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Archives for the ‘Future’ Category
Wednesday, January 1, 2025, 6:18 pm | Randy Thomasson
Now that 2025 is here, horrible new laws are in effect in California. You can thank Democrat Party and RINO state legislators (as well as Big Democrat Gavin Newsom, who signed them into law last year).
Here are some of the worst:
PUSH BACK: Two federal lawsuits were filed last year (read about one of them), charging that AB 1955 violates the 1st and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, as well as a federal law called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
And of the immoral laws listed in this post, RINOs joined the Dems in passing them — EXCEPT only Dems voted in favor of AB 1955 keeping a child’s sexual confusion secret from his or her own parents.
Of these 7 evil bills, here’s who voted to pass them in 2024 in the California State Legislature:
AB 1955: Only Democrats, a supermajority in both houses, voted “yes” AB 1825: Joining the supermajority Democrats in voting “yes” were 4 Assembly Republicans: Juan Alanis, Phillip Chen, Marie Waldron, Greg Wallis AB 2319: Joining the supermajority Democrats in voting “yes” were 3 Assembly Republicans (Juan Alanis, Marie Waldron, Greg Wallis) and 1 Republican state senator (Scott Wilk) SB 957: Joining the supermajority Democrats in voting “yes” were 6 Assembly Republicans: Juan Alanis, Laurie Davies, Diane Dixon, Kate Sanchez, Marie Waldron, and Greg Wallis AB 2085: Joining the supermajority Democrats in voting “yes” were were 3 Assembly Republicans: Juan Alanis, Laurie Davies, Greg Wallis AB 2099: Joining the supermajority Democrats in voting “yes” were 9 Assembly Republicans: Juan Alanis, Phillip Chen, Laurie Davies, Diane Dixon, Heath Flora, Josh Hoover, Devon Mathis, Marie Waldron, and Greg Wallis SB 233: Joining the supermajority Democrats in voting yes” were 2 Assembly Republicans: Juan Alanis and Greg Wallis
See documentation of these bad bills and bad votes
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Jesus Christ, Savior of the world and God in the flesh, in Matthew 18:6
Posted in Abortion, Babies, Ballot, Bible, California Bills, California Governor, California Legislation, California Legislature, Children, Christians, Churches, Constitution, Creator God, Culture, Democrats, Education, Election, Fatherhood, Fighting for what's right, Free Speech, Future, Gavin Newsom, Homosexuality, Jesus Christ, Morality, Parenting, Religious Freedom, RINOs, SaveCalifornia.com, Transsexuality, Voters | Comments Off on Horrible new laws and who voted for them
Sunday, December 29, 2024, 9:51 pm | Randy Thomasson
You deserve to know this! See our list of best and worst in California in 2024, and resolve to stand your ground with SaveCalifornia.com to fight winnable battles in 2025!
Time to buckle up for a bigger fight and more potential wins in 2025! Because your values, your rights, and your family matter. Will you join SaveCalifornia.com to take back territory the Left has stolen?
Your special support will empower us to fight winnable battles, expose harmful bills and agendas, empower parents, rescue children, and reach, inform, and activate countless Californians through radio, social media, web, and more. Can you help? Thank you in advance!
Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle— The Bible, Psalm 144:1
Posted in Assisted Suicide, Ballot, Bible, California Bills, California Governor, California Legislation, California Legislature, Children, Christians, Creator God, Crime, Culture, Democrats, Donald Trump, Donate, Education, Election, Employment, Energy, Fighting for what's right, Future, Gavin Newsom, Homosexuality, Illegal aliens, LGBT, Marriage, Money, Morality, Oil, Parenting, Public safety, Republicans, RINOs, SaveCalifornia.com, Taxes, Transients, Transsexuality, Voters | Comments Off on The best and worst in California in 2024
Saturday, December 21, 2024, 10:33 am | Randy Thomasson
Before I get into the good news of Christmas, let me explain why fewer people celebrate real Christmas.
The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848 can be summarized in six points: Abolish private property, abolish the Natural Family, abolish individuality (replace with groupism), abolish religion and morality (especially Christianity and Christian virtues), abolish nations and borders, and abolish history.
So when you hear more “Happy Holidays” and less “Merry Christmas,” you know that Communism is ravenously erasing history and religion on U.S. soil. But at Christmastime, submission to anti-Christ forces is largely voluntary. So I urge you — choose “Merry Christmas” and the Real Reason for CHRISTmas!
Stop and realize that six decades ago, “Merry Christmas” and “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” was central in our American culture. Yes, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, used to be popularly honored this time of year. Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s, you’d hear on mainstream radio stations Silent Night sung by Johnny Mathis; Mary’s Little Boy Child sung by Harry Belafonte; and Do You Hear What I Hear? sung by Bing Crosby.
To inspire you to honor Jesus Christ in your heart, mind, and soul, listen to these excellent recordings:
Mary’s Boy Child (1957, sung by Harry Belafonte) Silent Night (1958, sung by Johnny Mathis, plus his first Christmas album) Do You Hear What I Hear? (1963, sung by Bing Crosby) The Little Drummer Boy (1965, sung by The Harry Simeone Chorale)
And to inspire your whole family (you can play these for hours), here are 129 “Christ Centered Christmas Songs.” Deanna, who posted on YouTube these contemporary, beautiful Christmas song recordings, wrote, “The reason for Christmas is Christ, not a ‘winter wonderland.'” This is historically and spiritually true!
Lastly, before your family’s gift exchange, I encourage you to open your Bible to the Gospel of Luke, and read the real Christmas story in Chapters 1 and 2. Let the truth of CHRISTmas touch your souls and make you glad!
“The very purpose of Christ’s coming into the world was that He might offer up His life as a sacrifice for the sins of men. He came to die. This is the heart of Christmas.” U.S. Christian evangelist Billy Graham (1918-2018)
Posted in America, Bible, Children, Christians, Christmas, Creator God, Culture, Free Speech, Future, Jesus Christ, Meaning, Morality, Parenting, Religious Freedom, SaveCalifornia.com, U.S. founding fathers | Comments Off on How to have a real Christmas
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