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Update: Pro-life battle at Fresno hospital

Friday, March 13, 2009, 9:10 am |

How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? — 2 Corinthians 6:14 NLT

Pro-life nurses have achieved a temporary victory in Fresno. This week’s scheduled vote of the anti-family California Nurses Association in their bid to take over Catholic-run St. Agnes Medical Center was stopped when the union withdrew their election petition. Seems the union bosses weren’t sure they had the votes to win!

The nurses at St. Agnes have twice rejected joining the anti-family CNA, which would have charged nurses around $1,200 in dues per nurse per year. See my March 8 blog for background on the Fresno battle, and to understand what the CNA stands for.

What’s next: This battle will definitely continue at many hospitals and many corporate businesses and industries. The CNA, along with other major unions, are supporting federal “card check” legislation. “Card check” would coerce workers into ignorantly signing blanket-permission cards giving the union total power over their jobs and wrong domination over private businesses.

Read about the dangers of “card check” here and here

Once a hospital falls into union hands, nurses have to fight harder to extricate themselves by decertifying the union. Principled nurses in Missouri have provided an example of how to fight back

ACTION: If you know a pro-family nurse, provide them with our information and tell them not to join the CNA. Because if they join, they’ll further the anti-family agenda in California. SaveCalifornia.com has reliable information on how anyone can resign from a union and keep their job as an agency fee payer.

Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. — Ephesians 6:7 NLT

Big pro-life victory in Orange County

Thursday, March 12, 2009, 11:00 am |

It’s wonderful, refreshing and important that Orange County supervisors have pulled the plug on funding abortions.

This conservative Southern California county has been paying the baby-killing organization Planned Parenthood $341,788 per year through two contracts, $50,000 for “immunizations” and $291,788 for “sex education.”

This week, the pro-life county supervisors voted unanimously to ax the larger program because it includes abortions.

Pro-family Republican Supervisor John Moorlach, who proposed the action, said he has “a problem with government funding of an organization that provides abortion services.” So do most people.  So does God.

Think what this means for your community.  If one California county can stop funding abortions, so can other counties. Five supervisors in Orange County have shown the way. I’ve got an action step for you, so keep reading!

TAKE ACTION: Ask your own county supervisor to stop wasting scarce taxpayer dollars by funding abortions. Urge them to follow the lead of Orange County which is severing its abortion partnership with Planned Parenthood.

  • If you live in Orange County, call all five supervisors to thank them from stopping your local tax dollars from funding baby-killing abortions

            Patricia Bates 714.834.3550
            Janet Nguyen 714.834.3110
            John Moorlach 714.834.3220
            Bill Campbell 714.834.3330
            Chris Norby 714.834.3440

Obama is making us pay to kill little humans

Monday, March 9, 2009, 10:00 am |

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
Psalm 139:13-16 NIV

President Barack Obama is changing America all right. He is changing us from a culture of life into a culture of death.

Obama kicked off this week by issuing an executive order allowing billions in taxpayer dollars to be used for research on frozen embryos — the youngest human beings, already conceived in the sight of God.

Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser is right when she says Obama is funding “immoral science”: 

“This decision comes on the heels of several executive decisions to fund the destruction of human life at taxpayers’ expense,” she said Monday. “Already President Obama has directed American tax dollars toward international abortion providers by overturning the pro-life Mexico City Policy. His decision to fund the United Nations Population Fund will subsidize the destruction of unborn children around the world. Add these decisions to his expected rollback of conscience protections for pro-life medical professionals and we find an alarming trend: respect for human life, and the consciences of American taxpayers even, are both dismissed in favor of an abortion industry bailout and the funding of immoral science that has yet to yield a single success.”

We all must grasp the horrible thing that is happening. Because of unethical in-vitro fertilization practices, more than a half million “unused” embryos are frozen in the U.S. Some of them are being adopted as “Snowflake babies.”

It is wrong and Frankensteinian to tear apart in a test tube tiny persons knit together by God’s reproductive process.

Especially since there are NO beneficial therapies in humans that have ever been successfully carried out using embryonic stem cells. In California, where $3 billion in taxpayer dollars were approved in 2004 for embryonic stem cell research, no one has been healed or helped in their disease or disability. 

On the contrary, using embryonic stem cells has been shown to produce tumors.

As a pro-life American, I support the use of adult stem cells and cord blood stem cells — which don’t harm or kill anyone in the process — and which have resulted in 72 recent cures and treatments.

For example, research at UCLA using adult stem cells has produced rehabilitative cells without the destruction of human beings. But the pro-abortion politicians and media just can’t bring themselves to celebrate.

Just last week, it was announced that British and Canadian scientists have discovered a way to produce an almost endless supply of stem cells that could safely be used in patients and research, without any need to destroy human embryos. The cells are made from a person’s own skin, carrying the person’s own DNA, thus preventing future rejection by the immune system. Much, much, much better than the immoral, unhelpful and hugely expensive embryonic research.

So why, with all the medical advancements of adult and cord blood stems cells and NO MEDICAL ADVANCES using embryonic stem cells, is Obama spending billions of our taxpayer dollars to destroy human life yet produce no medical benefit for anyone? And why is he ignoring the success of adult and cord blood stem cell research? 

It’s simple. Pro-abortion researchers need jobs. Pro-abortion forces elected Obama and they are demanding taxpayer money. So Obama is delivering. It’s the abortion industry bailout. Billions and billions in taxpayer-funded embryonic research that is both useless and destructive is just what the doctor…I mean the president…ordered.

TAKE ACTION: Contact President Obama. He intends to push more pro-abortion policies upon Americans and needs to hear your loud protest now.

1. Call and email President Obama and Congress with SaveCalifornia.com’s Legislative Center
2. Forward this information to others to inform and activate them
3. Tell your local media the truth about the value of unborn human life and the wrongness of embryonic stem-cell “research” Call radio talk-shows and comment at online TV news and newspaper sites.