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Is it time to replace the California Republican Party?

Friday, November 30, 2018, 11:12 am | Randy Thomasson

It’s a radical question and I’m “just asking.” But is it time for moral Californians to consider replacing the California Republican Party?

Please understand that I am NOT calling for an immoral political party that is devoid of moral values and socially conservative values. That’s what I’m afraid liberal Republicans like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chad Mayes — and Mayes’ good friend Kristin Olsen — want.

To be clear, I want a political party to belong to that is constitutional and pro-family, and does two new things: 1) expose the chronic problems of California created by the Democrat politicians, 2) articulately explain evidence-based, practical solutions that help responsible Californians and their families.

Over the past few decades, a growing number of California conservatives have already personally left the Republican Party, by registering with the American Independent Party, the Libertarian Party, or as “No Party Preference” or “NPP.”

I’m one of them, since I’m much more constitutional and conservative than the current California Republican Party. You see, many of their elected legislators don’t speak out for, but increasingly vote against, family values.

For example, a growing number of Republicans in Sacramento are voting for (and none are speaking out against) the transsexual, cross-dressing agenda to “advance the cause of [LGBT] equality,” and labeling pro-family opposition as “prejudice and discrimination”:

State Senate: SR 111 text | 6 Republicans voted yes, including Republican Leader Pat Bates

State Assembly: HR 109 text with 5 Republicans coauthoring | 2 Republicans voted yes in committee

The last Republican presidential candidate to win California’s winner-take-all electoral votes was George H.W. Bush in 1988.

The last time that Republicans gained seats in the California State Legislature was 1994, on the coattails of Newt Gingrich’s well-articulated “Contract with America.”

But since then, it’s been downhill for Republicans in Sacramento due to lack of messages that hit home with voters.

Fast forward to 2018. Before Election Day, there were only 25 Republicans in the 80-member State Assembly and 14 Republicans in the 40-member State Senate.

But today, California Republicans are weaker than ever. The November 2018 election handed Republicans losses of 4 Assembly seats, 3 state Senate seats, and 7 U.S. House seats. It’s a new low for the Republican Party in California.

Yes, there was a “blue wave” in California, powered by pro-Democrat unions and bureaucracies, and helped by politically-irrelevant pastors who can’t seem to even remind their congregations to “remember to vote.”

This is a problem that’s motivating me to think deeply, and I hope you’re thinking too.

Not just about “Republican” or “Democrat”

Because, as you know, it’s not just about “Republican” versus “Democrat” seats. It’s about what our elected representatives actually stand for, which determines how they vote, which determines the laws we have to live under. Because values matter.

As a family values leader in California since 1994, I’m grieved about the growing number of Republican officeholders that vote against The Natural Family.

Indeed, several of the California Republicans who were booted out of office in November had voted in favor of the unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, tyrannical homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda once or more:

Assemblywoman Catharine Baker of Contra Costa County*
State Senator Andy Vidak of Hanford*
Former assemblywoman Young Kim of Fullerton*
State Senator Janet Nguyen of Garden Grove**
Congressman Jeff Denham of Modesto***
Congressman Steve Knight of Palmdale***

These types of Republicans are a turn-off to principled, pro-family voters.

* Do these California Republicans deserve to win or lose?
5 pro-‘LGBTIQ’ Republicans join Democrats to further brainwash schoolchildren

** Nguyen at least twice voted in favor of transsexuality, to “advance the cause of [LGBT] equality,” and saying pro-family opposition was “prejudice and discrimination”
SR 46 text | votes / SB 111 text | votes

*** These are the 24 Republicans who think the Pentagon should pay for transgender surgeries

Republican numbers — and values — are down

In light of the painful reality of Republicans losing seats in California (and abandoning tried-and-true family values), some are calling for a brand-new party to replace the Republican Party in California. I’m open to it as well.

On the one hand, a new conservative party could win on issues without the Republican label. If, for example, it were the “People’s Party” or the “Family Party,” moral or common-sense or conservative voters who’ve been trained to hate “Republican” might just vote for it. I’m thinking about Latinos and blacks who are either Catholic or Protestant churchgoers.

On the other hand, given the likely excesses of Gavin Newsom and the 2/3rds majority Democrats, could the California Republican Party return with strength in 2020? It would require aggressive voter registration efforts and a strong, articulate message from both the Republican Party and from individual Republican candidates.

But the question about the California Republican Party’s viability is a valid one. Before the election, California voter registration numbers had Democrats at 44%, Republicans at 25%, and “No Party Preference” at 27%.

Can Republicans get better and stronger and win in 2020? Or it is time to tip over the game board and “get a new game with a new name”? As I’ve written earlier, California is in a dynamic, the Democrat-union grip can indeed weaken, and liberal policies are ripe for taking down.

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
Psalm 94:16

In the war between real and fake, Dixon is the epicenter

Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 2:38 pm | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Everything that Creator God made, the devil and his followers hate.

That’s the heart of the issue in Dixon, California, where a city councilman’s public support for real marriage, real family, and natural male-female differences are under intense attack.

At the July 24 Dixon City Council meeting, perverse activists and their supporters outnumbered pro-family speakers at the podium. But in the midst of this darkness, SaveCalifornia.com and our friends at California Mass Resistance shined our light of truth.

I was encouraged that we “scored” for your values by earning media that reached thousands of viewers and readers. Regular people heard from SaveCalifornia.com how UNFAIR and AGAINST FREE SPEECH homosexual activists really are.

Channel 13 Sacramento video
Sacramento Bee video | story

Before the decision was announced, Randy Thomasson of Save California — a group that describes itself as a “pro-family organization: working, speaking and fighting the good fight for your values” — announced that he was going to speak at the meeting.

Thomasson spoke in favor of the council’s decision and said that Hickman spoke the truth.

“The intolerant left has picked a fight with Ted Hickman, they don’t think he had the right to say what he said in a column, and they don’t think the newspaper that published it had the right to publish it,” Thomasson said. “Well, both accusations are completely false — we have a Constitution in our country: the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech for individuals, and freedom of the press for all publications.”

Thomasson showed onlookers graphic photos of gay men at pride parades, and eventually submitted the photos to the Dixon City Council for review.

“Ted Hickman doesn’t want this in Dixon, and the majority of people in Dixon don’t want it here, either,” Thomasson said of the photos.

Vacaville Reporter story

Randy Thomasson, president of the Campaign for Children and Families, came from Sacramento to address the council.

“It’s basic fairness if there is an LGBT pride parade or day, that a straight or natural pride day must also be permitted,” he said. “For years, LGBT activists have said, ‘Accept our alternative lifestyles.’ Now the tables have turned, they won’t accept any alternatives to their day and that’s not fair in America.”

It’s clear that the homosexual-transsexual agenda, which tramples all that is good and right, want to “take” another city. Ted Hickman’s reelection or defeat in November will be a referendum on Real Marriage, Real Family, and Real Sex versus a perverse, lie-based agenda that is intolerant of proven family values.

While SaveCalifornia.com doesn’t support or oppose candidates, we’re working hard at reminding folks that a man and a woman are required for marriage, for sexual intercourse, and for the miraculous conception of children. God’s designs truly benefit people, and with your help, SaveCalifornia.com will keep fighting for the next generation.

Will you stand with me today? Your tangible support of $10 or more will keep your cherished values alive and represented in our land, without apology. Please donate today to SaveCalifornia.com. Your gift is confidential. Thank you for whatever you can give!

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, in Matthew 18:6

Ruling on pro-life centers could also stop AB 2943

Thursday, June 28, 2018, 6:27 pm | Randy Thomasson

If you’re sick and tired of the Democrat rulers of California trying to ban or punish any moral values they disagree with, here’s some real hope for you.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s big decision recognizing the First Amendment right of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to NOT be forced to promote values that they oppose (e.g., killing preborn babies via abortion) has set a key precedent for the protected speech of other organizations and business owners with moral values.

As the pro-family legal organization Liberty Counsel notes (quoting from the June 26 opinion in National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) v. Becerra):

This case will also have an impact on laws that seek to ban counsel for unwanted same-sex attractions, behavior, or identity (SOCE). The opinion explicitly adopts the arguments Liberty Counsel has made all along in SOCE cases, which is that “professional speech” cannot be exempted as some “new category of speech.”

The opinion states: “The dangers associated with content-based regulations of speech are also present in the context of professional speech. As with other kinds of speech, regulating the content of professionals’ speech pose[s] the inherent risk that the Government seeks not to advance a legitimate regulatory goal, but to suppress unpopular ideas or information… Take medicine, for example. ‘Doctors help patients make deeply personal decisions, and their candor is crucial.’ Throughout history, governments have ‘manipulat[ed] the content of doctor-patient discourse’ to increase state power and suppress minorities.'”Justice Thomas notes that professional disagreements about the efficacy of professional services cannot be used to suppress speech.

Therefore, have hope! As you know, AB 2943 banning the free speech of counselors, ministries, churches that help people overcome unwanted homosexual or transsexual desires is advancing through the Democrat-controlled California State Legislature. These Democrat politicians don’t care about your basic liberties — they just do the bidding of their tyrannical special-interest supporters (“LGBT’ groups, Planned Parenthood abortionists, etc.)

So even though it’s probable that the Democrat rulers of California will pass AB 2943, it’s also highly probable that the right lawsuit or lawsuits could use National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) v. Becerra to win a future U.S. Supreme Court victory that broadly protects moral speech in America. A success here would not only strike down AB 2943, thus protecting counselors who help adults overcome homosexuality or transsexuality, but would also affirm the right of counselors to help minors who struggle with homosexuality or transsexuality (which Governor Jerry Brown and the Democrats banned in 2012).

This is why I’m asking you to use the White House web form to send a strong message to President Donald Trump. Urge him to “Nominate a strict constructionist and originalist like Neil Gorsuch who will be loyal to the written Constitution, not loyal to their feelings or liberal revisionism like the four leftists currently on the high court. And please don’t nominate William Pryor, who has been inconsistent and even unconstitutional in his rulings.”

“..on every question of construction, carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was past.”