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The DeSantis-Newsom debate: A clear winner

Saturday, December 2, 2023, 7:36 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

At Nov. 30 debate between a moral Republican governor and an evil Democrat governor, California’s uber-liberal Democrat Gavin Newsom was exposed more than any of California’s Big Media ever tried to.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity did an admirable job showing factual slides that Newsom tried to wiggle out of, but each time he was “caught” by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and sometimes by Hannity too.

Some of Newsom’s biggest whoppers were:

Claiming “LGBT” indoctrination wasn’t required in California K-12 “public” schools: Yet there are 13 perversity-promoting laws for every government school, including charter schools. SaveCalifornia.com’s special site, RescueYourChild.com, lists 12 here and Newsom this summer signed AB 1078 teaching kids to admire “LGBTQ+ Americans.”

Refusing to say whether he supports any restrictions on abortion (baby-killing): Despite Newsom dancing all over the place and refusing to answer Sean Hannity’s direct questions, the horrible fact remains: Gavin Newsom and California’s Democrat Party legislators have passed many laws with zero abortion restrictions. This year, Newsom signed a raft of murderous bills expanding abortion throughout California law, trampling parental rights, and even offering taxpayer-funded abortions to residents of other states.

Blaming high gas prices on oil companies, when Democrat politicians are to blame: But the fact is California has the highest gas prices in the U.S. because it has the highest gas taxes (the consequences of Democrat rulers), higher gasoline regulations (it costs more to produce California-only blends), lower supply from within (the State greatly limits oil drilling), lower supply from without (the State isn’t permitting new pipelines from other states), and higher real estate prices (more depressing of the supply due to Democrats’ laws) and more expensive employees (job-killing socialism of the Democrat politicians).
SaveCalifornia.com covered the debate with live tweets on our Twitter/X page:
Thank you for reading this special SaveCalifornia.com report. Please consider sharing our information to educate others about the harm of Democrat Party policies in California.

“And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”
Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in John 3:19-21

Momentum for real school choice in California

Saturday, November 25, 2023, 3:05 pm | Randy Thomasson

When Democrat politicians Gavin Newsom, his attorney general Rob Bonta, and state schools chief Tony Thurmond attacked parents’ God-given rights this summer, more parents understood the only way to rescue their kids is by exiting the government schools.

So expect more California families to homeschool! Because each year, an increasing number of parents are realizing Democrat-run schools are bad. Look at these stats:

On Oct. 31, the Washington Post reported California homeschooling increased a whopping 78% between the 2017 and 2022 school years. What momentum to rescue defenseless boys and girls!

And California’s most recent stats (updated Nov. 8) demonstrate public support for real school choice is growing:

  • 70% of adults and 75% of parents of school-aged children support the idea of education savings accounts (a synonym for vouchers).
  • 59% of parents of school-aged children want 1 or more days a week of home-based education for their kids.
  • 48% of parents of school-aged children would choose homeschooling or private school if they could afford it.
  • 35% of adults say the main purpose of education is to instill “values, moral character, religious virtues”

And a thrilling trend nationally — 2023 has been the year of universal (full) school choice. Rejoice that this year, EIGHT states have either created a new universal choice program or expanded an existing program to include all students.

As reported in late September by Ed Choice:

North Carolina joins Iowa, Utah, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Ohio in creating new universal choice programs this year or expanding existing choice programs to include all or nearly all students. They join Arizona and West Virginia, where universal programs previously existed. Today, some 36% of students nationwide are eligible for a private choice program, a 60% increase from just two years ago.

This national momentum for real school choice (receiving back money for private school or homeschooling) will create a better national character and will eventually bring private school choice to California.

Despite the lying Establishment defeating universal school choice on the California ballot in 1994 and 2000, parental discontent with government-controlled “education” has kept growing. And it might be near the “tipping point.” Because over time, California parents and grandparents are going to want what children in other states enjoy — the financial means to exit bad schools!


1. Rescue your own children and grandchildren with the help of our special site, RescueYourChild.com.

2. Tell others how parents need to be able to spend their own tax money on the school of their choice.

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

The Bible, Proverbs 22:6

URGENT: Tell Newsom to veto these costly bills

Saturday, September 2, 2023, 9:39 pm | Randy Thomasson

On September 1, the Democrat leaders of the California State Legislature, by their actions, challenged Newsom to sign their most radical, unconstitutional, anti-family bills.

By passing hundreds of bad bills in the appropriations committees, your leftist Democrat “rulers” are saying they don’t care what you think, and they actually believe they can “make” Newsom sign their devilish agenda, like he has before.

But this year is different, since California’s uberliberal Democrat governor IS running for president, with a self-induced $31.5 BILLION state budget deficit hanging over his head. And if Newsom doesn’t balance it, his claim he’s a “fiscal conservative” will disintegrate.
Among the hundreds of bad Democrat bills removed from the “suspense file” and passed in the Senate and Assembly appropriations committees Friday are:

AB 659 pushing harmful Gardasil jabs upon junior highers and college students

AB 5 forcing public-school employees into “LGBTQ cultural competency training”

AB 443 discriminating against moral/religious police officers and office candidates

AB 1078 taking away local control of school boards to make curriculum decisions

AB 576 funding all Medi-Cal chemical abortions. at taxpayer expense

SB 58 promoting a raft of “hallucinogenic substances” as “recreational drugs”

SB 274 eliminating suspensions/expulsions of willfully defiant teens (grades 9-12)

SB 345 forcing new costs on cities/counties for abortion/”LGBTQIA+” agenda

SB 407 punishing religious foster parents who don’t support “LGBTQIA+”

SB 541 requiring “internal and external condoms” be available in grades 9-12

SB 596 empowering school boards to arrest “disorderly” parents at meetings

SB 729 requiring insurance to pay for artificial insemination of gays and trans

SB 760 forcing government schools, grades 1-12, to have an “all-gender restroom”

With immoral Democrats controlling three-fourths of each house of the State Legislature, which of these bills might Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom veto?

There have been signs for months that Newsom is sharpening his veto pen.

In the media, he’s repeatedly mimicked his predecessor, Jerry Brown, saying it would not be “prudent” for the state budget to “imbalanced.”

And on September 1, Newsom’s Department of Finance representative was noticeably absent from the front table of the “suspense file” meeting of the Senate Appropriations Committee, where “Finance” is regularly represented. Was this a boycott by the Newsom Administration after being told to get ready for lots of costly bills on his desk? It’s plausible.

So, this is now a “donkey fight,” where the blatantly bad Democrat legislators are challenging another evil Democrat, Governor Gavin Newsom, who, as long as his presidential hopes are alive, wants to put the brakes on additional spending.

NEW ACTION: Urge Newsom to veto these bad bills. Put on the pressure to remind him these radical bills are unpopular.

1. Call Newsom’s constituent services office, Monday-Friday, 9-5 at 916-445-2841. When a staffer answers, they are a person paid to take your simple message of bills you are supporting or opposing. List all the bills in one phone call, but keep it brief.

2. Use Newsom’s web form to oppose all these bad bills at once.

On this page, here are the steps:
1. Under “What is your request or comment about?”, scroll to and select “Legislation Issues/Concerns”
2. Under “What is the purpose of your message?”, select “Leave a Comment”
3. Click “Next” to go to the next page
4. Under “If applicable, what is your stance on this topic?, click “Con”
5. In the message field, simply write in all caps: VETO THESE COSTLY BILLS, then copy and paste in SaveCalifornia.com one-sentence bill descriptions (from the above list)
6. Click “Next” to go to the next page
7. Enter your first and last name and email address (but not your phone number)
8. Click “Submit”

The California State Legislature will adjourn its 2023 session on September 14; the governor will have until October 14 to sign or veto bills.

It is apparent that, those who appear to wield unparalleled power – and, have a disturbing tendency of abusing this, as a means of sadistically and savagely subjugating their fellow countrymen and women, with abundant impunity – can not stand the heat when the tables are turned against them, and will swiftly head for the hills, whenever they perceive any substantial threat.
Zimbabwean Christian journalist Tendai Ruben Mbofana