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Take our Courageous challenge

Friday, September 16, 2011, 5:36 pm | Webmaster

What is the #1 family need in America today? Godly fathers. Dads who know and love and serve Jesus Christ make the best husbands and best shepherds of children.

For without Godly fathers, America is full of “good enough” or mediocre fathers, or worse. Think about it. The moral decay we see all around in children, teenagers, and adults is usually because their dad was not Godly — either because he didn’t want to be or didn’t know how to be.

This is why SaveCalifornia.com is getting behind the wonderful message of the new film, Courageous, which hits theaters Sept. 30.

Action: See our special Courageous Action Page for our call to action.


All this month, SaveCalifornia.com is leading for moral virtues for the common good by challenging men to be strong fathers, and their wives to stand behind them with sincere support and encouragement.

What a powerful opportunity to change lives and save families through this Jesus-honoring, family-values film, by the same team that gave us FIREPROOF and FACING THE GIANTS. COURAGEOUS is for men, women, families, churches, and communities.

More than a movie, COURAGEOUS is a movement. SaveCalifornia.com is doing our part and asking you to do yours. Look forward to receiving our helpful messages about Courageous fathers and the wives who love them. Be encouraged and share these messages with your friends!


Listen to this SaveCalifornia.com Minute with COURAGEOUS co-writer, director, and lead actor Alex Kendrick, who, in the film, says, “I don’t want to be a ‘good enough’ father. We have a few short years to influence our kids, and whatever patterns we set for them will likely pass on to their kids.”

Listen: SaveCalifornia.com Minute featuring Alex Kendrick

You’ll enjoy seeing Alex’s heartfelt acting in Courageous — as he plays an average guy, who doesn’t want to be an average father or an average Christian.


Today’s challenge: View the trailer for the movie and decide to see this life-changing film. We are challenging both men and women, but especially fathers and future fathers.

Watch: See the trailer on our Courageous Action Page. Then, follow the action steps.

Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which
Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it  to the right or to the left,
so that you may have success wherever you go.

Joshua 1:7 NASB

Podcast: SB 48 and seven other sexual indoctrination laws

Tuesday, August 9, 2011, 12:29 pm | Webmaster

Take three minutes and get answers to your questions about SB 48 and the SEVEN other sexual indoctrination laws in California government schools. Listen to the SaveCalifornia.com Minute with Randy Thomasson.

LISTEN: Answers to Parents’ Questions about SB 48 (1-min, 8/8/11)

LISTEN: Reality Check: SB 48 is Just the Tip of the Iceberg (1-min, 8/1/11)

LISTEN: Q&A: Public Schools: Who’s Influencing Whom? (1-min, 7/25/11)

Get the SaveCalifornia.com Minute Podcast on RSS:
Copy and paste our feed link below into your RSS Reader

Response to Jerry Brown signing ‘LGBT’ role models for kids bill

Thursday, July 14, 2011, 5:03 pm | admin

On Thursday, July 14, Democrat Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 48. That means children as young as kindergarten in California K-12 government schools will be forced to admire “gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans” as their personal role models. That’s because SB 48 mandates that the unnatural and unhealthy lifestyles of both historical and contemporary persons who engaged or currently engage in homosexuality, bisexuality, or transsexuality be positive portrayed to impressionable children through “instruction in social sciences.” It’s the most in-your-face sexual brainwashing yet. And there’s no parental opt-out.

SB 48 is the EIGHTH school sexual indoctrination law on the books. See the 7 other California laws.

In response, SaveCalifornia.com President, Randy Thomasson, said: “Jerry Brown has trampled the parental rights of the broad majority of California mothers and fathers who don’t want their children to be sexually brainwashed. SB 48 has no parental opt-out. The only way parents can opt-out their kids from this immoral indoctrination is to opt them out the entire public school system.” Full statement here.

SaveCalifornia.com thanks everyone who called, emailed, faxed, Twittered and Facebooked Gov. Brown. By signing SB 48, he ignored the wishes of the majority of California parents.

See: Our response to Brown signing SB 48 PLUS the facts about this bill »
Parents: 10 reasons to leave your government-run school »
Understand: Visit our “Not Born This Way” page for facts and help »