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Gavin Newsom’s public shaming at the Rams/49ers play-off game, plus the peer pressure of other Democrat governors and mayors ending their “mask mandates” helped push Newsom on February 7 to announce via Twitter (see how laws being birthed through the legislative process is so old-fashioned?) that his “indoor mask mandate” will go away for many Californians on February 15 (unless you live in a Democrat-run county that wants to keep it going, or you’re a school student or employee).
So now, California “mask mandates” are going away, unless:
1. You’re a student or employee of a government school
2. You take a bus or train or plane or other “public transit”
3. You step foot in a nursing home or “other congregate living facilities”
4. You attend an indoor ‘mega-event’ with more than 1,000 people (required “vaccine verification” or a negative test; those without either, and admitting they’re unvaccinated, will be told to wear masks.
5. You live, work, or shop in a Democrat-run county, where the ruling Democrats have decided to continue their own unscientific, dehumanizing muzzling “mandate”
So far, Solano and Marin are the only San Francisco Bay Area counties dropping their own “mask mandates” (last Friday, Contra Costa County ended its “vaccine passport” edict for restaurants, bars, and gyms). And Democrat-run Sacramento County is ending its own “mandate” too. Right now, according to news reports, most other counties with their own “mask mandates” are “undecided” or “studying” what to do. Yet in Southern California, Democrat-controlled Los Angeles County is unscientifically and pridefully continuing theirs.
The good is a lot of the unscientific, lie-based, dehumanizing face-mask tyranny is going away. More good news is you can help turn back even additional “mandates” this very week. The bad is that this evil is going to continue for a lot of California adults and children. And this, for a variant that hasn’t verifiably caused anyone to die.
TAKE QUICK ACTION: Science and momentum are on our side, so seize this opportunity to exert much-needed pressure on recalcitrant politicians. Please call and email your county’s Board of Supervisors, your city council, and your local government school board to demand they “end all Covid restrictions, end the state of emergency.”
To find your city council members, search online, “(Your city) city council.” To find your local government school board members, search similarly: (Your city) school district.”
“To grant us that we,
Being delivered from the hand of our enemies,
Might serve Him without fear,
In holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life.”
John the Baptist’s father Zacharias in Luke 1:74-75