For the sake of survival and for training children in academics, moral character, and the Word of God, Bible-based schools must try to reopen now.
Like in 1860, right before the Civil War, when there were official “slave” states versus “free” states, California, controlled by Democrat politicians, has made slaves out of its people, in contrast to numerous Republican states that are free from lockdowns and mask mandates.
On August 3, your California “slavemaster,” Gavin Newsom, controlled and spoke through his California Department of Public Health to issue this public statement:
Waiver Process for Elementary Schools to Resume In-Person Instruction
On July 17, 2020 Governor Gavin Newsom announced that schools in counties that have been on the County Data Monitoring list within the prior 14 days, are only allowed to conduct distance learning and that there would be a waiver process that could allow some elementary schools in those counties to conduct in-person learning if they could meet stringent health requirements. State health officials noted recent scientific data showing that young children were far less likely to shed and transmit the virus.
Today, the California Department of Public Health is releasing that waiver process. A district superintendent, private school principal or head of school, or executive director of a charter school may apply for a waiver from the local health officer to open an elementary school for in-person instruction in a county on the monitoring list. This waiver is applicable only for grades TK-6, even if the grade configuration at the school includes additional grades. The application for a waiver must include an attestation that the applicant consulted with parent, labor, and community organizations at each school site for which an application is being submitted.
This means religious schools may ask their county health officer for permission to reopen for in-person classroom instruction. Here’s the sample letter explaining how to make this happen (note that private schools only need to consult with school staff, not with “labor and community organizations.”) Here’s the full announcement with how-to links.
Even if you have to reopen in a slavish, limited, and politically-correct way, please reopen anyway. Your Bible-based school needs to survive and thrive, and so do the hearts, minds, and souls of the children you want to love and train.
Reopening, even under these oppressive regulations, would also help reopen California as whole. Church schools can lead the way to break the logjam of the Democrats’ destructive lockdown. Schools that stay closed will develop bad reputations when other schools successfully reopen to the joy of families. And if church schools discount their tuitions, they can attract more students. California Christian-format schools must try to reopen!
However, not all California counties will currently “permit” private schools to reopen. Note this from the Orange County Register: “But the waivers can only be considered in counties where coronavirus rates meet a certain threshold. And that means Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside county schools cannot apply under the current guidelines.”
Lastly, here’s documentation of the science that children aren’t threatened by, and don’t spread, COVID-19:
School Children Don’t Spread Coronavirus, French Study Shows
Schools have low coronavirus infection rate, German study finds
Children rarely transmit COVID-19, doctors write in new commentary
Children are not COVID-19 super spreaders: time to go back to school
I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth.
Protestant reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546)