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Court finds school districts, not Newsom, decide mask policy

Monday, November 15, 2021, 10:37 am | Randy Thomasson

Hidden in an otherwise bad ruling in San Diego from an unconstitutional Democrat state judge is a useful point of light equipping you to lobby school board members who are not union prostitutes or self-centered idolaters, but who try to be honest and try to love.

Because if two school districts in Calaveras County, California have voted NO to any school “Covid vaccine” jabs (and are getting ready to ban mask mandates too), any loving or reasonable or honest school board member can do the same, now that this ruling recognizes their free will to choose.

The one sentence, with our bracketed context, found at the bottom of Page 10 of the pdf of the November 12, 2021 ruling, reads: “There simply is no language in the Guidance, however, that requires, directs, or otherwise authorizes schools to force students [who decline to wear face masks] into an independent study program.”

In other words, it’s up to school districts whether to mask children; there’s nothing in the State’s “guidance” requiring schoolchildren without masks to be sent home.

So, if you have children or grandchildren in California’s K-12 government-controlled schools, or you’re just a concerned citizen who loves others, I urge you to take, distribute, and read this one sentence at the next school board meeting. Even better, ask an attorney friend to write a letter based on this court finding and to also speak to the board members after distributing his or her letter to them at the public meeting. That would be powerful.

Of course, if you want to act now to protect your children from unscientific, unhealthy, unrelational masks, as well as invasive tests and dangerous jabs, and if you don’t want your children assaulted by sexual indoctrination and all kinds of immoral political correctness and bad peer pressure, you’ll need to get them out of the government schools ASAP. Your solutions are homeschool, micro-school, or church-school.

And here’s something else you can use at school board meetings: A new “study of studies” of cloth and paper face masks finds them of no or little use.

A trio of of medical researchers from the University of Colorado, UC San Francisco, and Harvard found there’s scant evidence over the last century demonstrating face masks block small viruses, such as influenza strains or SARS-CoV-2 (Covid). The researchers concluded:

We reviewed the mechanistic, observational, and clinical evidence relevant to the use of cloth face masks in community settings to limit the spread of respiratory infections, and in particular the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. In each area, we found existing evidence inadequate to demonstrate clear benefit (or harm).

As the Epoch Times reported November 15, 2021:

Cloth masks are of little use against COVID-19, according to a recently published analysis.

Federal health authorities and a slew of jurisdictions require or recommend wearing masks as a way to limit spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.

But a trio of researchers pored over the studies often cited by the officials and found they were poorly designed and offered scant evidence supporting mask usage.

Many of the studies are observational, opening them up to confounding variables, the researchers said in their analysis (pdf), which was published on Nov. 8 by the Cato Institute.

Of 16 randomized controlled trials comparing mask effectiveness to controls with no masks, 14 failed to find a statistically significant benefit, the researchers said. And of 16 quantitative meta-analyses, half showed weak evidence of mask effectiveness while the others were “were equivocal or critical as to whether evidence supports a public recommendation of masks,” they added.

“The biggest takeaway is that more than 100 years of attempts to prove that masks are beneficial has produced a large volume of mostly low-quality evidence that has generally failed to demonstrate their value in most settings,” Dr. Jonathan Darrow, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, told The Epoch Times in an email.

So keep fighting against these unscientific mask mandates, which are involuntary medical care, suffocating and harming defenseless children.

Deliver those who are drawn toward death,
And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
If you say, “Surely we did not know this,”
Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it?
He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?
And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?

Proverbs 24:11-12

What the victories in Virginia mean to California

Thursday, November 4, 2021, 9:32 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Simply put, the conservative victories in Virginia mean practical hope. Hope for constitutional Californians and those in other states that liberal lies can be exposed and overcome.

Because that’s what happened in Virginia. A biological boy’s rape of a girl in a girl’s bathroom had enraged parents. And while the pro-“LGBTQIA+” Biden Administration and the union-dominated school board stood against parents, Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin stood with fathers and mothers, and both conservatives and “moderates” rewarded him on election day. This was the vital spark that turned Youngkin’s campaign into a movement, with rallies all over the state.

The wins in Virginia should inspire us all to stay involved and continue fighting for values that are right for people and right in God’s sight. It also shows how opposing anti-parent, anti-family values can win decisively when harnessed effectively and specifically connected to an understandable issue of high public concern.

Remember, Virginia’s had a Democrat governor for the last 8 years as well as a Democrat-controlled State Legislature. But now, the incoming governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general are constitutional Republicans, and the 100-member House of Delegates is getting a Republican majority too.

Yes, our culture is in a dynamic! And there’s great hope to show the detriment of liberal Democrat ideas and the benefit of constitutional, pro-family ideas.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

Proverbs 29:2

Yes, Democrat politicians harm people

Sunday, October 10, 2021, 10:28 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Do you know why Nevada and Arizona have gone, or are going, Democrat? Because many California Democrats, concerned about sky-high housing costs, scary crime, and bad “public schools,” have left here for there, without considering the cause of the effect.

Yet the cause of their problems was and is the Democrat “rulers” of California. And while former Californians who are still Democrats didn’t stop to think that deeply, you can help concerned Democrats and independents in California to wake up and connect the dots.

What is causing the unprecedented “mandates” and “division” and “shortages” you’re seeing — including high gas prices, “coin shortages,” and hospital nurses being fired?

Because these societal ills didn’t “just happen.” No, each has been caused by political entities, i.e. “the government.” But just who is “the government”?

Ask yourself — where are you seeing the anti-people policies of firing folks who don’t get the so-called “Covid vaccine, punishing health-conscious people for opposing masks and jabs, and paying people not to work? Nearly everywhere Democrat politicians are in control — in California, in other Democrat-run states, in Democrat-controlled companies and colleges, and in policies emanating from Democrat-controlled Washington, D.C.

And if there are any Republicans participating in this institutional evil, they have become “prostitutes” of their Democrat “pimps,” being richly rewarded for their slavish loyalty.

Now think of all of California’s chronic problems: bad public schools, rising crime, destructive wildfires, water mismanagement, unaffordable housing, the homelessness epidemic, high taxes and fees, higher prices on most everything, record-high STDs, providing every magnet for illegal immigrants, sexual anarchy, the legalizing “recreational” drugs, attacking free speech and religious freedom, decreeing hyper-controlling “mandates,” and unscientifically masking children.

Who can you “thank” or blame for all these problems? The Democrat politicians. Remember, Democrats control the California State Legislature — since 1957 in the State Senate and 1959 in the State Assembly.* Everything’s been on their watch for decades.

This is why every “monster fire” on state lands is a Democrat fire, why violent crime is Democrat crime, why too-high housing prices are Democrat prices, and why people losing their jobs and their small businesses last year and this year are the Democrats’ doings.

TAKE ACTION: Share this information with everyone you can. Show them what they get with the Democrat politicians are anti-people policies resulting in widespread misery.

*The exceptions to Democrat control of the California Legislature since the late 1950s was in 1969 to 1970 when Republicans controlled both houses for over a year, and in 1996 when Republicans controlled the Assembly for just one year (in 1995, two “Republicans” became speaker after agreeing to give Democrats control of all the committees).

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

Proverbs 29:2