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Covid: Choose facts over fear

Saturday, December 12, 2020, 5:47 pm | Randy Thomasson

I was informed and stimulated by this speech of Dr. Simone Gold, in which she destroyed Covid lies and directed listeners how to attain both health and liberty. She is a medical and constitutional hero from California!

Although this was from late October (I just saw it myself), the points are even more applicable today. Watch Dr. Gold’s rally speech in Beverly Hills

In her address, Dr. Gold, a board-certified emergency physician, who also has a law degree from Stanford University, provided these eye-opening medical facts:

1. Regarding the threat of Covid, Dr. Gold said this particular coronavirus “doesn’t take you down unless you’re very compromised to begin with … and then anything can take you down.”

“To give you some numbers, 72 children younger than age 15 have died from COVID-19 in the entire country. Compare that to 350 who died from drowning; 680 from car accidents. It’s ludicrous to think that the schools should be closed, with numbers like that.”

2. Regarding mask mandates, Dr. Gold said, “Prior to March 2020 there was never a pretense that a mask would be keeping out a virus.”

“Don’t let go of your own common sense. Put a mask on, walk past somebody who’s smoking a cigarette — can you smell the smoke? The smoke is much bigger than the 0.1 micron size of the virus!”

3. Regarding cures for Covid, Dr. Gold said, “There is a treatment that works — hydroxychloroquine and zinc … If you knew you had a bottle in the medicine cabinet that you could take if you needed it, you would stop living in fear.”

Dr. Gold said to get your own hydroxychloroquine, go to her website, americasfrontlinedoctors.com, where you can easily get a physician referral with the help of a pharmacist who respects the doctor-patient relationship.

4. Regarding the current suspension of your God-given and constitutional rights to work, earn, own, use your own property, speak against Covid lies, shop where you want, travel, play, and fellowship with other believers, Dr. Gold said, “Our founding fathers wrote the Bill of Rights, fully aware of epidemics. There was smallpox, there was plague, there was yellow fever, there was diphtheria … and there was the 13 colonies’ influenza epidemic of the 1730s. They knew all about it and wrote the Bill of Rights anyway.”

Dr. Gold continued, “Epidemics is a perfect opportunity for the government to make a power grab. It’s more perfect than a war or natural disaster. Because an epidemic causes more fear, because it’s invisible, there’s no borders, the entire nation is affected everywhere at once, it causes us to segregate some people (contact testing, tracing, quarantining), and it makes us powerless: we can’t volunteer, we can’t do anything (and this is dependent upon ‘experts’) … that’s why we have the Bill of Rights — really, specifically, in cases of epidemics.”

You’ll enjoy watching Dr. Gold’s rally speech. She’s going with the science and history and logic and love!

“It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. . . . The freemen of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise … We revere this lesson too much, soon to forget it. . . .”
U.S. founding father and 4th U.S. president, James Madison

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