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Archives for April 2009

See our Sacramento Tea Party photos

Friday, April 17, 2009, 10:15 am |

I won’t forget the Tea Party I was at, and I bet you won’t either.

Government misdeeds have overtaxed all Californians and have put all Americans in historic debt. The rousing Tea Parties validated that many Americans still have God’s rule of “do not steal” written on their hearts.

See our Sacramento Tea Party pictures.

An estimated one million Americans protested higher taxes and bigger government at some 800 tea parties nationwide. Californians protested loud and clear in Sacramento, Fresno, Pleasanton, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego, and three dozen other cities.

Here’s what I told OneNewsNow.com from the Sacramento rally: “This is a revolution that I think is going to bear some changes in the 2010 elections because people are upset about the Obama, Democrat takeover of the economy. And here in California, [which has] the largest population [in the U.S.], [they’re upset about] a big, big tax hike from the state. It’s almost a perfect storm — and I am hoping and praying for change in the year 2010. This is a revolution that I think is going to bear some changes in the 2010 elections because people are upset about the Obama, Democrat takeover of the economy. And here in California, [which has] the largest population [in the U.S.], [they’re upset about] a big, big tax hike from the state. It’s almost a perfect storm — and I am hoping and praying for change in the year 2010.”

California Democrats push forward “gay day” bill

Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 10:30 am |

The problem of California “public schools” becoming sexual indoctrination centers just got worse.

Tuesday, the bill creating an official “gay day” honoring homosexual activist Harvey Milk passed a Democrat-controlled committee of the California State Senate. SB 572 would pressure all public schools in California to hold “suitable commemorative exercises” promoting what Milk believed in: the entire homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual agenda and anti-religious values. All 9 Democrats on the committee voted for SB 572; all 4 Republicans voted against it.

It’s terrible that Democrat politicians want to push homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality upon students as young as kindergarten. It’s even worse — and enlightening to voters who will be asked next year whether they want him to be Lieutenant Governor — that self-proclaimed “pro-family” Democrat state senator Dean Florez of Bakersfield is supporting the homosexual agenda by becoming a coauthor of SB 572.


1. Call your California state legislators and Governor Schwarzenegger to demand they oppose SB 572.

2. Send a prewritten email message to all your California state representatives opposing SB 572.

3. Californians, send a prewritten email message to your federal representatives opposing House Concurrent Resolution 92 promoting the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual “Day of Silence” in government schools nationwide.

4. Everyone, call your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators to oppose House Concurrent Resolution 92. Call your U.S. Representative | Call your U.S. Senators

5. Tell everyone you know who has children in the government school system to keep them home on Friday, April 17, in protest of the “Day of Silence.” We hope many parents decide to permanently remove their children for the educational sanctuary of homeschooling and church schools.

California fire chief retires with $241,000 pension

Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 10:30 am |

More people now know it’s a lie when tax-and-spend Democrats and a few tax-hike Republicans claim they “just can’t” reduce anymore government spending and that they “have no choice” but to raise taxes on California families.

One of the outrageous examples of waste is the former chief of a small California fire district who figured out how to retire at 50 with a $241,000 annual pension. Other maddening stories of fraud and waste are popping up:

Fraud infects state in-home care program
Los Angeles Times, April 13

Generous sick-leave cash-outs for retirees cost San Jose millions of dollars
San Jose Mercury News, April 12

California’s sky-high government pensions are largely arranged by unions and union-backed Democrats in elected office. The problem was exacerbated in 1999 when Democrat Gov. Gray Davis allowed what no other state allows — retirement pensions based on your highest salary in one year (not multiple years).

It’s surprisingly good that the Los Angeles Times is accurately reporting, “The unions donate heavily to the campaigns of Democrats who control the Legislature and organize get-out-the-vote efforts on their behalf.”

The pension bloat in government is just the tip of the iceberg. SaveCalifornia.com has exposed 10 ways that California’s government is wasting tens of billions of dollars.


1. RALLY: Plan to rally on Wednesday, April 15 against high taxes and out-of-control government spending at a Tax Day Tea Party near you. California’s biggest tea party is expected in Sacramento.

2. EMAIL: Send SaveCalifornia.com’s pre-written email message to Governor Schwarzenegger and your California state legislators, demanding “No new taxes, never again!”

3. CALL: Call your city councilmembers and county supervisors, telling them, “I want you to reform cushy pensions for police and fire and other employees. You have the power to renegotiate contracts with the government employee unions. We taxpayers can no longer afford sky-high pensions and we’re sick and tired of it!” (Find numbers in your phone book in the city and county government pages.)

4. VOTE: Shorten the duration of California’s tax hikes by voting NO on Prop. 1A on May 19.

“When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, ‘just men who will rule in the fear of God.’ The preservation of [our] government depends on the faithful discharge of this Duty; if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded. If [our] government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine Commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws.”History of the United States by Noah Webster