Urge these newly-elected, moral-values Republicans to stand and speak!
In the 2024 election, two Republican Assembly candidates won open seats previously held by Democrats.
In west Riverside County, new Republican Assemblywoman Leticia Castillo seems strongly pro-family, with faith in God. In an interview with Christian activist pastor Tim Thompson, Castillo said, “Parental rights are at risk,” and honoring God, said, “I want Him to use me as His vessel to do His work up in the State Legislature.” She asked for people’s prayers to God to help her with “staying in line with the beliefs and in God’s Word, so I don’t shift direction. That’s really important to me and I want to stay grounded.”
Likewise, another new Republican assemblyman is a pro-family Christian. Jeff Gonzalez, representing the Inland Empire and Imperial County in the southeast corner of California. Gonzalez is a Bible-based pastor endorsed by moral Christian leader Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.
The overwhelming need of pro-family citizens — who live in California or who have family and friends to live here — is to have at least one Republican in each house of the California State Legislature who will stand and speak to expose the harm of Democrat Party politicians and their evil bills.
The real problem is, because of silence, acquiescence, and lack of exposure, the devilish Democrat Party supermajority in both houses in Sacramento have “smooth sailing” — because no current Republican legislator will reliably stir up a storm whenever a bad bill comes up on the Assembly or Senate floor.
Therefore, the priority is for conservative, constitutional, pro-family legislators to stand and raise their microphones to speak. Because when you’re in the numerical minority in Sacramento, your voice matters more than your votes. A pro-family-values legislator who speaks up gets much more done than a pro-family-values legislator who won’t (and who’s part of the problem).
ACTION: Please leave a message to communicate this vision and strategy to the two newly-elected professing Christian assemblymembers to speak to expose evil. Say something like, “Congratulations on winning your election. Please stand and speak to expose evil bills. Because your voice matters more than your voting!”
Leticia Castillo: Capitol 916-319-2058 | Corona 951-371-6860
Jeff Gonzalez: Capitol 916-319-2036 | Coachella 760-347-2360 | Imperial 760-355-8656
If you live in Castillo’s district or Gonzalez’s district, call anytime; if not, call and leave an anonymous message 6pm to 8am or on the weekend.
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers?
Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
Unless the Lord had been my help,
My soul would soon have settled in silence.
If I say, “My foot slips,”
Your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up.
In the multitude of my anxieties within me,
Your comforts delight my soul.
Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law,
Have fellowship with You?
The Bible, Psalm 94:16-20