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Fresno pro-life, pro-family alert

Sunday, March 8, 2009, 10:00 am |

This coming Wednesday, March 11, nurses at a Catholic hospital in Fresno will vote on whether to join the California nurses union. SaveCalifornia.com is urging pro-family Californians in Fresno to contact the nearly 1,000 nurses at the St. Agnes Medical Center to urge them to vote NO on the CNA (California Nurses Association). Read this eye-opening report in California Catholic Daily

The CNA is aggressively pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality. The CNA collects around $60 million per year to fund pro-abortion candidates (all Democrats). In the last election, the CNA spent $40,000 against protecting marriage for a man and a woman, and another $40,000 against requiring parental notification for abortion. And the CNA aggressively lobbied in favor of AB 2747, the nurse-assisted suicide law that SaveCalifornia.com opposed.

If the Fresno nurses ignorantly vote to go union, the CNA will extort more than $1,200 in “dues” per year from each nurse. That’s over $1 million per year for the CNA’s agenda if this Fresno hospital falls. Then, the CNA will threaten to fire any nurse that won’t pay dues to support the CNA’s pro-abortion, pro-homosexual-bisexual-transsexual political values.

ACTION: If you live in the Fresno area, please tell your nurse friends to urge nurses they know at the St. Agnes Medical Center to “Vote NO on the CNA.” The vote could be very close. Someone ought to make fliers to paper the employee area of the hospital parking lot. Someone bold and creative ought to organize a sidewalk protest Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday.

Do something about higher taxes

Sunday, March 8, 2009, 9:45 am |

Most people don’t understand why the economy went sour. But they know that job losses are scary. And they know that higher taxes are wrong, because they’ve been taught that for decades.

I predict Californians will get appropriately angrier and angrier at higher taxes starting in April when they see a higher sales tax with every purchase, a higher car tax, income tax, and a new $200 “child tax.”

Ronald Reagan was right when he said “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” He was right again when he said “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

You cannot afford to be ignorant of America’s economic problems. We all must rally around the free-market, capitalistic solutions that promote individual responsibility, individual reward and financial stability for families.

Bottom line, to preserve our freedom in America and avoid government enslavement, we must fight against increased government control and the soaking of taxpayers.

Here’s the latest. Please do your part to protest on April 15.

15,000 attend March 7 radio protest of California’s tax-hike politicians
John and Ken of KFI call for heads of GOP tax hikers, defeat of Prop. 1A

Plan ahead: Join an April 15 modern “tea party” protest near you
Join me and others with signs to protest higher taxes and the govt. takeover. California tea party protests are scheduled in Sacramento, Modesto, San Jose, Santa Ana, San Bernardino and San Diego. 

Be concerned: Instant defaults have tripled because of low credit standards
Govt. loan program is harming banks, credit, and should be scrapped

VIDEO CLIP: CNBC’s Rick Santelli’s “Rant of the Year”
Financial expert unleases call to action against the government takeover

Learn: Retired finance professor Michael Rozeff explains why government regulation of banks harms the economy, taxpayers,  jobs, freedom

A good book I just ordered, with the forward by Congressman Ron Paul
Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse

The future of America is at stake. Stand up and protest on April 15!

Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
— Ronald Reagan

But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.
— John Adams

SaveCalifornia.com gives voice to your values

Saturday, March 7, 2009, 2:43 pm |

It’s been a privilege to be on TV, radio and in newspapers educating people why natural marriage between a man and a woman is important and why the California Constitution demands that Proposition 8 be upheld.

This past week I appeared in these media outlets:

KGO-TV Ch. 7 San Francisco (twice)
KXTV Ch. 10 Sacramento
KCRA Ch. 3 Sacramento
KNBC Ch. 4 Los Angeles
KTVU Ch. 2 Oakland
KGO AM 810 San Francisco
KSFO AM 560 San Francisco
Fox News Radio
The Savage Nation
Los Angeles Daily News
Oakland Tribune

It’s only because of God’s favor and your financial support that this good work gets done. If you haven’t donated lately to SaveCalifornia.com, please give a generous gift to help supply for our ongoing needs.