You have not been served by our “public health” officials. Here are 10 facts that Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big Media are ignoring:
1. We don’t kill jobs and businesses each year over the seasonal flu. Currently, 4,213 Californians have died with COVID-19 listed as the “cause of death,” compared to 6,003 annual deaths from the flu.
2. We didn’t kill a quarter of the economy over the viral epidemics of 1918, 1958, or 1969. And back then, we had more honest and caring leaders, media, and medical experts.
3. Even the COVID-19 death counts can’t be trusted, because they’re fraudulently padded. Honest doctors are blowing the whistle on this. And now, the CDC is essentially admitting they falsely scared the world, then drastically downsized death counts.
4. The crass exploitation of people’s fear by mostly Democrat politicians and their complicit Big Media is becoming more obvious. Especially since Democrat insiders are beginning to panic about a rebounding economy helping Donald Trump win reelection.
5. Conservatives are realizing they’ve been duped by the Big Media, which just cannot be trusted to deliver objective facts.
6. The lockdown model itself has become suspect, since we’ve never before destroyed jobs and businesses and livelihoods in order to “stop the virus.” It turns out this new, unproven, unmerited notion of a societal lockdown came from a 15-year-old girl’s science fair project, whose father had inroads with the George W. Bush administration.
7. Meanwhile, other nations are teaching America what it did wrong by “locking down.” With no lockdown, Sweden has fewer virus deaths than England or New Jersey. Spain, which had a lockdown, has discovered a higher infection rate among people staying home.
8. The state of Georgia, whose Republican governor was one of the first to reopen, has not turned into “a post-apocalyptic wasteland,” as the Liberal Left predicted, but is leading by example for life, normalcy, and prosperity.
9. More people could die from the lockdown. Evidence is coming out of the Democrat state of New Jersey and the Republican state of Tennessee that “lockdown deaths” from drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and other suicides could rival or exceed coronavirus deaths.
10. People who have never been “political” are speaking out boldly against the lockdown. They include speaker/author Tony Robbins, who’s exposing what the Big Media won’t.
But with the number of UK coronavirus cases dropping every day, there may not be enough people to test it on, according to the institute’s director Professor Adrian Hill. He told The Sunday Telegraph: “It’s a race against the virus disappearing, and against time. We said earlier in the year that there was an 80% chance of developing an effective vaccine by September. But at the moment, there’s a 50% chance that we get no result at all. We’re in the bizarre position of wanting COVID to stay, at least for a little while.”
Coronavirus ‘disappearing’ so fast Oxford vaccine has ‘only 50% chance of working,’ Sky News, May 25, 2020