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Archives for the ‘Democrats’ Category

EMERGENCY: Oppose H.R. 8404’s sexual anarchy and religious oppression

Wednesday, November 30, 2022, 1:39 pm | Randy Thomasson

Your calls and emails are needed today to stop sexual anarchy and religious oppression in America. H.R. 8404 can be halted with a flood of opposition if you act now. SCROLL DOWN FOR ACTION STEPS.

Here’s the latest analysis from the pro-family legal experts at Liberty Counsel:

Same-Sex Marriage. Child Bride Marriages. No Religious Freedom.

ALL will be protected if HR 8404 as amended passes the House.

On Monday, the Senate approved an amended version of HR 8404. The amendment claims to protect religious freedom but, in fact, does nothing to protect Christians and other faithful religious adherents.

HR 8404 forces every state to accept, honor and obey the crazy “marriage” laws of any other state.

Beyond same-sex marriage, HR 8404 empowers a state to force its marriage laws upon other states and territories. A handful of states like California have no minimum age for marriage, resulting in the terrible abuse often referred to as “child bride marriage.” These marriages are often forced upon young minors who were sexually abused or forced into such relationships.

The bill has essentially no religious liberty protections. The fact that three religious liberty amendments were rejected by the Senate (proposed by Sens. Lee, Lankford and Rubio) in favor of the Baldwin-Collins amendment illustrates the open disdain the bill presents to religious freedom.

Targeting people of faith to silence them is part of the LGBTQ agenda. We continue to defend former Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis, who was specifically targeted because of her Christian faith and support of marriage between a man and a woman.

Federalizing same-sex marriage will increase this intentional targeting of religious adherents.

Moreover, HR 8404 goes far beyond same-sex marriage. It empowers one state to impose its “marriage” laws on other states, and this includes the infamous “child bride marriage” laws of California.

A religious freedom amendment does not solve the ills of HR 8404. The bill is still rotten to its core. Who could in good faith condone a 50-year-old man marrying a 10-year-old child? That is legal right now in California, and if HR 8404 passes, pedophile marriages like this will be forced on your state as well.

Because HR 8404 changes federal policy, government edicts on marriage, schools and families WILL change, and all of America will be forced in one way or another to bow to the never-ending LGBTQ political agenda.

Keep in mind, the Q in LGBTQ stands for “queer,” aka “paraphilia,” a condition described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) covering about 500 sexual perversions, including necrophilia, bestiality and even “minor attracted persons” (pedophilia).


Because the U.S. House could vote on H.R. 8404 as soon as this Friday, you have time to act today. Please follow SaveCalifornia.com’s easy action steps (when you call 202-225-3121, provide the name of a congressmember or provide your zip code to reach your own member; the Capitol operator will connect you):

“In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.”
Thomas Jefferson, U.S. founding father and 3rd U.S. president, in 1798

Why I believe election fraud exists, yet will always vote

Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 5:55 pm | Randy Thomasson

The just-concluded November 2022 election saw a “red wave,” where Americans favored Republicans to rescue them from tyrannical Democrats.

This is why Republicans will retake the U.S. House of Representatives, empowering them to stop all bad bills and truly investigate the government corruption of the Democrats, the Bidens, and the Deep State.

I say there was a “red wave” because we have the evidence:

Across America, there were more votes for Republicans (and if you factor in election fraud, you know the “red wave” percentage was even higher).

More blacks, more Latinos, and more suburban women voted Republican this election (again, these exit polls undercount conservatives that refuse to be polled).

Even in Democrat-dominated California, there was a “red wave.” For, even if Republican votes were undercounted due to election malfeasance, Gavin Newsom still had the weakest showing of a Democrat gubernatorial candidate since 2010.

Did fraud circumvent the “red wave”?

Since there was a “red wave,” why didn’t Republicans win the U.S. Senate and several governorships and any statewide offices in California?

I believe logic and evidence informs us that the only human thing stopping many more Republican victories in both our state and nation was election fraud allowed or committed by Democrat registrars of voters in Democrat-controlled counties.

For we don’t see what happens to our ballots, and our confidence is 100% based on trust.

Plus, we know immoral people (Democrat activists) want to steal elections.

Finally, since for several years now there have been computer-software-counting systems in place that are highly suspect, since they allow manipulation of votes and external input, and overwhelmingly produce “victories” for Democrat candidates.

As FNC’s Tucker Carlson pointed out two days after “election day”: “In Venezuela, whatever you think of it, they tally their ballots within hours, but suddenly, we can’t manage to do that? Clark County, Nevada, the home of Las Vegas, says there are still tens of thousands of ballots left to count … In cases where there was chaos and delays in vote-counting over the past several election cycles, what percentage of the ultimate winners turned out to be Democrats? Now, in a fair system, you would think the proportion would land somewhere around 50%, a coin toss, but we checked. Oh, and that’s not the case. In 13 recent races, we looked at where election delays were well-publicized. Ten of them ultimately went to the Democrat, 10 out of 13, 77%. It’s not a coin toss. It’s a very high average.”

Knowing how New Communist Democrats will do anything to attain and retain power for their immoral agenda, I don’t put the anti-America attack of election fraud past them for one minute.

The Covid tyranny in 2020 made possible the unconstitutional deception of mail-in ballots for the entire populace. If an election was stolen in 2020, that only whet the appetites of Democrat activists to steal more elections, in more states, in 2022.

Again, without having 100% trustworthy vote-counters, none of us knows what happens to our ballots, and littering a state with mail-in ballots permits fraud. Evil people counting votes are motivated to “decrease” good votes and “increase” bad votes whenever and wherever they can.

If the county registrar of voters is in on this, or looks the other way, their county elections offices are the worst place I can think of for fairly and accurately counting votes, and for upholding America’s promise of “one person, one vote.”

Still not convinced? Consider this:

Since the governor of Texas is already investigating numerous “election improprieties” in his state’s largest, Democrat-run county, you know something’s wrong.

And when a Nevada county’s vote-counting cameras “disconnected” and went dark for 8 1/2 hours, you have the right to be suspect.

And with all Arizona’s election “irregularities” — machines that reject ballots and turn away election-day-voting Republicans, and video evidence of illegal stuffing of drop boxes — you know our election apparatus is in big trouble.

In Arizona, despite Republicans being ahead in the pre-election polls, and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake being strongly ahead before Nov. 8, the votes were “counted” in a way that allows fraudulent ballots to be dumped in, and computer manipulation to occur, giving more votes to the Democrats in the big races for Governor and U.S. Senator.

Why I’m still voting + new action needed

First of all, even though I believe election fraud exists — and might indeed be spreading — I equally believe in voting and voting right, and encouraging others to do the same. Because without a surge of righteous votes, moral-values Republicans wouldn’t have been elected and wouldn’t have recaptured the U.S. House of Representatives.

Because election fraud is not absolute, we must view it as an army of New Communist Democrats coming after us, and throw as many constitutional votes against it as possible.

Again, how can constitutional conservatives be elected — like U.S. Congresswoman Michelle Steel, who was reelected in a tight race in Orange County — without the good votes of people like you? Or how could a would-be reformer such as Rick Caruso in Los Angeles, even have a chance of being elected mayor, without a lot of Angelenos voting for him?

So I’m going to keep voting and urge you to keep voting too. Because election fraud isn’t everywhere, and really depends on whether a county’s registrar of voters allows it.


Short-term (now): Protest now by joining or organizing a peaceful protest armed with logic, evidence, and facts. There needs to be a big protest in Arizona, for example, of people holding signs with facts and provoking questions. Also, nationwide, constitutional attorneys need to file both state and federal lawsuits against clearly unlawful misdeeds by county and state election offices.

Mid-term (this month, next month and in 2023): Demand Republican elected officials and state legislators introduce and fight for election integrity (like Texas’ Republican governor, Greg Abbott, is now fighting for): No drop boxes, no computer-software counting, no absentee ballots except in few instances, no early voting, no ballot harvesting, no “curing” of ballots, photo ID required, and votes must be finalized 48 hours after election-day polls close. What’s more, please lobby Republican U.S. Representatives — the new majority — to pass federal election reform.

Long-term (next election season): Keep voting right and encouraging others to vote right to deploy more of your “soldiers” (good votes) to overcome election fraud “soldiers” (bad votes). Also think now of an able constitutionalist you can recruit to run for county registrar of voters. Fair elections must be Job #1 of constitutional activists in your county!

“We used to have what was called, election day. Now we have election days, weeks, and months, and lots of bad things happened during this ridiculous period of time, especially when you have to prove almost nothing to exercise our greatest privilege, the right to vote … What changed this year was the Democrat party’s relentless push to print and mail out tens of millions of ballots sent to unknown recipients with virtually no safeguards of any kind. This allowed fraud and abuse to occur in a scale never seen before. Using the pandemic as a pretext, Democrat politicians and judges drastically changed election procedures … This colossal expansion of mail-in voting opened the flood gates to massive fraud. It’s a widely known fact that the voting rolls are packed with people who are not lawfully eligible to vote, including those who are deceased, have moved out of their state, and even our non-citizens of our country.”
President Donald Trump speech on election fraud, December 2, 2020

Why 3 bad California propositions passed (but 4 others didn’t)

Saturday, November 12, 2022, 3:10 pm | Randy Thomasson

Thank you for voting right in God’s sight — and helping others vote — in the November 2022 election with the help of SaveCalifornia.com.

Your good values were and are sorely needed, since so many Californians vote foolishly.

Still, more Latinos voted Republican this election. And more Californians might have voted Republican than the previous election, which will be confirmed if California Republicans pick up seats in the U.S. Congress and in the California Legislature (see the close races).

I’m relieved the two gambling-addictions-promoting propositions, 26 and 27, were rejected. I’m also happy that Prop. 29 functionally decreasing the availability of kidney dialysis clinics was stopped (for the third election in a row). And I’m glad Prop. 30 raising taxes and the cost of living “bit the dust.”

Yet it’s sad that 3 bad propositions passed (see their status):

1. Woefully-ignorant Californians don’t understand a “fetus” is a unique human being with God-given rights. So they voted to approve the baby-killing and sexual-anarchy monstrosity of Prop. 1, 65.8% to 34.2%.

2. Neither do most voters realize government schools will use any excuse to take more tax dollars to dumb down and sexually indoctrinate children. So California voters approved Prop. 28’s “art and music” perpetual “annual funding” deception, 62.5% to 37.5%.

3. Nor do Californians grasp how their Democrat state legislators don’t love children, demonstrated by their pushing a host of dangerous “recreational” drugs on California. And they hypocritically singled out “candy-flavored tobacco” businesses for extinction (which can only sell to adults 21 and older) because of the Democrat legislators’ disdain for tobacco farmers, who tend to donate to Republican candidates. So voters approved Prop. 31, which sets a precedent for Democrat politicians to destroy any small business they consider a threat to their power, 62.8% to 37.2%.

Obviously, voter approval of Prop. 1 is just awful. But the seven statewide propositions were a mixed bag, since online gambling in every home (Prop. 27) and the functional elimination of many kidney dialysis clinics (Prop. 29) would have been awful too. And both Prop. 27 and 29 were defeated, which are true moral victories.

In the big picture, true Christians must remember that success is doing what’s right in God’s sight, no matter the opposition or outcome. So if you voted biblically, you were an individual success!

Advice for the 2024 election: Concerned citizens must prioritize trying to win back the offices of county registrars of voters. Election fraud by the Democrat tyrants’ minions must end!

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.
Attributed to Scottish lawyer/writer/professor/historian Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813)