Pro-family, constitutional Californians are breathing a sigh of relief now that one of the worst Democrat bills of the year has been stopped.
On January 31, AB 1400 to replace private insurance with a big-government program that would have rationed medical treatment, created long waiting lists, and imposed new, high taxes was stopped on the floor of the California State Assembly.
So now, AB 1400, which was introduced in 2021, is dead for the year. Because the California State Constitution, Article IV, Section 10(c), in its first sentence, reads: “Any bill introduced during the first year of the biennium of the legislative session that has not been passed by the house of origin by January 31 of the second calendar year of the biennium may no longer be acted on by the house.”
But how was AB 1400 defeated? Especially when there are currently 56 Democrats in the 80-member Assembly (there are four vacant Democrat seats), who have a vise-grip hold that’s more than a two-thirds majority, allowing Democrats to pass any bill they want?
Because it was a perfect storm. As ultra-left-wing “resetting” Democrats pushed government-controlled health care, it seems most everyone else came against AB 1400: Doctors and hospitals and insurance companies, business associations, and taxpayer advocates strongly opposed it. And most private unions, which want to keep their high-paid health plans, sat on the sidelines, refusing to support AB 1400’s elimination of private health insurance.
These large, secular forces provided the primary lobbying. Providing secondary influence were concerned Californians (like you), who called and emailed, creating a noticeable flood of opposition. The calls and emails the last few days before the scheduled vote were “insurance,” if you will, for the direct lobbying of all the others.
A final takeaway is that even when the New Communist Democrats have a sizable majority, you can depend on new topics — like eliminating private health insurance — containing more shock value than old ones. And, in my opinion, this big “spanking” of the Assembly Democrats by ferocious direct and indirect lobbying should be remembered — and provide restraint against a new bill — for at least a year. Thank you for participating in this important, rare victory against big, new tyranny!
See more about AB 1400 (and its funding mechanism, ACA 11, which is also likely dead for the year) at the SaveCalifornia.com Legislation Center.
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
Psalm 94:16