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Explore the new SaveCalifornia.com

Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 9:00 am | Webmaster

It’s been months in the making but the brand-new SaveCalifornia.com website has finally arrived. We’re not only excited about our clean new look, but the fresh vision and solid direction that goes along with the package. So click around and see what’s new for you here in 2009.

Opponents to big government must speak out

Sunday, March 1, 2009, 10:50 am |

President Barack Obama’s “stimulus” and “bailout” policies are putting the nation deeply in debt, setting us up for future tax increases, and transforming America into a social-welfare state with more in common with modern European socialist governments than with the vision of our founding fathers which made America great.

So why are so few Republicans in Congress speaking out? Seems they’re standing on polls more than standing on principle.

Call your U.S. Representative at 202-225-3121 to say you oppose the “stimulus” and “bailouts” and “buyouts” that create government ownership of what rightfully belongs to the private sector. This is the largest government takeover of the private sector in U.S. history, more in line with Stalinist Russia and other communist regimes. Speak out while you still can.