Do you realize how, right now, you can powerfully influence your children’s or grandchildren’s minds and lives? You can give them what the government schools refuse to teach — the truth about life!
With today’s schools and media bombarding kids with lies about their origins, their bodies, and their purpose, you can equip kids with the “what” and “why” of our very existence.
Just imagine the benefits of young people learning how to spot the lies in our culture.
Imagine the conversations they could have, once bolstered with rock-solid facts.
And imagine how children’s eventual questions can be answered now. Questions like, “Who am I?” “Where did I come from?” “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?”
To equip you for greatness, SaveCalifornia.com has found powerful, free videos for you to watch with your children or grandchildren. Watch and talk about them!
The Privileged Planet (by Illustra Media, based on the book with the same title by Jay Richards and Guillermo Gonzalez)
Unlocking the Mystery of Life (by Illustra Media)
Darwin’s Dilemma (by Illustra Media)
The Atheist Delusion Movie (by Living Waters)
Intelligent Design 3.0 (Stephen Meyer and Doug Axe discuss the advances of Intelligent Design Theory and the faltering Neo-Darwinian mechanisms behind creative change.
Stephen Meyer’s presentation on God and the Origin of the Universe
“What if the discoveries of science actually lend support to belief in God?”
I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist (Frank Turek’s eye-opening and challenging presentation bringing together science and evidence and the Bible)
Full in-depth videos or book “I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist”
Animal, worldview, science, evolution, creation, and Bible videos from Answers in Genesis
Available books
Cold-Case Christianity for Kids by J. Warner Wallace and Susie Wallace
“Investigate Jesus with a Real Detective”
The Case for Christ for Kids by Lee Strobel
“Equip your 8- to 12-year-olds to defend their faith in an unbelieving world”
“The controversy between Darwinism and intelligent design has the characteristics of major scientific revolutions in the past. Darwinists are losing power because they treat with contempt the very people on whom they depend the most: American taxpayers. The outcome of this scientific revolution will be decided by young people who have the courage to question dogmatism and follow the evidence wherever it leads.”
Jonathan Wells, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design