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The second acquittal of President Donald Trump on Feb. 13 isn’t merely a just verdict, but the whole sick charade exposes the unfair, unjust, unconstitutional, anti-American Democrat politicians.
President Donald Trump has been acquitted — because he was innocent of the false charge. All 50 unfair, unjust, unconstitutional, tyrannical Democrat U.S. senators (including California’s Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla) and 7 RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) voted to let Congress “impeach” any private citizen and criminalize free speech.
Fortunately, there weren’t the 67 votes the Constitution requires to convict. The 7 unconstitutional RINOs: Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.
Stop and realize Trump had to be acquitted. Because our 5th and 14th Amendments require due process. Yet the Democrat prosecutors manufactured and manipulated evidence, and hid exculpatory evidence favorable to the defendant. What’s more, they relied on hearsay and speculation as they feverishly tried to create an unjust precedent of guilt by association.
What’s it really all about? Democrats want to ban speech and candidates they don’t like. They’re part of the oligarch (rule by the few) of corrupt tyrants who say, “Free speech for me, but not for thee.”
Remember, falsehoods are harmful, but false accusations in law enforcement and our judicial system are exceedingly dangerous. Ever heard of a false conviction? It’s a big sin, which is why Creator God repeatedly commands in the Bible, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
Apply this to the Democrat majority in Congress, which has publicly blamed President Trump for the deaths of seven people in January. But that’s being a false witness.
Here are the facts we know about the seven who died:
1. Ashli Babbitt (shot dead by yet-to-be-named Capitol police officer)
2. Ben Philips (stroke)
3. Kevin Greeson (heart attack)
4. Rosanne Boyland (unknown/”collapsed”) Source 1 | Source 2
5. Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick (unknown/autopsy not released/no evidence of blunt force trauma/cause of death might have been pepper spray from other police officer or preexisting medical condition)
Source 1 | Source 2 | Source 3
6. Capitol police officer Howard Liebengood (committed suicide Jan. 9)
7. Washington, D.C. police officer Jeffrey Smith (committed suicide Jan. 15)
The evidence shows that one Trump supporter was killed by a pistol-waving Capitol police officer; three Trump supporters and another Capitol police officer collapsed from stroke, heart attack, or unknown causes; and two other police officers committed suicide days later. President Trump did not murder, kill, or cause the deaths of any of these people. If he had, he would have already been charged by law enforcement authorities, but they can’t because there’s no reasonable suspicion or probable cause.
Exemplifying the hypocrisy of the Democrats in their unconstitutional attack on the free speech of Donald Trump is former California U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, who publicly joked about her desire to kill Donald Trump, strongly supported BLM riots, and even helped violent rioters get out of jail to return to the streets.
What can we conclude? Because of the godless government schools, which dumb-down children, the USA is no longer a republic based on written laws. The domestic enemies of the written Constitution are the communist-type Democrat politicians plus RINO “Republicans” that fear man, so they betray their oaths to “support and defend” and “bear true faith and allegiance to” the Constitution.
Let 2021 be the year for professing Christians and pastors and patriotic conservatives to stop making excuses why they won’t love Jesus or people all the time and everywhere, and get out of their comfort zones and prioritize pursuing moral, constitutional government in our land for the benefit of all.
Remember, neither freedom of speech nor freedom of religion come from Creator God, but from good government that actually protects it. Yet our bad government has dramatically trampled your basic freedoms, not just the last 11 months, but incrementally, since 1932 when FDR was elected U.S. president, and since 1959 in California when Democrats captured both houses of the State Legislature.
So, instead of “fighting like hell,” I implore you to fight like heaven, with the peaceful values of Jesus Christ, who hates political corruption and false witness and all sins, and loves to forgive those who truly repent.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Jesus Christ in Matthew 6:10