Do you know why children featured in Make-A-Wish ads are often bald? Because they’ve been zapped with chemo drugs, which kills their hair, significantly weakens their already-compromised immune systems, and almost never saves their lives.
Therefore, it is unconscionable that Make-A-Wish would coerce any sick or dying child to receive a dangerous shot, especially the so-called “Covid vaccines,” which have resulted in more than 20,000 deaths (and these are only the reported deaths, the tip of the iceberg).
On Thursday, June 24, 2021, Make-A-Wish Foundation CEO Richard Davis announced a ban on unvaccinated “wish kids” from air travel and large gatherings:
Davis noted that based on the guidance of public health agencies, they will “resume granting air-travel wishes within the United States and its territories, as well as granting wishes involving large gatherings for vaccinated wish families, as soon as Sept. 15 of 2021.”
Then, on Sunday, June 27, 2021, Make-A-Wish gave a written statement to Fox Business engaging in public relations doublespeak but still banning unvaccinated “wish kids” from air travel and large gatherings:
Following criticism on social media of the foundation’s decision excludes unvaccinated children, Make-A-Wish clarified in a statement to FOX Business that it will “not require anyone to get vaccinated to receive a wish.” “We understand that there are many families whose children aren’t eligible for the vaccine yet, and we also know that there are families who aren’t choosing to get the vaccine. We respect everyone’s freedom of choice,” a Make-A-Wish spokesperson said. “We will continue to grant wishes for all eligible children, including children who have not been vaccinated.” The spokesperson noted that it will work with unvaccinated families who do not meet the current criteria for air travel and large gatherings by either delaying the wish or choosing an alternative wish that involves car travel or a local event.
However, on a case-by-case basis, Make-A-Wish said it might narrowly and rarely exempt some dying “wish kids” with a doctor’s note: “While it does not reflect the majority of children we serve, we do occasionally serve children whose medical provider has determined that the child will not survive their illness. In time-sensitive situations involving an end-of-life diagnosis, a process is available to allow air travel or wishes involving large gatherings regardless of vaccination status.”
Yet Make-A-Wish continues to prostitute itself to tyrannical, unscientific “health authorities” such as the CDC and WHO, despite no “order” to do so. In its FOX Business statement, Make-A-Wish said that it looks forward to “the day when medical experts advise that we can lift all restrictions.”
On SaveCalifornia.com’s social media talking about this, several people said they’ll never donate to Make-A-Wish again. And you shouldn’t. Because any organization harming the health of children is bad, not good!