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AB 957 vetoed + new alert on second anti-parent bill AB 665

Saturday, September 23, 2023, 11:27 am | Randy Thomasson


Late Friday, Sept. 22, Gavin Newsom vetoed AB 957, instructing judges in child custody cases to disfavor moral parents who are against the ‘trans’ confusion of their own children.

Thank you for following SaveCalifornia.com’s lead to call and email Newsom. We knew this radical anti-parent, anti-religious-freedom bill was vetoable. Because Newsom IS running for president. And he doesn’t want Republican candidates or media or even less-liberal Democrats in other states saying “Hey, you sign a bill against parents, against religious freedom, and in favor of the ‘trans’ agenda targeting our children!”

Indeed, in Newsom’s Sept. 22 veto message, he demonstrated he’s AGAINST biological facts and moral values for children, writing, “I appreciate the passion and values that led the author to introduce this bill. I share a deep commitment to advancing the rights of transgender Californians, an effort that has guided my decisions through many decades in public office.”

So, instead of criticizing AB 957 on substance, he said he didn’t like its violation of separation of powers, writing, “I urge caution when the Executive and Legislative branches of state government attempt to dictate – in prescriptive terms that single out one characteristic – legal standards for the Judicial branch to apply.” Wow, in his quest to avoid being known as the uberliberal, power-hungry activist he is, Newsom’s even willing to sound like a constitutionalist!

Yet Newsom then revealed his real concern — that signing AB 957 could provoke conservative Republican states to pass laws instructing judges to disfavor pro-transsexuality parents — when he warned, “Other-minded
elected officials, in California and other states, could very well use this strategy to diminish the civil rights of vulnerable communities

So, there you have it. Gavin Newsom is against the natural family, against parental rights, against biological facts, and against the best interests of children. But he’s running for president (he’s waiting for the White House Occupant to step aside), and your flood of phone calls and web form messages reminded Newsom how unpopular AB 957 was.

I congratulate everyone who opposed this evil bill — this is your victory! Now please use the same strategy to deluge Newsom with opposition to the other big, bad, anti-parent bill, AB 665, which would permit the anti-family Establishment Left to manipulate pre-teens and teens to somehow “consent” to leave their parents.

Remember, AB 665 would permit children 12 years and up, who are neither harming themselves nor are victims of abuse, to “consent” to “mental health treatment or counseling services” and go live at a “residential shelter.” Again, current law requires parental consent, but this bill wipes out God-given parental rights.

PLEASE ACT NOW: Urge Newsom to veto AB 665 by calling his office, Monday-Friday, 9-5 at 916-445-2841. When a staffer answers, tell the staffer paid to take your simple message: “I’m calling to urge the Governor to veto the anti-parent bill AB 665.” Please also use Newsom’s web form (on the right-hand side of the page, select “An Active Bill,” then scroll down to select AB 665, then select “Con” to oppose). He has until October 14 to sign or veto bills, but could decide anytime on AB 665. Make Newsom realize how unpopular this radical bill is!

Families were created to make up for what evolution did not provide, namely a way by which men could be induced to support the children they beget and care for the women they impregnate. But since marriage is a social invention, we have learned how it can be undercut by people who think that their lives will be fuller, their opportunities greater, and their burdens fewer if they are allowed to treat sex as recreation, children as toys, and income as an obligation of government rather than a result of work.
“The Family Way” by pro-family social scientist James Q. Wilson (1931-2012) on January 7, 2003

URGENT: Tell Newsom to veto these costly bills

Saturday, September 2, 2023, 9:39 pm | Randy Thomasson

On September 1, the Democrat leaders of the California State Legislature, by their actions, challenged Newsom to sign their most radical, unconstitutional, anti-family bills.

By passing hundreds of bad bills in the appropriations committees, your leftist Democrat “rulers” are saying they don’t care what you think, and they actually believe they can “make” Newsom sign their devilish agenda, like he has before.

But this year is different, since California’s uberliberal Democrat governor IS running for president, with a self-induced $31.5 BILLION state budget deficit hanging over his head. And if Newsom doesn’t balance it, his claim he’s a “fiscal conservative” will disintegrate.
Among the hundreds of bad Democrat bills removed from the “suspense file” and passed in the Senate and Assembly appropriations committees Friday are:

AB 659 pushing harmful Gardasil jabs upon junior highers and college students

AB 5 forcing public-school employees into “LGBTQ cultural competency training”

AB 443 discriminating against moral/religious police officers and office candidates

AB 1078 taking away local control of school boards to make curriculum decisions

AB 576 funding all Medi-Cal chemical abortions. at taxpayer expense

SB 58 promoting a raft of “hallucinogenic substances” as “recreational drugs”

SB 274 eliminating suspensions/expulsions of willfully defiant teens (grades 9-12)

SB 345 forcing new costs on cities/counties for abortion/”LGBTQIA+” agenda

SB 407 punishing religious foster parents who don’t support “LGBTQIA+”

SB 541 requiring “internal and external condoms” be available in grades 9-12

SB 596 empowering school boards to arrest “disorderly” parents at meetings

SB 729 requiring insurance to pay for artificial insemination of gays and trans

SB 760 forcing government schools, grades 1-12, to have an “all-gender restroom”

With immoral Democrats controlling three-fourths of each house of the State Legislature, which of these bills might Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom veto?

There have been signs for months that Newsom is sharpening his veto pen.

In the media, he’s repeatedly mimicked his predecessor, Jerry Brown, saying it would not be “prudent” for the state budget to “imbalanced.”

And on September 1, Newsom’s Department of Finance representative was noticeably absent from the front table of the “suspense file” meeting of the Senate Appropriations Committee, where “Finance” is regularly represented. Was this a boycott by the Newsom Administration after being told to get ready for lots of costly bills on his desk? It’s plausible.

So, this is now a “donkey fight,” where the blatantly bad Democrat legislators are challenging another evil Democrat, Governor Gavin Newsom, who, as long as his presidential hopes are alive, wants to put the brakes on additional spending.

NEW ACTION: Urge Newsom to veto these bad bills. Put on the pressure to remind him these radical bills are unpopular.

1. Call Newsom’s constituent services office, Monday-Friday, 9-5 at 916-445-2841. When a staffer answers, they are a person paid to take your simple message of bills you are supporting or opposing. List all the bills in one phone call, but keep it brief.

2. Use Newsom’s web form to oppose all these bad bills at once.

On this page, here are the steps:
1. Under “What is your request or comment about?”, scroll to and select “Legislation Issues/Concerns”
2. Under “What is the purpose of your message?”, select “Leave a Comment”
3. Click “Next” to go to the next page
4. Under “If applicable, what is your stance on this topic?, click “Con”
5. In the message field, simply write in all caps: VETO THESE COSTLY BILLS, then copy and paste in SaveCalifornia.com one-sentence bill descriptions (from the above list)
6. Click “Next” to go to the next page
7. Enter your first and last name and email address (but not your phone number)
8. Click “Submit”

The California State Legislature will adjourn its 2023 session on September 14; the governor will have until October 14 to sign or veto bills.

It is apparent that, those who appear to wield unparalleled power – and, have a disturbing tendency of abusing this, as a means of sadistically and savagely subjugating their fellow countrymen and women, with abundant impunity – can not stand the heat when the tables are turned against them, and will swiftly head for the hills, whenever they perceive any substantial threat.
Zimbabwean Christian journalist Tendai Ruben Mbofana

AB 957 ALERT: ‘Affirm’ the ‘trans’ delusion, or lose your kids

Saturday, August 12, 2023, 5:20 pm | Randy Thomasson


AUGUST 21, 2023 UPDATE: This is a war of attrition. Because some of the Democrat state senators know AB 957 is still a bad bill, your anonymous, afterhours voicemail messages are strategic and can wear this bill down and prevent a floor vote. The California State Senate’s next opportunity is Thursday, August 24 at 9am.

If you support parental rights and religious freedom and know the unnatural “trans” agenda is hurting children, please take renewed action by following the directions below in our previous alert. Thank you for caring!

The very immoral, anti-parent bill, AB 957, on the floor of the California State Senate, CAN be defeated with your help this weekend. Because when the Senate returns the afternoon of Monday, August 14, you don’t want them voting on it!

As written, AB 957 is a very bad bill instructing family court judges to disfavor parents who have moral objections to their child “transitioning,” and don’t “affirm.” Bottom line, support the biological facts and get your children taken from you!

Grasp that even the Democrat-run Legislative Counsel’s Office has described AB 957 as: “This bill, for purposes of this provision, would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

So, as amended July 3, this radically-bad bill continues to require “a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression.” Don’t “affirm” your own child’s transsexual delusion — don’t get custody! This is about as anti-parent as it gets.

The Democrat author of AB 957, Lori Wilson (shown above; see her Solano County district) claims her anti-parent, anti-free-speech, anti-religious-freedom, bill is “essential” because all “trans” children need to be “affirmed.” And despite Wilson publicly claiming to be a “Christian,” she ignores what the Bible says about transsexuality being a sin.

What’s the best strategy to stop AB 957 on the floor of the California Senate?

STEP 1: Call your own state senator — at both the district and Capitol offices — and identify yourself, on Monday, August 14, from 9am to 2pm (the Senate floor session begins at 2pm). Leave your message with a staffer or via voicemail. Say something like, “I’m calling to urge Senator ________ to oppose AB 957. The amended bill fails to protect religious parents and violates Senate Judiciary Committee members’ demand for religious accommodation. Don’t punish otherwise good parents by taking away their kids. Oppose the amended AB 957!”

STEP 2: Call the 4 Democrat state senators who demanded religious accommodation in AB 957 in the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 13. When you call anonymously and after-hours (7pm-8am and all weekend), quote their own words back to them and call them a liar if they don’t stand up and oppose this anti-parent bill.

Tell them, “In committee, you passed AB 957 on the condition that it be amended to accommodate religious parents. Well, the latest amendments don’t protect them at all. You need to stand up to oppose this bad bill. If you don’t, you lied about it in committee!”

The below quotes are from the June 13 California Senate Judiciary Committee hearing video (start with Senator Allen’s comments at 1:18:48) | transcript (see end of page)

  • Senator Ben Allen 916-651-4024 | 310-318-6994: “I certainly want to make sure that just because someone is religious, for example, and there’s nothing that they do as a parent that would impact the health and welfare and mental well-being of the child — they accept the child’s decisions but they struggle with it themselves – I would certainly want to make sure that person wasn’t dinged under a custody dispute in the context of this bill…I would like the author and the chair to spend some time working together on tightening up some of the language so that we can make sure that a parent — for whom we have no concern about impacting the mental health of the child, but who may have a personal, perhaps a religious, conflict with gender fluidity — wouldn’t be dinged if we don’t have a concern about their ability to be a good parent to that child.”
  • Senator Anna Caballero 916-651-4014 | 559-264-3070: “I want to encourage you to continue the discussion, and I reserve the right not to support it on the floor if it doesn’t change — ’cause I think there’s challenges with exactly what does it mean. And I don’t think we want to send something to the court that causes confusion or wrong decisions.”
  • Senator Angelique Ashby 916-651-4008 | 916-651-1529: “I’m going to support you today, Assemblywoman Wilson, but I’m going to join my colleagues in asking you to work with Senator Umberg as Judiciary Chair on adding some clarifying language.”
  • Senator Tom Umberg (Judiciary Committee Chair) 916-651-4034 | 714-558-3785: “We will continue to work to make sure that the bill, as interpreted by the court, will be done in a way that is consistent with your view and our view of public policy…We will continue to work to make sure that — Senator Allen’s point — that if you have a parent who — perhaps he has a religious belief that is not consistent with someone wishing to transition but is unconditionally loving and tolerant, that that doesn’t preclude that parent having custodial rights. Is that your understanding also?”

STEP 3: Call anonymously 7pm to 8am and all weekend to the deciding-vote Democrats. In your afterhours voicemails, tell them, “I’m calling to urge you to oppose AB 957. The amended bill fails to protect religious parents and violates Senate Judiciary Committee members’ demand for religious accommodation. Don’t punish otherwise good parents by taking away their kids. Oppose the amended AB 957!”

Leave strategic, anonymous, afterhours voicemails for up to 21 of them:

Ben Allen 916-651-4024 | 310-318-6994

Marie Alvarado-Gil 916-651-4004 | 916-933-8680

Bob Archuleta 916-651-4030 | 562-406-1001

Angelique Ashby 916-651-4008 | 916-651-1529

Catherine Blakespear 916-651-4038 | 760-642-0809

Anna Caballero 916-651-4014 | 559-264-3070

Bill Dodd 916-651-4003 | 707-224-1990

María Elena Durazo 916-651-4026 | 213-483-9300

Steve Glazer 916-651-4007 | 925-754-1461

Lena Gonzalez 916-651-4033 | 323-277-4560

Melissa Hurtado 916-651-4016 | 661-395-2620

Monique Limón 916-651-4019 | 805-988-1940

Dave Min 916-651-4037 | 949-223-5472

Steve Padilla 916-651-4018 | 760-335-3442

Anthony Portantino 916-651-4025 | 818-409-0400

Richard Roth 916-651-4031 | 951-680-6750

Susan Rubio 916-651-4022 | 909-469-1110

Lola Smallwood-Cuevas 916-651-4028 | 213-745-6656

Henry Stern 916-651-4027 | 818-876-3352

Tom Umberg 916-651-4034 | 714-558-3785

Aisha Wahab 916-651-4410 | 510-794-3900

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”
The Bible, Ephesians 6:1-3