Please do your part now to EXPOSE the harmful AB 659, which would FORCE 2-3 doses (jabs) of Gardasil (the “HPV vaccine”) upon every teen in California schools — public and private. SaveCalifornia.com is already helping blow the whistle on how Gardasil doesn’t reliably prevent cervical cancer, causes a high rate of injuries, and is unnecessary since, in California, 12-year-olds can legally “consent” to the shots. Because our side has already stopped the injurious and obsolete “Covid vaccine” jab for California schoolchildren, we have a chance to stop the awful Gardasil jab too. |
STEP 1: To find your California state assemblymember, enter your voter registration address here. Call your own California state assemblymember in his or her district office. Tell the staffer who answers you live in the district and want the Member to: “Oppose AB 659. Gardasil doesn’t reliably work and has caused many adverse reactions. Parents don’t want it mandated, HPV cannot be spread at school, and children age 12 can already request Gardasil shots — rendering this bill unnecessary. Don’t prevent teenagers from attending school by supporting this bad bill — oppose AB 659!” Also please SEND your own assemblymember the evidence of Gardasil harms — use his or her web form to open their eyes! Come to the State Capitol on Tuesday, March 14 to lobby as a group STEP 2: Leave anonymous voicemails during non-business hours (safe is to call 7pm to 7am) for members of the Assembly Health Committee, which could hear AB 659 as soon as March 14. Unless you live in a specific assemblymember’s district, DO NOT identify yourself or provide your location, otherwise your message will be “trashed.” So be strategic. Flood them with calls, saying: “Oppose AB 659. Parents don’t support this and kids don’t need it. Don’t force teens out of school — stop this Big Pharma bill.” PHONE NUMBERS AND WHAT TO SAY This committee has 15 members: 11 Democrats and 4 Republicans. To pass bills requires 8 yes votes. URGE REPUBLICANS TO SPEAK AND EXPOSE AB 659 IN COMMITTEE Tell them, “You need to raise your microphone and speak to expose the harm of AB 659. Voting is not enough — please speak and fight to stop this bad bill!” Marie Waldron 760-480-7570 | 916-319-2075 Heath Flora 209-599-2112 | 916-319-2009 Vince Fong 661-395-2995 | 916-319-2032 Joe Patterson 916-774-4430 | 916-319-2005 To defeat AB 659, our side needs to pull off at least 4 Democrats: Tell the Democrats: “Oppose AB 659. Parents don’t want this and kids don’t need it. Don’t force teens out of school. Stop this Bill Pharma bill.” BEST CHANCE TO VOTE NO OR ABSTAIN Carlos Villapudua 209-948-7479 | 916-319-2013 Brian Maienschein 858-675-0760 | 916-319-2076 Kevin McCarty 916-324-4676 | 916-319-2006 Freddie Rodriguez 909-902-9606 | 916-319-2053 COULD GO EITHER WAY Joaquin Arambula 559-445-5532 | 916-319-2031 Tasha Boerner Horvath 760-434-7605 | 916-319-2077 Miguel Santiago 213-620-4646 | 916-319-2054 WILL VOTE YES BUT CALL THEM ANYWAY Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (AB 659 author) 530-757-1034 | 707-224-0440 | 916-319-2004 Wendy Carillo (AB 659 co-author) 213-483-5252 | 916-319-2052 Akilah Weber (supports everything “woke”) 619-465-7903 | 916-319-2079 Jim Wood (committee chair) 707-463-5770 | 707-445-7014 | 707-576-2526 | 916-319-2002 |
“Is There Objective Evidence that the Current HPV Vaccination Programs are not Justified?”
From the symposium’s conclusion:
Q: Is it ethical to put young women at risk of death or a disabling autoimmune disease at a pre-adolescent age for a vaccine that has not yet prevented a single case of cervical cancer, a disease that may develop 20-30 years after exposure to HPV, when the same can be prevented with regular Pap screening which carries no risks?
A: We don’t know if it can offer any long-term clinical benefit for a disease that is safely preventable through other methods.
WATCH: 4th International Symposium on Vaccines in Germany (April 2016)