California Legislature and is signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, California birth certificates will no longer prominently list the father and mother or a child. And the lie will spread that homosexuals can procreate and have families, when they can’t because of God’s unchanging laws of Nature.

Yet only a biological father or a biological mother — or a father and/or mother legally adopting children — are PARENTS. Two men or two women (and wait for three or more legal “parents”) are UNREAL parents if they claim that title. People can claim the sky is not blue or that we don’t breathe air or you don’t need a father and a mother to conceive a child, but none are true whatsoever.

Voting for AB 1951 on the Assembly floor were nearly all the Democrats, along with Republicans Rocky Chávez of Carlsbad, Brian Maienschein of San Diego, and Brian Nestande of Palm Desert.

See bill text and votes
Visit “Not Born This Way” at SaveCalifornia.com

 You may think you know how to make a baby. But do you really understand all of the intricate details? Sure, you’ve got the basics covered — man meets woman, they both get naked and have sex, and nine months later, out pops Junior. But there’s a lot more to it than that, not to mention a host of modern variations on that theme. For instance, do you know exactly where sperm and eggs come from, or how these two microscopic miracle-makers find each other and create a new life?
Baby Center, “Getting pregnant: How babies are made”

Dad, you’re the foundation of family

Sunday, June 16, 2013, 9:03 am | admin


Dad, you have POWER — for you possess the greatest influence on your children. From you comes God’s select genders for your boys and girls, your deeper voice to guide and comfort them, and your inspiring strength to teach them, provide for them, and protect them. Happy Father’s Day — may you eat and drink of God’s vision for you as a man, and enjoy real purpose and success in His sight.

Dating vs. courtship: Choose wisely

Monday, February 18, 2013, 1:02 am | Randy Thomasson


When should you allow your child to date? Or should they date at all?

Barack Obama has implied that his oldest daughter, who’s 14, is dating.

Is that too young or it is okay? Where’s the dating scene gotten our nation? And what has starting romance in our early teens done to children?

It’s highly worthwhile to take inventory of what the modern invention of dating, and its emotional and physical expectations, has produced.

And when you look at it closely, the dating culture has led to widespread heartbreak, sexual immorality, STDs, abortion, abuse, and divorce. All of these ills are much more likely to come from dating than courtship. For God did not intend for parents to cut their teenagers loose to follow their own foolish feelings.

Where does abortion come from? Primarily sex out of wedlock.

Sexually-transmitted diseases? The same.

What has the highest domestic violence rates? Unmarried relationships.

What reinforces a divorce mentality? The constant breakups of dating.

All this is why I’m no longer a fan of dating and instead support courtship. Courtship puts the parents in a wise and beneficial position to advise and approve and protect hearts and minds and bodies. I’m convinced courtship is the best way to obtain a secure marriage.

How is courtship different from and better than dating? Tracey Bartolomei explains:

The main difference between dating and courtship is the attitude that one assumes towards relationships and the activities in which the couple engages before marriage. Contemporary dating is generally a self-focused past time. It is characterized by expectations of physical/emotional intimacy without commitment. Self-gratification is paramount. If either party is no longer gratified the relationship ends; thus, a cycle of short-term relationship begins and continues.

In courtship, both individuals have the understanding that marriage is the eventual goal of the relationship. Courtship takes a more thoughtful, long- term approach to a premarital relationship. The emphasis is on developing friendships and seeking compatibility in ones future mate. Courtship doesn’t actually begin until each feels that the other person could be a perspective marriage partner. Their time together is spent getting to know teach other better through conversation and group socialization, rather than sexual intimacy.

Learn more about courtship:

Courtship vs. Dating: What’s the Difference?

Seasons of Courtship

Dating vs. Courtship: A Bible Study

“..take a wife for my son Isaac.”
Genesis 24 (NKJV)