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What’s SaveCalifornia.com done for me lately?

Friday, March 25, 2011, 8:24 pm |

Ask yourself — is the battle for moral values more inside or more outside the State Capitol in Sacramento?

With Democrat legislators committed to vote lock-step for immoral bills, the battle for issues moved outside the Capitol dome several years ago. For in a society where people vote and their votes are counted, our government is a mere reflection of what people understand, value, and worship. Right now, since the majority of Californians believe lies about a lot of things, we have a lie-based government.

This is why SaveCalifornia.com is dedicated to reaching and changing people’s hearts and minds up and down California. Using our big mouth to articulate God’s truth for families and our culture, and by pursuing innovation to be effective, we’re standing strong for moral virtues in the public square, for the common good.

Warning: More sexual indoctrination threatened

This week the government of Democrats elected by the foolish people of California gave committee approval to homosexual-bisexual-transsexual role models for children in public schools. If eventually signed by Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown, SB 48 would become the 7th statewide school sexual indoctrination law.

In the aftermath of the committee vote, I was privileged to reach many people with the truth about this severe attack on parents’ rights and children’s innocence.

Get bite-sized truth with the SaveCalifornia.com Minute

Have you heard my SaveCalifornia.com Minute, which airs on Christian-format radio stations? I’m teaching lessons about personal, family, societal, and governmental issues. Listen to this week’s “Raising Sexually Pure Children.”

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Join me on the radio this Saturday in Northern California

If you see this in time, please listen to me live on the radio this Saturday, March 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

I’ll be guest-hosting for Pastor Lou Binninger on his live show on KMYC 1410 AM (not a Christian-format station). It’s a great opportunity for a new audience to hear God’s truth for families and our culture. Please listen if you’re in Yuba City/Marysville, Chico and parts of Sacramento, Placer, or Yolo counties.
KMYC coverage map

Please stand with us

If you appreciate what SaveCalifornia.com is doing, please support our work. We need your assistance to keep working strong for children and families. You can donate online or by mail. Thank you.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man’s all.
For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing,
Whether good or evil.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 NKJV

VIDEO: My heart and vision for 2011

Thursday, December 30, 2010, 12:12 am |

No matter who’s running Sacramento or Washington, D.C., the heartbeat of strong families, the goodness of God’s values, and the importance of doing what’s right is always worthy and always a success.

That’s why the SaveCalifornia.com team and I are excited about the future, and why you can be excited too.

As you end 2010 and enter 2011, please watch my 2-1/2 minute video message:

If you appreciate our moral leadership and service to families in California and beyond, would you let us know? Support SaveCalifornia.com’s vision to reach the next generation. Please donate $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or $1,000 to our important work. Help SaveCalifornia.com enter the New Year with strength to reach millions of young hearts and minds.

Because we haven’t received enough support this month, I am asking for your personal assistance and extra help. Learn more and forward this video to your friends.


Thank you for linking arms with SaveCalifornia.com. Together, let’s make a difference!

Boldly in Christ’s grace and truth,

Randy Thomasson
Founder and President

Time for a good news break

Thursday, April 22, 2010, 7:01 pm |

It’s not often that you hear multiple good news stories that happen in the same day in the midst of the seemingly chronic bad-news reality of California politics.

But today there were three good — or at least not bad — news events that caught my eye:

First, the tricky bill in the California State Senate that would pave the way for homosexual “marriages” on a future ballot (SB 906) didn’t come up for a vote Thursday. This means you have more time to call and email your opposition

Second, the Democrat-controlled California State Assembly has voted to confirm liberal Republican Abel Maldonado as Lieutenant Governor. As you probably know, Maldonado supported Harvey Milk Gay Day and voted for big tax hikes last year. This year, he coauthored the anti-free speech resolution ACR 82. How would have you voted on Maldonaldo’s confirmation? Ironically, it can be seen as good news. Because if the Senate also confirms him next week, Maldonado will be out of the Legislature. He won’t be able to vote for any more of the Democrats’ anti-family bills. And a much more pro-family state senator could be elected to replace him.
The news | The floor vote | The upcoming election

Third, the selfish and oppressive power of California’s humongous government-employee unions is being realized across the political spectrum. On Thursday, liberal Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said existing pension structures were “unsustainable.” Also on Thursday, sometimes-fiscally-conservative Arnold Schwarzenegger called overly-generous government employee pensions “the single biggest threat to our fiscal health and California’s future.” Understand California’s pension crisis

Now, don’t get me wrong. There’s more bad news than good in California, because most people, and definitely most politicians, dishonor God and His ways. And I personally believe people will have to experience more pain before they’ll change themselves, their family values, and their voting habits.