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Archives for April 2009

What did Jesus accomplish on the cross?

Saturday, April 11, 2009, 9:45 am |

Easter is empty if you don’t understand what Jesus’ death and resurrection mean. Two thousand years ago, society punished more crimes and disapproved of more sins than today. So it makes sense that people of yesteryear understood more than today’s generation about payment for debt and why Jesus died.

Nowadays, government “bailouts,” no-fault divorce, “secret” abortions, white lies, “acceptable” sins, bankruptcy, throw-away relationships, easy credit, and us saying “It’s OK” instead of “I forgive you” makes us insensitive to sin and its consequences. Except for traffic tickets and credit card fees, being personally penalized for something can almost seems foreign.

Yet the Bible makes it clear that the only way to experience eternal life is to a) trust in Jesus’ death as the only sacrifice for your sin, b) acknowledge that Jesus’ resurrection from the grave demonstrated His power over death for all who trust in Him, and c) repent in your heart from your own sinful motivations and acts, giving your life fully to Him. This is the true meaning of Easter, known to many believers as Resurrection Day. It’s a joyful thing to know you’ve been saved.

If you want to better understand why Jesus died, I recommend your view this 4-min video. It makes so understandable the sin debt Jesus paid for all who truly trust in Him and love Him by obeying Him. Happy Resurrection Day!

Pull your kids from public school April 17

Thursday, April 9, 2009, 10:45 am |

If you love your children, you must take action to protect them from sexual exploitation and indoctrination.

If you love children who are not your own, you are expressing even more love and care.

I invite you to join SaveCalifornia.com, SaveAmerica.com and other pro-family organization in supporting the April 17 “Day of Silence” Walkout. The Walkout is the counter protest to the homosexual activism of the so-called “Day of Silence,” where homosexuals and their supporters disrupt the entire school day.

Please keep your children home from government school that day to protest the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual sexual indoctrination sweeping our land. Here are instructions for parents.

I also invite you to listen to the latest SaveAmerica.com radio show. It’s a good one. This short and very stimulating discussion will tell you how to protect innocent children and punish the government school system for promoting homosexuality on campus. Listen now to this short podcast.

Lastly, please oppose H. Con. Resolution 92, which Congressional Democrats have introduced to pressure every government school nationwide to allow the pro-homosexuality “Day of Silence.” Click here to send a prewritten letter to your U.S. reps.

Vermont falls, Iowa boils

Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 10:30 am |

Long a liberal state with beautiful, God-created landscapes but full of people who deny God and His natural design for marriage and family, Vermont is now an official homosexual “marriage” state.

On Tuesday, the overwhelming Democrat-controlled Vermont Legislature overrode Republican Governor Jim Douglas’ veto of “same-sex marriage” legislation approved by the Legislature. Vermont now joins Massachusetts, Connecticut and Iowa as the fourth state in the U.S. to allow marriage licenses to people who are physiologically unqualified to marry each other.

Vermont may not be fixable, but Iowa is. Yet accomplishing the task of truly protecting marriage requires principle, courage and perseverance.

If principled pro-family citizens lobby the Iowa General Assembly to pass a rock-solid constitutional marriage amendment (it must be approved by two successive legislatures), the vote will then go to the people who can override the judges.

The Iowa Constitution requires the General Assembly must vote once with one set of legislators, then a second time with after the next election. Therefore, the earliest the marriage amendment could be on the ballot is 2012.

The last several days, I’ve been in touch with influential pro-family people in Iowa to urge them to go forward. More importantly, though, was my intensive study on writing amendment language that will stick and have no holes. It’s unfortunate that the language introduced last month by Representatives Alons and Mertz is overly broad and won’t survive liberal court scrutiny. To ban any “legal union” but marriage could also ban credit unions, labor unions, business unions, etc.

To help, I’ve written an amendment that is rock solid. Here’s what needs to go into the Iowa Constitution to protect everything about marriage in Iowa law for marriage between one man and one woman:

a) The marriage contract is to be considered in law as a civil contract. Marriage shall be constituted by one man and one woman only. All other marriages are declared to be contrary to the public policy of this state and are void and unenforceable.

(b) Neither the General Assembly nor any court, government institution, government agency, local government, or government official shall recognize any relationship, other than a marriage, as entitling the parties to the rights, incidents, benefits, or privileges of marriage.