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Republican votes to force foster parents into ‘LGBT’ indoctrination

Thursday, August 30, 2012, 8:15 am | Randy Thomasson

SaveCalifornia.com provides the following solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

On August 28, a Ventura County Republican named Jeff Gorell partnered with every Democrat in the California State Assembly to pass AB 1856, authored by homosexual activist and Democrat assemblyman Tom Ammiano of San Francisco. See the vote.

This intolerant, perverse, and foolish bill, sponsored by homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists, forces foster parents to support sexually harmful behavior of abused children in foster homes — by requiring foster parents to have “instruction on cultural competency and sensitivity” in complete support of any homosexual, bisexual, or cross-dressing/”sex change” behavior of children in their care. This is despite the evidence showing these behaviors are inherently unnatural and unhealthy.

As I said in our news release, “This bad bill tramples religious freedom, destroys moral sensitivities, and erases the differences between male and female in foster homes. If this burdensome bill is signed, the state will be telling prospective foster parents, ‘Don’t sign up.’”

Gorell of Ventura County was the only registered Republican to vote for AB 1856. Gorell joined all 52 Democrats in voting “yes,” along with former Republican Nathan Fletcher of San Diego, now a registered independent.

From 1993 to 1996, Gorell was an advisor, writer and deputy press secretary to pro-abortion Republican Governor Pete Wilson. And while he now represents a morally conservative district, Gorell is also in the pro-abortion camp.

This week, not only did Gorell support a terrible bill pushing perversity in foster homes, he was present but abstained on other homosexual-bisexual-transsexual bills of the Democrats:

SB 1172 prohibits parents from hiring a counselor to help their molested child overcome gender confusion: Gorell did not vote

AJR 43, a resolution calling for a U.S. homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda: Gorell did not vote

SB 1140, a religious-freedom “ruse” that paves the way for homosexual “marriages”: Gorell did not vote

Next to a sincere compliment, I think I like a well-deserved and honest rebuke.
William Feather, American author, 1889 – 1981

If you have children in government school, your ship is already sinking

Thursday, July 19, 2012, 6:02 am | Randy Thomasson

One year ago, California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, signed SB 48, mandating homosexual-bisexual-transsexual role models for children in public schools. That was after a long opposition battle fought by you and SaveCalifornia.com and many others.

When this terrible bill was signed, I went on CBN News to tell parents the harsh reality of SB 48 and seven other sexual indoctrination laws being pushed on children in government schools, and what they must do.

Please take a moment to watch my important message to parents. If you do not see the player below, click here to watch this important video.

It’s up to parents now

If you’re deeply concerned about the unnatural and unhealthy, destructive, and tyrannical homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda sweeping through society and already entrenched in the California government school system, then you were disappointed when the SB 48 repeal campaign fell short of qualifying for the ballot for the second time, with even fewer signatures.

Unfortunately, without major donors paying upfront to professionally and quickly gather most of the signatures, no volunteer-only signature drives have qualified for the California ballot over the last few decades.

Now, it’s up to parents to either subject their children to or protect them from SB 48’s in-your-face indoctrination telling children to aspire to be like homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals.

SB 48 is just the tip of the iceberg

As I said in the CBN News interview, SB 48 is just one of 8 sexual indoctrination laws in California government schools. And there are 9 more reasons to be greatly concerned about the government-run “education” — academically, morally, socially, physically, and spiritually.

Did you know that the idea of the government teaching YOUR children came from some pretty wicked people, including an anti-God socialist named John Dewey?

Dewey, one of the “fathers of modern public education” and signer of the 1930 Human Manifesto, wrote:

“I believe that…[public] education is the fundamental method of social progress and reform…this conception has due regard for…socialistic ideals.”

Dewey also said:

“There is no God and there is no soul. …There is no room for fixed… or moral absolutes.”

Time to wake up

If you don’t think public schools can harm your child, may I be straight-forward? It’s time to wake up.

The vision of John Dewey is beyond realized, not only in California government schools, but across the nation. While there are certainly some good-hearted teachers loving children in public schools, we must remember that the government and its immoral, imploding, dysfunctional values are in charge. The system and the system’s mandates are the ultimate authority.

So now what?

If you have children or grandchildren who are under the influence of government-run schools for several hours each weekday, they will be hit with SB 48. First, through “supplemental materials” (i.e., handouts, homosexual biographies, classroom discussions, essays and other homework, special assemblies and outside speakers, videos, dramas, etc.); later new textbooks will come out.

According to SB 48, children from kindergarten through 12th grade, in all “instruction in social sciences,” must admire “the role and contributions of…lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans.” There is no parental opt-in or opt-out.

And underneath this cap of the iceberg your family ship is plowing into are seven other homosexual-bisexual-transsexual laws – plus many other threats guaranteed in public schools.

How did this come to be? The Democrat politicians, who have firm control of the California State Legislature, have been very busy over the last several years. Along with a few liberal Republicans named Arnold Schwarzenegger, Abel Maldonado, and Nathan Fletcher, they’ve approved a slew of bad laws that instruct children to support homosexual behavior, bisexual behavior, transsexual behavior, and any other “consensual” sexual behavior, and telling kids to even consider these lifestyles for themselves. These same laws prohibit the negative health consequences of these lifestyles to be mentioned.

Yes, you can protect your child

In this week’s scant news coverage of the second failure of the repeal movement, reporter Bob Unruh of WND.com got the news for families right. He uses SaveCalifornia.com’s data to explain that SB 48 is only the tip of the iceberg, and emphasizes that parents who don’t want their children sexually indoctrinated need to exit the government system, which is what we’ve been calling for since 2008. It’s for this very reason we created our special website, RescueYourChild.com.

Here’s part of the WND.com report:

Randy Thomasson, president of SaveCalifornia.com, a leading California-based family issues policy center, said the war is not lost, however.

He issued a statement that it would be a good idea for “even more parents and grandparents” to take action to protect their vulnerable children by removing them from the “state government school system.”

He noted that SB 48 requires children from kindergarten through 12th grade, “in all ‘instruction in social sciences,’ admire ‘the role and contributions of … lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans.’”

“Parents and grandparents who don’t want their children and grandchildren sexually indoctrinated with unnatural and unhealthy ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender’ role models must decide now to exit the immoral, imploding, dysfunctional government school system and place their children in church schools or home schools,” Thomasson said.

“This is no time to be indecisive, since you only have one chance with your child’s education. Because of SB 48 and … other homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination laws, California K-12 government schools have become radical sexual indoctrination agencies,” he added.

Read the full WND.com article

The great difficulty of ballot initiatives

I am energized by hope, but I don’t believe in false hope, which ultimately depresses and debilitates people. Getting children out of the government-controlled schools and into the Promised Land of church schools and home schools is the only solution. You cannot rely on ballot measures to protect your child from immorality or to train your child up in righteousness.

The sad reality is the 446,000 raw-count signatures collected by volunteers, which was reported by the Stop SB 48 campaign, would have — at an average 70% validity rate — yielded 312,220 valid signatures, far short of the 504,760 valid signatures needed to qualify for the ballot.

As we said in our July 17 news release, California initiative experts cannot remember any ballot measure in recent decades that has qualified with signatures primarily gathered by volunteers. The Stop SB 48 committee’s second failure to qualify for the ballot demonstrates the necessity of typically raising at least $1 million from major donors to get started on a professional signature-gathering campaign — as well as analyzing, developing consensus on, and vetting effective, rock-solid ballot language.

All this must be done prior to submitting ballot language to the Attorney General for official title and summary, which is then followed by 150 days that are permitted to attempt to gather sufficient signatures to qualify a statutory initiative or constitutional amendment for the California ballot. A constitutional amendment on this issue and other child-protection issues is required to trump the liberal California Supreme Court.

Your action steps

1. Be clear about the chronic problems of government schools

2. Choose your solution for educational freedom

3. See the IndoctriNation movie trailer

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 1:7 NKJV

Volunteer for your favorite candidate and change Sacramento

Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 5:10 pm | Randy Thomasson

Democrats control the California State Legislature, which they’ve had virtually since the late 1950’s.

Earlier this year, Democrat legislative leaders openly hoped to pick up two seats in the state Senate and two more in the state Assembly in November. This achievement would give them the immense power of a two-thirds’ majority, enabling Democrat legislators to pass super-majority measures, such as tax increases, without “needing” any Republican legislators.

However, the lackluster support for the Democrats in close contests in the June primary election has me thinking Republicans may actually gain seats, not lose them, in November.

Of course, this is all predicated on voter turnout, and on those who volunteer for and donate to candidates. SaveCalifornia.com does not support or oppose candidates for public office, but encourages individual citizens to be politically active for the sake of good government. Therefore, I urge you to find the competitive contests in your area, research where the candidates stand on the issues, and then volunteer for the candidate that best matches your values.

Here are lists of close legislative contests in California. A “close contest” is defined as a Democrat-held seat where the Democrat candidates, combined, received less than 50% of the June primary vote, or a Republican-held seat where Republican candidates, combined, received less than 50% of the vote in June.


AD8 East Sacramento County: June primary results: Democrats 42.8%, Republicans 52.7%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Ken Cooley, Republican Peter Tateishi District information, candidate links

AD48 West Covina-Glendora: June primary results: Democrats 43.4%, Republicans 45.6%, No Party Preference 11.0%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Roger Hernandez (incumbent), Republican Joe Gardner District information, candidate links

AD49 Monterey Park-Arcadia: June primary results: Democrats 47.8%, Republicans 52.2%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Ed Chau, Republican Matthew Lin District information, candidate links

AD61 Riverside-Moreno Valley-Perris: June primary results: Democrats 44.6%, Republicans 51%, No Party Preference 4.5%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Jose Medina, Republican Bill Batey District information, candidate links

AD66 L.A. South Bay: June primary results: Democrats 40.5%, Republicans 59.5%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Al Muratsuchi, Republican Craig Huey District information, candidate links


These are districts where Democrat candidates, combined, received 50% or more of the June primary vote, but if Republicans fight hard they might take the seat (unless the Democrats fight harder).

AD9 South Sacramento-Elk Grove-Galt-Lodi: June primary results: Democrats 50.8%, Republicans 46.1%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Richard Pan (incumbent), Republican Tony Amador District information, candidate links

AD21 Merced County-parts of Stanislaus County: June primary results: Democrats 54.5%, Republicans 45.4%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Adam Gray, Republican Jack Mobley District information, candidate links

AD37 Santa Barbara County-Ventura-Santa Paula-Fillmore: June primary results: Democrats 56%, Republicans 44%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Das Williams (incumbent), Republican Rob Walter District information, candidate links

AD41 Pasadena-Sierra Madre-San Dimas-Claremont-Upland: June primary results: Democrats 58.6%, Republicans 41.4%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Chris Holden, Republican Donna Lowe District information, candidate links

AD43 Burbank-Glendale-La Crescenta: June primary results: Democrats 55.7%, Republicans 44.3%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Mike Gatto (incumbent), Republican Greg Krikorian District information, candidate links

AD57 Whittier-La Mirada-Hacienda Heights-La Puente: June primary results: Democrats 56.2%, Republicans 43.8%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Ian Calderon, Republican Noel Jaimes District information, candidate links | Local news coverage


AD32 Kings County-parts of Kern County: June primary results: Democrats 41.4%, Republicans 58.6%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Rudy Salas, Republican Pedro Rios District information, candidate links


AD4 Napa and Yolo Counties, with parts of Colusa, Lake, Sonoma, Solano counties: June primary results | District information, candidate links

AD7 Sacramento-West Sacramento: June primary results | District information, candidate links


These are districts that you can call “question marks” or experimental or unpredictable due to the presence of a “No Party Preference” (NPP) candidate, which, for the first time, are allowed this year through Proposition 14, passed by California voters in 2010.

For example, if a “No Party Preference” is running against a Democrat, the “NPP” candidate could win by attracting — on the issues — Republican voters,  independent voters, and disenfranchised Democrat voters.

Assembly District 28 in the Silicon Valley in Santa Clara County has both a Democrat and a “No Party Preference” candidate in the November runoff. June primary results | District information, candidate links

Assembly District 11 covering Fairfield, Vacaville, and the sprawling Sacramento Delta region) has a Democrat and a Republican facing off in November, but the “No Political Party” candidate came in a strong third and that candidate’s supporters could affect the outcome in November: June primary results | District information, candidate links


SD5 Stanislaus County-San Joaquin County-Galt: June primary results: Democrats 40.7%, Republicans 59.2%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Cathleen Galgiani, Republican Bill Berryhill District information, candidate links

SD27 Thousand Oaks-Malibu-Simi Valley-Santa Clarita: June primary results: Democrats 48.9%, Republicans 51.1%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Fran Pavley (incumbent), Republican Mike Zink District information, candidate links

SD31 Corona-Riverside-Moreno Valley-Perris: June primary results: Democrats 48.9%, Republicans 51.1%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Richard Roth, Republican Jeff Miller District information, candidate links


SD19 Santa Barbara County and part of Ventura County: June primary results Democrats 54.9%, Republicans 45.1%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Hannah-Beth Jackson, Republican Mike Stoker District information, candidate links


SD39 San Diego-Coronado-Del Mar-La Jolla-Solana Beach-south of Escondido: June primary results: Democrats 56.3%, Republicans 43.7%
General Election Candidates: Democrat Marty Block, Republican George Plescia District information, candidate links

Again, you choose the candidate or candidates that best represent your values. But I urge you to volunteer, because volunteering with your interests or talents or skills is how you can make the most difference in an election year. Either volunteer directly for a candidate or develop and distribute your own material supporting a candidate or a slate of candidates (i.e. a voter scorecard).

Both Democrats and Republicans quote Edmund Burke, who, in 1795, wrote, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” This modern proverb is true and applicable to elections. But you should know that Burke was a British moral-values Christian, and would not want evildoers to use his words to rally their troops more than workers of righteousness in their communities.