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ALERT: Tell this Democrat senator to drop his anti-America bill

Saturday, May 4, 2024, 7:07 pm | Randy Thomasson

May 22, 2024 UPDATE: This anti-America, anti-democratic-process bill on May 21 passed the California State Senate — Democrats for, Republicans against. Please continue calling afterhours to SB 1174 author Dave Min.

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How can we have a republic if the written law — including election law — is not enforced? And how can we have a democracy if the vote of the People is compromised by fraud?

Please act now against a bad bill PROMOTING election fraud by a Democrat Party state senator who’s running for the “toss-up” 47th U.S. House seat in Orange County.

Urge Dave Min to DROP his bad bill (which is now on the floor of the Democrat-controlled California State Senate). See your 1 action step below!
SB 1174 by Democrat Party State Senator Dave Min of Orange County is on the Senate floor after its May 1 passage in its final Senate committee. If it passes the full Senate as soon as this coming week, this anti-America bill will be sent to the State Assembly.

Min introduced his bill because he hates that the Republican-run city of Huntington Beach (which he’s running to represent) wants to require ID before voting (this passed in March).

You see, there’s a constitutional revolution brewing in California, and Min wants to squash it before more conservative cities also require registered voters to prove they are who they say they are. But isn’t true identity the whole point of registering to vote in the first place? You register by claiming you’re a citizen living in a particular locale, then (before mail-in voting took over) on Election Day, you prove your identity before voting.
In contrast, Min’s SB 1174 would prohibit cities from requiring registered voters to present identification before voting. Of course, that flies in the face of a rock-solid fact that banks, airlines, and membership stores know — requiring proof of identification prevents fraud (in this case, election fraud by vote-stealing individuals and corrupt “vote counters”).

Min’s SB 1174 would add to the California Elections Code: A local government shall not enact or enforce any charter provision, ordinance, or regulation requiring a person to present identification for the purpose of voting or submitting a ballot at any polling place, vote center, or other location where ballots are cast or submitted, unless required by state or federal law. For the purpose of this section, “local government” means any charter or general law city, charter or general law county, or any city and county.

Yet without voter identification — especially photo ID — the American standard of “one person, one vote” is shattered. And since California state law DOES NOT require voter ID (thank the ruling Democrats), it’s up to cities and counties that care about accuracy and honesty to require voter ID locally. But they can’t do that under SB 1174, a domestic-enemy bill that is both anti-democracy and anti-America.
ACT NOW: Urge Dave Min to DROP SB 1174
Please share this important and urgent alert with friends who live in Orange County and especially in California’s 47th congressional district (Huntington Beach, Seal Beach, Costa Mesa, Irvine, Newport Beach, and Laguna Beach in Orange County).

This is where Democrat Dave Min is running for Congress. And he’s likely to become afraid if he receives hundreds of calls opposing his SB 1174.
Do you see why this alert is so important? Stop Min’s SB 1174, so more “charter cities” and even “charter counties” will require voter ID to combat election fraud.

Call TODAY to Dave Min’s Irvine office at 949-223-5472. If that line is busy, or the voicemail is full, try calling Min’s State Capitol office at 916-651-4037.

Leave your live message with a staffer, or your recorded message, saying something like: “I live in Orange County and am appalled that Dave Min is trying to ban voter identification. His bill, SB 1174, attacks our country’s ‘one person, one vote’ standard. Drop your un-American bill. Stop attacking democracy. Drop SB 1174!”

You can call during regular business hours (9am to 5pm) to leave a live message with a staffer, who will also ask your name and your voter registration address. Or you can call weekends or after hours on weekdays (6pm to 9am) to leave your voicemail message.

If you don’t live in Orange County, you can still call anonymously and after hours and weekends without revealing your name or where you live.

Conducted by the Honest Elections Project (HEP) from July 13-16, the survey reveals widespread support among the American electorate for common-sense election integrity policies. According to the poll, 88 percent of Americans support laws mandating voters show a form of ID in order to cast their ballot, including the vast majority of black (82 percent) and Hispanic voters (83 percent). Only 9 percent of those polled opposed ID requirements. The survey’s findings paint a vastly different picture than the one crafted by legacy media and Democrat politicians, who for years have maliciously smeared voter ID laws as Republican-sponsored tools designed to “suppress” the votes of racial minorities.
“Poll shows majority of Americans support voter ID,” The Federalist, July 31, 2023

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