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Renaming schools is an anti-American, racist agenda

Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 10:47 am | Randy Thomasson
Theodore Roosevelt, Dianne Feinstein, and Abraham Lincoln weren’t slaveowners, yet, still hated by the Radical Left, they’ve been erased from San Francisco’s K-12 schools.

What does it mean that some government school districts (San Francisco and Berkeley to start) are eliminating our U.S. Founding Fathers and other U.S. Presidents as school names?

In godless, Democrat-controlled San Francisco, the school board has eliminated George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and 40 others for school names. This follows the Berkeley school district erasing Washington and Jefferson last summer.

It’s all part of the Radical Left’s attempt to divide people and promote racism, saying these historical figures engaged in “enslavement” or “oppression” or “diminished opportunities.” Nothing good about our U.S. founding fathers will be said or taught to schoolchildren.

Why is this happening? Deep down, these Democrat-controlled school boards are trying to ignite a race war by denouncing “slaveowners” and other undesirables who never owned slaves. Their goal is to teach dark-skinned children to identify with “slaves” (a big lie) and make their race their top identity (a recipe for racism). This is in line with the “1619 Project” and “critical race theory” brainwashing, which teach that whites hate blacks, so black should hate whites. Then a new Leftist army can rise up and take over.

Yet all reality-based Americans should reject racism and embrace the goal of a colorblind society:

Martin Luther King, Jr.: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Burgess Owens: “We’re dealing with whether we’re going to accept the idea of socialism and Marxism and atheism. Or go back to the American way, Judeo-Christian values, which meritocracy is part of it. The idea that content and character and talent are colorblind.”

President Theodore Roosevelt: “There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all … Americanism is a matter of the spirit and of the soul. Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance. But if he is heartily and singly loyal to this Republic, then no matter where he was born, he is just as good an American as any one else.”

What’s more, among true Christians, there are to be no racial identities or distinctions, but all have their #1 identities in Jesus Christ as part of His Church. As it is written, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28) and “where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all” (Colossians 3:11).

And what about the charges of “systemic racism” and “injustice”? The only U.S. citizens are “Americans.” The only laws about race prohibit racial discrimination. There is no systemic racism, except from Radical Leftists claiming it, promoting “group guilt,” and promulgating racial division instead of American unity.

Because when Southern states’ segregation laws were dismantled by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, a colorblind society began, valuing personal responsibility and individual merit. This “equal opportunity” society was a fulfillment of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s colorblind dream. Yet the push for racial quotas, “affirmative action,” racial identity, and identification with past slavery is a racist nightmare — a volatile, concocted recipe of victimhood, irresponsibility, violence, anti-Americanism, and anti-Christianity.

Another thing these Democrat/New-Communist-controlled school boards want to do is prevent children from admiring our written Constitution, the foundation of our republic. Specifically, they want to change our system of justice from individual guilt or innocence to group guilt or innocence, leading to vast, subjective injustice convicting innocent people of made-up “crimes.” A pure democracy with no rules!


  1. Remember who these revisionist-history, teacher-union-endorsed school board members are, and encourage your friends to vote against them next election.
  2. Share with others — and post on news sites — portions of the above message.
  3. Let this motivate you to get your children or grandchildren into homeschooling or church schooling. Someone’s going to shape their minds, hearts, and souls. Don’t let it be the non-academic, politically-correct, sexually-indoctrinating, awful peer-pressure, godless government schools. Rescue your child.

…democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.
U.S. Founding Father James Madison in Federalist Paper #10 (1787)

Chipping away at the lockdown wall

Saturday, October 17, 2020, 11:35 am | Randy Thomasson
Portion of the Berlin Wall being torn down by West Germans in 1989, while East German soldiers watch from the other side

California’s Democrat tyrants and establishment “Republicans” have redefined “reopen” as 10% or 25% capacity. But already-hurt small businesses can’t survive on that. Sadly, most California pastors are afraid to fully reopen for ministry. Meanwhile, the non-academic, sexual-indoctrinating government “teacher union” bosses have made it clear they want President Donald Trump defeated more than reopening for in-person classroom instruction.

But the good news is the lockdown lies are breaking down, showing “the emperor has no clothes.” See how the WHO, certain California school boards, and even Democrat mayors are helping!

1. Government-imposed lockdowns are unnecessary and harmful

WHO warns against COVID-19 lockdowns due to economic damage and Health official calls for halting lockdowns (10/8/20)

Dr. David Nabarro, the World Health Organization’s special covid-19 envoy: “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus …  The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.

“Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer … Just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry in the Caribbean, for example, or in the Pacific because people aren’t taking their holidays … Look what’s happened to smallholder farmers all over the world. Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition.”

See how Democrat Governor Gavin Newom is killing a small city’s economy

2. California’s school lockdown wall has been breached

Remember 1989 when the Berlin Wall was slowly, then quickly, chipped away and eventually knocked down? That needs to happen — and is starting to happen — with California’s unscientific, unproven, tyrannical lockdown. This week, the lockdown “wall” of two of California’s largest government-school districts was breached when both school boards permitted special-needs children to enjoy in-person classes with a teacher and other children. This reopening for some wins the argument for reopening for all. Because if it’s “safe” for deaf and other disabled children to have in-person public-school classes again, it can’t be “unsafe” for other children to also go “back to school.” Of course, the unscientific, anti-family teacher unions hate any breach of their artificial wall of schools that get paid for not working.

Two big school districts, San Diego and Sacramento, move to permit special-needs students back for in-person classes: San DiegoSacramento

While SaveCalifornia.com and I want children out of the government schools and into home schools or Bible-based church schools, if parents won’t rescue their children, then children returning to government schools will hasten the end of the lockdown (which is what the anti-family teacher unions oppose). When schools reopen, parents will go back to work, and the lockdown will quickly lose its hold. This reality will overcome even Gavin Newsom!

3. California’s big city mayors urge the quick reopening of in-person schools: More cracks in the lockdown wall. This week, while San Diego and Sacramento counties’ school boards voted to permit “special needs” children to receive in-person, group-oriented, classroom instruction, mayors of 13 big cities in California (including the Democrat mayors of Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, and Sacramento), are urging Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom to reopen schools.

This is significant. The mayors’ October 14 letter urges Newsom to order the reopening of in-person classrooms for “1) students with special needs, 2) Title 1 students in areas of highest poverty concentrations, 3) children of essential workers; and, 4) students who have experienced homeless and/or youth in the foster/kin care system, and 5) early learners (K-2nd grade).”

Notably, the mayors’ letter implied they’re concerned about parents leaving the government-run schools for private and home schools, stating, “we are seeing private and parochial schools open much more quickly potentially increasing the disparities between well-resourced and under-resourced schools.”

My takeaways

First, most of these mayors are Democrats and their public voice for reopening government-run schools is certain to be considered by Newsom.

Second, if some children are allowed to go “back to schools,” there are very strong legal arguments for all children to return (unless their parents rescue them from the government system).

Third, once government schools reopen, many parents working from home will go back to work, and this will all hasten the end of the lockdown. 

ACTION: Keep resisting this unscientific, unmerited, tyrannical lockdown

As for effectiveness of attending anti-lockdown, pro-liberty rallies and protests, it’s two-fold:

1. Every time you individually study or collectively get educated about why your God-given and constitutional liberties matter, your character, knowledge, and resolve improve. You also become stimulated to invite your friends to stand for liberty, at future events.

2. Every public protest is an opportunity to lobby for an end to the lockdown. Your audiences are county supervisors and the general public. Without earned media, you can have modest influence upon county supervisors who might see your protest outside their windows or otherwise hear about it. Without earned media, you can also video your own event and show that to others via email, blog, social media, YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

Yet the most effective way to rally is to “earn media” and therefore reach the public and turn more people against the tyrannical, non-scientific establishment that is hurting real people. Aim for this by inviting TV, radio, and newspapers to cover your event, and working for this “earned media” as much as, or more than, you invite your friends and acquaintances.

So, participating in an anti-lockdown, pro-liberty event actually has four benefits: improve your character, improve your friends’ characters, change minds through your own media, and change minds through “earned media.” Let’s keep persevering and outrun the tyrants!

Lastly, I want to reiterate my strong desire for loving parents to protect their children from 11 statewide school sexual indoctrination laws, terrible peer pressure, and dumbed-down “teaching” by permanently removing their precious boys and girls from the non-academic, dysfunctional, godless government schools. However, if these awful facts plus months of lockdown misery haven’t yet motivated parents to home school or church school their children, let the reopening of government schools serve to help end the lockdown as a whole.

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free,
and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Galatians 5:1

You’ve got to see the Biden-Harris-Sanders agenda

Wednesday, September 2, 2020, 11:18 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

You’re familiar with President Donald Trump’s public policies, but what would the Democrats give you — or do to you — if they seize the White House this election?

Well, Joe Biden and his friends have put it in writing. In May, Biden and socialist independent Bernie Sanders assembled teams of liberals to hammer out what a Biden Administration would believe and stand for. It was an aggressive “progressive wish list,” with Sanders’ people leading the way.

Then, in early July, a 110-page “Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations” was posted on the Biden for President website.

Joe Biden said he liked it. Yet Bernie Sanders had to like it even more, because it demonstrated he had made Biden into the most leftist Democrat nominee for U.S. president ever.

Said Biden in a July 8, 2020 statement, “I commend the Task Forces for their service and helping build a bold, transformative platform for our party and for our country. And I am deeply grateful to Senator Sanders for working together to unite our party, and deliver real, lasting change for generations to come.”

Get it? Biden and Sanders (and Kamala Harris) want to “build a bold, transformative plaform,” meaning radical and revolutionary. New York Post columnist Miranda Devine, in her piece, “Beware the Biden-Sanders radical lefty manifesto,” opined:

Joe Biden signed the death warrant for his campaign last week, even if he doesn’t know it. The joint manifesto he released with Bernie Sanders is 110 pages of radical far-left policies — from a job-killing $2 trillion climate agenda to eliminating cash bail and dismantling border protection.

It betrays the working-class voters Biden claims to represent and destroys any pretense that he is a “moderate.” As Sanders has boasted, Biden would be “the most progressive president since FDR.”

Well-meaning people might stick their fingers in their ears and vote for Biden out of nostalgia for a Democratic Party that no longer exists or out of exhaustion at the relentless anti-Trump barrage.

But with his “Unity Task Forces” document, Biden has proven only that he is an empty husk. Old Joe, who was for police and working people and law and order, is long gone. His body is there but, like his party, it has been invaded by the socialist left.

True-blue constitutional scholar/author/radio host Mark Levin explained the specifics of the Biden-Sanders ‘manifesto’ August 20 with Sean Hannity on FNC). It’s worth watching.

Here’s a transcript of the best parts of the interview:

LEVIN: All right. Let me — let me — let me — let me jump in here. You see this, Sean, you know what this is, it’s the akin to the communist manifesto. This is the Bernie Sanders-Biden manifest. They put this out.

Nobody’s discussing it. No newsroom has actually read it. It’s not discussed at the Democratic Convention. And by the way, liberty is not discussed, electricians aren’t discussed, plumbers aren’t — it’s just a big hate-fest.

But I want to go through this very briefly, because that’s all the time I have anyway. I want people to know what’s in these documents, 110 pages long, how they’re going to destroy your country.

They want to retrofit millions of American homes and buildings to prevent carbon dioxide emissions in use. What’s carbon dioxide? Well, if you’re in third grade and taking a science class, it’s what you exhale and then plants use it to create oxygen. That’s third grade stuff.

Encourage more publicly owned municipal broadband networks, expand public and private care-giving jobs in health care, child care, elder care, and they want them unionized and they want them to have benefits and imposed by the federal government.

Create a postal banking system to expand banking access for low-income families funded by us, forge a new social and economic contract — whatever the hell that is. Bail out states and cities, $15 nationwide minimum wage, massive expansion of public sector unions, elimination of right-to-work laws in states.

This is their proposal. Domestic workers Bill of Rights and the Power Act, further federal guarantees to public sector unions, guaranteed pay sick leave, guaranteed family leave, massive redistribution of wealth through taxation, federal government will provide affordable housing, federal homeowners and renters bill of rights, federal involvement and local zoning decisions and neighborhood economic and racial diversity aimed at the suburbs, retool assembly lines for zero emissions vehicles.

Bye, Detroit.

All 500,000 school buses in America transition to zero emission vehicles within years, massive expansion of public transportation, massive regulation of fossil fuels leading to brownouts and blackouts. You can see in California right now. In other words, they want to end natural gas coal and oil.

Health care, a public options plan administered by Medicare. They’re going to destroy Medicare. The age rule of Medicare will be lowered from 65 to 60, it can’t handle it.

Price controls, taxpayer funding of all abortions, gun control and confiscation treated as a public health issue by the CDC. They call health care equity, whatever that means.

Climate, national goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions for all new buildings by 2030. By the way, you know what greenhouse gas emissions are? You ever drive by the road and you see a greenhouse in the winter and flowers are growing and tomatoes are growing? It’s called the atmosphere.

In an attempt to create a 100 percent clean building sector, you can see how they’re going to demolish our economy, destroy our smokestack industries, commit to eliminating carbon pollution.

Carbon dioxide is not pollution. We don’t get oxygen but for giving carbon dioxide to plants, from power plants by 2035 through new technology and neutral standards for clean energy and energy efficiency.

They want to install 500 million solar panels, 60,000 made in America wind turbines, you’ll never get any sleep. Commit that all jobs in clean energy economy will be unionized, pursue environmental and climate justice, I have no idea what that means. I’m not done.

Create a federal civilian corps of unarmed, first responders, social workers, EMTs to go to non-violent emergencies, how do you know emergencies nonviolent until you get there? Reduce the militarization of police — yeah, we have all these tanks that the police forces are using.

And the use of private prisons and detention centers, including for immigrant related offenses. Prevent desperate disciplinary treatment of children of color in school and educational settings, federal standards for training and use of force for local law enforcement, lower the standard for prosecuting law enforcement officials and expand prosecutions of law enforcement officials.

This is in the Biden Sanders manifesto: eliminate imprisonment for failing to pay fines and fees, appoint leftists to the federal courts , appoint leftists to prosecutorial positions. Man, I better not be running out of time.

Reduce pre-trial detention, abolish the federal death penalty retroactive reduced sentence — retroactive reduced sentences. All — all but in solitary confinement, abolish prison labor, ensure housing for formerly incarcerated individuals.

What else? Let me just hit immigration quickly. Extend Affordable Care Act benefits, in other words government-paid health care to Dreamers, immigrants with temporary legal status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. In other words, government paid for by you health care for illegal aliens. Gee, that won’t cause a rush on the border.

Support legislation to treat the spouses and children of green cardholders as immediate relatives. So massively expand chain migration. Boy, they must be looking out for union workers and blue-collar workers in the battlefields — battleground states.

Waivers to the permanent bars that keep families separated support — all right, enough.

Here’s the bottom line: any one of these proposals by this crazy left-wing party — that’s what it is now, it’s been taken over by the hardcore Marxist left — any one of these proposals will adversely harm the workers in this country, the families in this country and the communities in this country.

It’s 110 pages long. For all of the talk they do covering the Democrat convention, for all the yammering about who gave a good speech, or that was really great, notice how our newsrooms don’t discuss the substance of what the Democratic Party is running on.

If they win in November 3rd, everything about your country is going to change for the worse. America will not look like America again. We tried these failed experiments throughout Europe. We’ve tried them throughout the third world. You get poverty, you get dislocation, you get massive inequality, you get a police state. That’s what they stand for. That’s it.

HANNITY: I have another minute for you. I was totally — you know, I gave you extra time.

LEVIN: Well, then let me take it up. I got another minute.

HANNITY: Of course you do.

LEVIN: First of all, hold on now, there’s 320 million Americans, about 18 million Americans are watching this. So, the vast majority are — honestly, Sean, I’m watching clips. Who the hell can sit there after dinner and watch this and keep the food in their stomach? Perfectly honest.

And look at the analysis. Oh, Obama, that (ph) speech. Oh, Michelle Obama’s speech was great! This is the nature of the media today, lacks substance.

This 110-page document has been sitting out there. We got superficial reviews of it. People need to understand. They are going to destroy blue collar jobs. They are going to destroy the assembly lines in this country.

And I’ll add this. The Biden-Harris-Sanders manifesto is messing with Creator God’s design of humans, sex, and family. On page 83, the Biden-Harris-Sanders manifesto perverts private schools and ban parental choice in education (no tax credits, no vouchers):

“Prohibit the disbursement of federal funds to organizations or providers that discriminate based on race, sex, religion, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or immigration status.”

“Oppose any and all voucher and neo-voucher programs such as Education based on race, sex, religion, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or immigration status.”

And made-up “genders,” mentioned as “LGBTQ+,” are throughout the document.

So there you have it — some of the best voter information you can get on what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stand for. Because no one should vote in the dark.

“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin.
And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
Ronald Reagan, 40th U.S. president (1981-1989)