Of all the problems to fix in our country, Democrat-Party-controlled California has the worst – ranging from high taxes, absurdly high housing prices, sky-high energy prices, sickening sexual school indoctrination, the most abortions, and the highest rates of welfare, transients, crime, and destructive wildfires.
The new Trump Administration can do these important things in California:
1. Through his Attorney General, investigate, expose, and prosecute election fraud.
2. Through his Department of Homeland Security, round up and deport every illegal alien invader despite the interference of Newsom & the Democrats.
3. Using federal powers, federal laws, and federal court decisions, work to restore energy freedom in several ways for what we drive, how we cook and heat, and the costs we pay.
4. Lobby the Republican-controlled U.S. Congress to pass a robust medical freedom bill, which includes vaccine choice for all adults, including parents.
5. Do what he can to reduce baby-killing (abortions), challenge the anti-parent “trans” agenda, promote universal school choice, conduct wildfire prevention on federal lands in California, and more.
In February, SaveCalifornia.com will equip you to call and email the Trump Administration to urgently request help here on the West Coast!
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
The Bible, Proverbs 29:2