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California election-year opportunities, Part 1

Thursday, March 5, 2020, 2:53 pm | Randy Thomasson
SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

See my March 9, 2020 report on how pro-family conservatives can hold or gain seats in the California State Legislature this election year

First off, I want to thank you for voting, and for anything you did to help other people vote for what’s right in God’s sight.

There were several victories in California’s just-concluded primary election, and real opportunities for California’s general election. In light of this, I want to encourage you to get personally involved in support for a candidate with rock-solid values who can win in November. And I call on every biblical pastor to lead his flock to vote as an exercise of loving King Jesus, loving their neighbors, hating evil, and clinging to what’s good.

Because freedom is not free, and all who claim a relationship with the Savior Jesus Christ must actively promote good in our culture and government. Because love is active, it must enter the public arena. “Abandonment theology” is unbiblical and unChristian!

While the remaining votes are still being counted, here are California election results you should be excited about…

1. California voters rejected $27 BILLION in wasteful new debt that had the faces of the educrats and Governor Gavin Newsom all over it:

The rejection of the government-school establishment’s Proposition 13 on the March 3, 2020 ballot means more Californians “get it” that they can’t trust the same people who have dumbed down our children. It also showed how some liberals and conservatives were confused over the new “Prop. 13,” thinking it had something to do with 1978’s original Proposition 13 property tax protection, so some opposed it for that reason. But we’ll take the win either way, won’t we?

Yet do you realize this was the first defeat of a California statewide “school construction and repair” bond in 18 years? Four times since 2002, California voters have approved what they thought was “free money” to “repair schools,” but which actually locked California families into financial bondage, worse government, and worse schools.

So the voters saying no to this expensive and wasteful bond is historic. It’s also why the Liberal Left (i.e., Democrat politicians, Democrat bureaucrats, Democrat union bosses, Democrat activists, and Democrat donors), which wants you to vote this November to dramatically increase property taxes on commercial property to “increase funding for public schools,” is worried.

2. Pro-family Californians can help take back Congress in 2020:

Since 2018 was the Liberal Left’s high point, when they took control of the U.S. House of Representatives and solidified their super-super-majority in the California Legislature, 2020 can more easily be a rebound for moral, social, and fiscal conservative values, if pro-family conservatives (including biblical pastors) will simply rise up and be counted.

California could help reform the House of Representatives in November. Because there are several California congressional seats that could flip from Democrat to Republican:

CD 7 in south Sacramento County: Could conservative fighter Buzz Patterson oust liberal Democrat Ami Bera? He might come close. In the primary election vote count, Patterson got only 7,000 votes less than Bera. This seat was held by Republican Dan Lungren until the 2012 election.

CD 10 in Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties: Strong conservative Ted Howze has won the chance to try to take out Democrat incumbent Josh Harder in this strategic seat that was held by Republican Jeff Denham until the 2018 election.

CD 16 in Fresno, Madera, and Merced counties: In the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, can conservative Republican Kevin Cookingham oust Democrat incumbent Jim Costa? If this is a popularity contest, the Republican just received more votes than the Democrat.

CD 21 in Fresno, Kings, Tulare, and Kern counties: This Central Valley area that grows much of California’s fruits and vegetables could flip back to Republican David Valadao, who received 7,000 votes more than his Democrat opponent, the current congressman, T.J. Cox. (Valadao held this seat until the 2018 election.)

CD 24 in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties: Pro-family talk-show host and activist Andy Caldwell is one to watch. While 12,000 votes behind the Democrat incumbent, Salud Carbajal, Andy’s quite the fighter and could narrow that gap.

CD 25 in Simi Valley in Ventura County and the Los Angeles County communities of Santa Clarita, Valencia, Newhall, Palmdale, and Lancaster: For pro-family conservative Mike Garcia to trump former congressman, pro-transsexuality Republican Steve Knight, by more than 4,000 votes means November will be a clear choice between Garcia and his Democrat opponent, Christy Smith, who votes like the district’s former Democrat congresswoman, Katie Hill, a bisexuality activist.

CD 39 in Fullerton, La Habra, La Habra Heights, Brea, Buena Park, Anaheim Hills, Placentia, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Chino Hills, Hacienda Heights and Rowland Heights: In this conservative district straddling the border of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties, Republican Young Kim received nearly 7,000 more votes than the incumbent, Democrat Gil Cisneros. If Kim would promise to stop voting part pro-family, part pro-“LGBTQIA+” like she did during her time in the California State Assembly, she could become a pro-family hero who restores this district, which was a Republican mainstay under former Congressman Ed Royce, who did not run in 2018.

CD 41 in the western Riverside County communities of Eastvale, Jurupa Valley, Riverside, Moreno Valley and Perris: Republican Aja Smith is back, and this time her vote totals are a lot closer to that of incumbent Democrat Mark Takano. Until 2012, this seat was held by Republican Jerry Lewis, who retired the same time the district was redrawn.

CD 45 in the Orange County communities of Irvine, Tustin, North Tustin, Villa Park, Orange, Laguna Hills, Lake Forest, and Rancho Santa Margarita: This seatcould flip back Republican, since in this primary election, all the Republican challengers combined received more votes than the very liberal Democrat incumbent, Katie Porter. In the November runoff will be Porter and law-and-order Republican Greg Raths. Until beaten in the 2018 election, this seat was held by Republican Mimi Walters.

CD 48 on the coast of Orange County: This former Republican district now has Democrat Harley Rouda, who, in this primary election, received fewer votes than all his Republican challengers put together. Facing off with Rouda in the general election is Michelle Steel, a stalwart conservative. This congressional seat was held by Republican Dana Rohrabacher until the 2018 election.

CD 49 on the north coast of San Diego County and the southernmost part of Orange County: This is another former Republican district that could swing back Republican, since, in the primary election, Republican Brian Maryott is only 7,000 votes lower than incumbent Democrat Mike Levin. Until the 2018 election, this seat was held by Republican Darrell Issa, who declined to run that year.

There’s more election news and SaveCalifornia.com is still tabulating results. But for now, will you commit to shine your light in this year’s election? Together, let’s pursue victory!

Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? Psalm 94:16

Chick-fil-A sells you out

Monday, November 25, 2019, 12:17 pm | Randy Thomasson
Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy with his new friend, a homosexual activist, in December 2012
Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy Sells Out – Heeds Advice of ‘Gay’ Activist to Retreat on Pro-Natural-Marriage Advocacy

11/27/19 update: Chick-fil-a donated to Southern Poverty Law Group (SPLC), a top hater of U.S. Christian values, in 2017, in addition to funding other anti-family groups. Documentation: Townhall | The Federalist

Are you disturbed by how Chick-fil-A will no longer donate to Christian organizations that oppose the unnatural, unhealthy, tyrannical, unbiblical “LGBTQIA+” agenda?

I’m sad about it too. But I’m not shocked, because I saw this coming.

You see, in 2012, which is the same year that more than a million pro-family Americans showed up at local Chick-fil-A’s to support the outspoken man-woman marriage virtues of Chick-fil-A’s “Christian” CEO Dan Cathy, this mild-mannered heir to his father’s restaurant business quietly met with a homosexual activist, who “helped” the fast-food giant play “nice” and redefine “love” as going silent about people’s sins.

This happened the very same year that SaveCalifornia.com followed Mike Huckabee’s call for “Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day” and urged all our consitutents to spend money at Chick-fil-A, and in the process produced an exciting 10-minute SaveCalifornia.com video to promote Chick-fil-A’s (at the time) Christian values.

Sadly, it took less than six years for Chick-fil-A to totally sell out by siding with homosexual and transsexual activists against the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, all because the tyrannical “LGBTQIA+” mob had labeled SA and FCA “anti-LGBT” organizations.

I’m not alone in my sadness about Chick-fil-A siding with evil against good. Joining me in blasting Chick-fil-A for rejecting biblical and family values and instead advancing the “LGBTQIA+” agenda are national pro-family leaders, including the founder of the August 1, 2012 “National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day” Mike Huckabee, Focus on the Family president Jim Daly, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, Liberty Counsel chairman Mat Staver, American Family Association president Tim Wildmon, Christian radio talk host Janet Mefferd, Christian blogger Matt Walsh, and Christian apologist Michael Brown, among others.

For the love of God and to love people, they’re correctly rebuking Chick-fil-A for claiming to be “Christian,” but caving to “LGBTQIA+” activists, while selling out biblical Christian ministries and instead funding pro-“LGBT” organizations, such as “Covenant House.” (See the evidence)

For this reason, it is love for all moral conservatives to rebuke and shun Chick-fil-A. Because Chick-fil-A’s new policy PUNISHES Christianity, we must do what we can to remind everyone that moral speech is free speech and religious freedom that is enshired in our U.S. Constitution.

I mean, do you want Chick-fil-A to prosper in its message and example of trampling Christian values? And do you want want Chick-fil-A to snuff out the Gospel message of repenting of sins and what sexual sins include? Every person who believes in God’s Word should say “absolutely not!”

Here are just some of the the loving outcomes if lots of people with moral values avoided Chick-fil-A:

  1. People learn to not support evil policies.
  2. Christians, especially, learn that loving Jesus Christ is to not partner with evil.
  3. Children, especially, learn that it is evil to oppose the Bible and religious freedom.
  4. Christians, especially, learn to act upon their values.
  5. Other businesses, seeing how Chick-fil-A is losing, not gaining, customers, will be more likely to tolerate Christian values instead of punishing Christian values.
  6. Homosexuality and transsexuality are not promoted as much, resulting in more respect for religious freedom and fewer children being damaged.
  7. Constitutional religious freedom (loyalty to God) is promoted more in our land.

Bottom line, it’s healthier when we avoid fast food, and America will get better, not worse, if Christians and other moral conservatives cling to what’s right and shirk what’s wrong. As for me, I’m sticking with the Bible and telling Chick-fil-A to take a hike. “No mor” of their chicken for me.

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
Romans 1:26-27

It’s about to hit the fan, but we’re on it

Friday, November 1, 2019, 5:28 pm | Randy Thomasson

A lot is about to “hit the fan,” starting in January 2020. Bad new laws affecting families. Bad new curriculum indoctrinating children. And bad new policies impacting all Californians.

Yes, you can blame the Democrat politicians, who rule the roost in Sacramento. But what will you and I do about it? And how can we, together, love our neighbor — specifically, children and their parents, grandparents, property owners, and voters?

Here’s what’s coming your way, and why we must jump into action:

1. Disgusting new sexual indoctrination curriculum for kids in K-12 public schools. The perverse brainwashing and gross practices of the “California Healthy Youth Act” will sexually indoctrinate children like never before.

This year, the Democrat-run State Board of Education approved “guidelines” for all school districts. So you can expect this to ramp up come January. We need to be ready!

Here’s the big problem: Under the cloak of teaching (but really, forcing) children as young as kindergarten “to develop healthy attitudes concerning adolescent growth and development, body image, gender, sexual orientation, relationships, marriage, and family,” and “to promote understanding of sexuality as a normal part of human development,” AB 329 has quickly morphed into teaching kids that virtually anything and everything goes.

The sexual anarchy in this devilish curriculum guidelines now includes positive teaching about (and I’m going to write in code):

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especially related to “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression”

From my read, AB 329 and its applicable curriculum teaches children a new amoral ethic: “You can have as much sexual contact as you want, involving pleasure or pain, with any number of people, in any number of ways, as long as it’s consensual.”

That’s the bad news of what boys and girls will get under the misnamed “California Healthy Youth Act.” And, of course, children won’t be told about any negative health consequences. But since kids can’t look away, neither should we.

Yet in light of this terrible attack upon children’s minds, one thing is clear — we must do what we can to help rescue kids by reaching and activating parents and grandparents!

With your generous gift today, SaveCalifornia.com can inform California families by building a new online center that exposes this awful new curriculum threatening precious children.

This is why I invite you to fight the good fight with SaveCalifornia.com. With your good-hearted help, SaveCalifornia.com will build a new online center that exposes this awful new curriculum targeting children. From here, we will do creative outreaches to alert and convince as many fathers and mothers as we can.

And what else is coming your way?

2. A boatload of very bad new laws imposed by the ruling Democrat politicians. Gavin Newsom and the Democrat-controlled California State Legislature are handing out abortion pills to college girls and telling boys to be “girls” and girls to be “boys.” And Newsom and the Democrats are awarding the rights of citizens to illegal aliens, threatening the rights of law-abiding gun owners, and trampling the choices of independent contractors. Along with many other bad laws grinding down our way of life.

Fortunately, with technology, we can work to get around the biased Big Media, which want to keep folks in the dark. Instead, we’ll reach and inform people with facts and evidence.

With your helpful donation today, SaveCalifornia.com will launch a bold new campaign reporting to voters what they get with the Democrats. It’s about time, don’t you think?

So I ask you, will you fight the good fight of faith alongside me and SaveCalifornia.com? Since 1999, we’ve been working, leading, and fighting for God’s best for children and families. Your generous gift today will help us reach parents and voters who desperately need to know the truth.

And with just two months until bad new laws go into effect and new curriculum begins to hit local government schools, we have a lot to do in a short time.

Now that you know the bad news and our plan to resist it, will you exercise your values and stand with me and SaveCalifornia.com? You can contribute instantly and securely on our special “Fight the Good Fight” donate page: https://securedonors.com/savecalifornia+fightthegoodfight

Your kind gift today of $20, $35, $50, $100, $200, or $500 or more will help jump-start this needful campaign. Then you and I can reach, awaken, and activate many pro-family Californians and other reasonable people who are already concerned.

Please be generous and donate here

Thank you in advance for considering how you can make a difference with me!