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2 Republicans voting with Democrats on ‘LGBTQIA+’ and abortion

Saturday, June 3, 2023, 10:25 am | Randy Thomasson
This year in the California Assembly, “Republicans” Greg Wallis and Juan Alanis repeatedly voted to push “LGBTQIA+” and baby-killing, trampling parents in the process.

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June 6 update: Yesterday, Wallis and Alanis added their names as coauthors of HR 33, the “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month” resolution, which then passed on a voice vote. Also joining the Democrats as a coauthor and/or voting yes were Republicans Marie Waldron in the Assembly and, for the same resolution in the State Senate (SR 33), Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh in the State Senate.

June 4 update: Here are other Assembly Republicans voting at least once for the Democrats’ immoral, anti-family bills:

Diane Dixon: AB 223 (she also abstains on most anti-family bills)
Marie Waldron: AB 5
Josh Hoover: AB 5
Bill Essayli: AB 223
Devon Mathis: AB 1194

* * *

Here at the “halfway” point of the 2023 session of the California State Legislature, what have you got? Supermajority Democrats more anti-family and tyrannical than ever, and some Republicans voting like Democrats more than ever.

Who are the “Republicans In Name Only,” the “RINOs”? Let me highlight two “Republicans” who were elected last year and have only began voting on bills this year.

Greg Wallis was district director for the one of the Assembly’s most liberal “Republicans,” independent Chad Mayes, who was “termed out” last year. In 2022, Wallis ran for and won the 47th Assembly District, which includes Greater Palm Springs, Yucca Valley, Yucaipa, Highland, and Beaumont. Wallis’ district office phone number is 760-346-6342.

This year, Wallis voted yes on 13 pro-“LGBTQIA+” bills and pro-abortion bills expanding baby-killing all the more: AB 5, AB 223, AB 352, AB 443, AB 492, AB 576, AB 598, AB 659, AB 957, AB 1078, AB 1194, AB 1432, and ACA 5 (Wallis voted yes to add himself as a coauthor).

And this is despite Wallis, on his campaign website, saying he was a “leader in his church” (obviously, not a Bible-based church). Already, SaveCalifornia.com has heard from conservatives in the Coachella Valley who regret voting for Wallis and want him replaced next year.

Another new “Republican” assemblyman who’s voting for the “LGBTQIA+” agenda and the baby-killing agenda is Juan Alanis of Modesto (district office phone number 209-521-2201). Alanis, who portrays himself as a family man, is apparently personally pro-abortion and learned pro-“LGBTQIA+” political-correctness during his 27-year law enforcement career.

Last year, Alanis ran for and won the 22nd Assembly District, which includes Modesto, Turlock, Denair, Patterson, and Newman. This year, Alanis voted yes on 7 pro-“LGBTQIA+” bills and pro-abortion bills: AB 5, AB 352, AB 443, AB 492, AB 598, AB 1194, and AB 1432.

Despite the conservative district, Alanis seems not to be hiding his pro-“LGBTQIA+” alliance. In December, he rubbed shoulders with and spoke to a very pro-“LGBTQIA+” crowd at a liberal “Catholic” church.

Both Greg Wallis and Juan Alanis are redefining the Republican Party to be immoral, undependable on social issues, and even iffy on fiscal issues — destroying the Republican Party from within. This is where the phrase “Republicans In Name Only,” or RINOs, comes from. Will conservative voters put up with this?

“Then the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish clean, but your inward part is full of greed and wickedness.”
Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in Luke 11:39

Injured or killed by the transsexual surgeries

Friday, April 28, 2023, 10:18 am | Randy Thomasson

If you know people who believe the Big Lie that someone can “change their sex,” or claim a “gender identity” different from his or her sex chromosomes — which is fact-free and completely subjective — please share with them a previously-hidden Dutch study about deaths and injuries to biological boys attempting it.

As reported by JustTheNews.com on April 27 (quote):

In the 2016 study of 42 transgender women, one patient died, putting it at a death rate of just over 2%. Major complications occurred in 17.1% of cases.

Stop and realize how the transsexual agenda both ruins and injures children and young adults, killing some. And Democrat politicians push this devilish agenda, and RINOs wink at it.

These barbaric surgeries, negative consequences, and ruination of young people are largely hidden from the general public. But for the love of God and people, we need to expose it!

This April marks 40 years since my therapist told me a “sex change” was the only answer to my persistent mental difficulties. Unfortunately, I followed his advice, obtained cross-sex hormones, and underwent surgery. As I learned through my painful experience, “gender-affirming treatment” (GAT), also known as “gender-affirming care,” is medical fraud and malpractice.

A person’s sex cannot be changed. I know. I lived and identified as a woman for eight years. Hormones and surgery didn’t change my sex. I was a man before surgery, and I remained a man after surgery, illustrating the truth of God’s perfect design — two separate and distinct sexes, male and female, innate and unchangeable.

Every step I took to identify as a female did not make me a female but devaluated me as a man, father, and husband. Each step dehumanized my male body and identity. So-called gender-affirming treatment destroyed my life and relationships, as well as those of my family.
Walt Heyer, “The ‘Sex Change’ I Had 40 Years Ago Was A Scam, Not Medicine,” March 23, 2023

Democrat legislators attack parents — again

Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 11:28 am | Randy Thomasson

Watch the debate where 4 Republicans spoke against and 8 Democrats spoke in support of AB 665 (starts 1:25:26, ends 1:51:28)

When the 80-member California State Assembly returned from its 10-day, taxpayer-funded “Spring Recess,” the bill the Democrats made sure to pass was eliminating parental consent for “mental health counseling” for their own child.

I want to publicly commend the four Republicans who stood up to expose the wrong of this bill. They were James Gallagher, Joe Patterson, Devon Mathis, and Tom Lackey. Yet AB 665 still passed after twice as many Democrats stood up to essentially say children know better than parents.

See the updated analysis of AB 665 at our Legislation Center

Yet this blatantly anti-family bill could have lost more votes if all, or nearly all, of the Republicans had stood to say something. I wish more Republicans had stood up to say:

  • “Why not allow children ages 11, 10, 9, 8, or 7 to consent?”
  • “Under your bill, is there any way a parent can prevent their 12-year-old child from being removed and placed into a ‘residential shelter’?”
  • “If a child independently consents to be placed in a ‘residential shelter,’ will the child’s parent be notified?”
  • “What legal safeguards are there to prevent non-family adults manipulating or coercing children to ‘consent’?”
  • “If parents are legally responsible for their own children, it’s wrong to separate their rights from their responsibility — this bill erases parents.”

It wasn’t just a failure that more Democrats spoke than Republicans, but that half of the 18-member Assembly Republican Caucus actually abstained on voting: Phillip Chen, Laurie Davies, Bill Essayli, Heath Flora, Josh Hoover, Jim Patterson, Kate Sanchez, Marie Waldron, and Greg Wallis. This is a significant lack of conviction!


1. Thank the 4 Republicans who spoke for parents and against AB 655. Ask them to keep exposing the Democrats on the floor: James Gallagher (916-319-2003), Joe Patterson (916-319-2005), Devon Mathis (916-319-2033), and Tom Lackey (916-319-2034).

2. Call the 14 Republicans who were silent on AB 665. Tell them they need to speak up to expose anti-family bills (their voices are worth more than their votes): Juan Alanis (916-319-2022), Phillip Chen (916-319-2059), Megan Dahle (916-319-2001), Laurie Davies (916-319-2074), Diane Dixon (916-319-2072), Bill Essayli (916-319-2063), Vince Fong (916-319-2032), Heath Flora (916-319-2009), Josh Hoover (916-319-2007), Jim Patterson (916-319-2008), Kate Sanchez (916-319-2071), Tri Ta (916-319-2070), Marie Waldron (916-319-2075), and Greg Wallis (916-319-2047).

The way of the wicked is like darkness;
They do not know what makes them stumble.
Proverbs 4:19

He devises wickedness on his bed;
He sets himself in a way that is not good;
He does not abhor evil.
Psalm 36:4

There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.
Proverbs 16:25