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Just awful: Newsom signs AB 1955 to hide a child’s problems from parents

Monday, July 15, 2024, 6:05 pm | Randy Thomasson

Because of his presidential aspiration, this could have gone the other way. But for now, please spread this bad news to everyone you can. And thank you for anything you did against this evil Democrat Party / “LGBTQIA+” agenda bill, which was pushed by the Democrats’ “LGBTQ+ Caucus.”

Today, Monday, July 15, Democrat Party Governor Gavin Newsom issued a news release announcing, without comment, that he had signed 58 bills (including the anti-parent pro-“LGBTQIA+” AB 1955) and vetoed 2 bills.

By signing AB 1955 to force K-12 “public” schools to hide from parents their own child’s sexual confusion, Newsom has again demonstrated that he’s against God-given parental rights and for the evil “LGBTQIA+” agenda harming children (just like most Democrat politicians are).

AB 1955 by homosexual activist Chris Ward of San Diego and 11 other homosexual activists, plus two other Democrat Party legislators, was “gutted and amended” to legally prohibit any government-school employee or contractor from disclosing “any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent.”

This outrageous bill is against parents, children, science, and health. It is being pushed because anti-parental-rights Democrat Party Attorney General of California Rob Bonta has no legal basis in state law to sue pro-family school boards that have parental rights policies on sexually-confused children. But with AB 1955 signed, he will in January 2025!


1. Please share this important SaveCalifornia.com update with others

2. Decide now to rescue your children and grandchildren, whatever it takes. Because AB 1955 will be California’s 14th government school sexual indoctrination law. See how at our special site, RescueYourChild.com.

Your Children are Being Targeted: Today’s “public schools” are not “our schools.” Instead, prostituting politicians, anti-family special interests, and union bosses own their immoral indoctrination centers to target and brainwash impressionable boys and girls. You Can Rescue Them: You can rescue your child by exiting the government system for the freedom and safety of homeschooling or church-schooling. Your child’s mind, heart, soul, and body are worth it, and your family will reap wonderful dividends.
From SaveCalifornia.com’s RescueYourChild.com

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