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ALERT: Keeping opposing anti-Prop. 8 bill

Thursday, April 29, 2010, 4:51 pm |

Send your prewritten message opposing the anti-Prop. 8 bill, SB 906.

Even though the pro-homosexuality, pro-abortion Democrats control the California State Senate, a bill undermining Prop. 8 still has not come up for a vote. I’ve got to wonder if the emails people have been sending through SaveCalifornia.com are part of the reason.

SB 906, which redundantly repeats the First Amendment’s religious freedom guarantee that pastors don’t have to officiate for any marriage they oppose, attempts to trick California voters into thinking that homosexual “marriages” won’t harm religious freedom.

But of course “gay and lesbian marriages” will trump other people’s fundamental rights, as the gay-marriage hammer is used in lawsuits against moral business owners, property owners, state contractors, and non-church religious organizations. Not to mention being taught as the norm to impressionable children in government schools. The whole reason behind SB 906 is to make it easier to legalize homosexual “marriage” licenses on the 2012 ballot.

We know that the emails being sent to the State Capitol by pro-family Californians, which state “SB 906 intends to pave the way for same-sex ‘marriages’ on a future ballot,” are being noticed. See this except from the reply of Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg:

Thank you for your recent communication in opposition to SB 906 (Leno). This bill would protect religious freedom by reaffirming the separation of church and state where marriage is concerned. As I understand it, you oppose this bill on the grounds that it would pave the way to allowing the state to legalize same-sex marriage. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

Irrespective of whether SB 906 would have the effect you describe, I am a strong supporter of peoples’ right to marry regardless of sexual orientation…

Despite the support of the Senate’s liberal leader, the floor vote on SB 906 has been delayed for more than a month. Maybe in this election year, some Democrats want to avoid seeming anti-voter. Or maybe some homosexual activists won’t support anything that purports to support religious freedom. Or maybe the Democrat senators are waiting for opposition from pro-family citizens to die down before passing SB 906 in a couple of weeks.

ACTION: Whatever the reason for the delay, don’t hesitate to do your part to win! Now is your window of opportunity. Please send our prewritten email to Sacramento – even if you’ve already sent it before – and forward this message to all your friends to urge them to do the same.

Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure,
for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

Hebrews 13:4 NIV


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