
SaveCalifornia.com Blog//

How to legally multiply your votes

Saturday, June 2, 2012, 8:52 pm |

You have an incredible opportunity to make a difference before Tuesday’s election. If you love God and love people, I hope you’ll seize it.

California’s June 5 primary election is expected to have a very low turnout – perhaps only a third of registered voters will actually vote by the time the polls close.

This is good news for moral conservatives. Because you care deeply for moral values in government, and because you know others with moral standards, you can turn out more votes for righteousness and make a mathematical difference that may be the winning difference.

So please take quick action. Go to the candidates’ websites and study their positions on issues. Use SaveCalifornia.com’s Election Center to do more research. Then, write up your voting recommendations with brief explanations.

Next, get your value-based recommendations to other moral conservatives. Send an email or Facebook or Twitter message to all your friends. If you’re part of a church and see this in time, make lots of copies of your recommendations. Then, on Sunday morning, either pass them out by hand or place on car windows.

A very effective way to get people out to vote is to pull out your church directory, and call every household. Encourage them to vote, to offer them your recommendations, answer their questions, and even offer a ride to their polling place, if needed. This get-out-the-vote activity is truly good work for God’s values and for people’s benefit.

Moral conservatives don’t need to be like liberal activists, who pretend to be dead people and multiply votes illegally. No, you can multiply righteous votes by encouraging professing moral conservatives or professing Christians to vote for their values because you’re helping them and telling them every vote is needed.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

Proverbs 29:2 NKJV

“The Church must take right ground to politics… The time has come for Christians to vote for honest men, and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them…God cannot sustain this free and blessed country, which we love and pray for, unless the church will take right ground. Politics are a part of religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do this duty to their country as part of this duty to God…God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics.”
Rev. Charles Finney (1792-1875), a famous American minister and revivalist of the Second Great Awakening

Nurse-abortion bill pulled today

Friday, May 4, 2012, 7:49 pm |

SaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes
and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

REJOICE that heavy, strategic lobbying in an election year has resulted in a rarity — a bill authorizing nurses to abort children is “dead in committee” after two pro-abortion Democrats refused to vote for it.

Today — Friday, May 4 — the lesbian, pro-abortion Democrat author of SB 1338 has pulled her bill off the committee schedule and will miss the deadline to pass the bill in committee because she couldn’t secure one more vote.

Read the story in the San Diego Union-Tribune

Why did this happen? The two pro-abortion Democrats who voted no on April 26 are Lou Correa of Central Orange County and Juan Vargas of San Diego. Both Democrats seem to want to please pro-life voters with their “latest image” as they run or consider running for new electoral offices. Correa may run for county supervisor and even statewide office. Vargas is running for a congressional seat that extends into the strongly pro-life Imperial County, and is running against a vocal, pro-life Democrat in the primary battle being currently waged.

In any case, this abortion skirmish is more evidence that the reality of children in the womb is becoming more accepted and popular. For now, even some Democrat politicians are fearful of a growing pro-life citizenry.

That said, this horrible bill authorizing nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives, and physician assistants to “perform” tortuous, murderous suction abortions of pre-born babies can be brought directly to the Senate floor if the Democrat leader, Darrell Steinberg, really wants to.

Where will conservatives go now?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 10:21 pm |

SaveCalifornia.com, and our national arm SaveAmerica.com, provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

In my 18 years of public leadership for moral standards and family values, I have tried to be faithful to God’s non-negotiable values and His Truth. For throughout His Word, God only blesses obedient people.

Now that the contest for the Republican presidential nomination is a three-man race, I want to keep standing for God’s truth, despite any temptation to do otherwise.

Nine years ago, California went through a historic gubernatorial recall election. Yet because conservatives went with image over good public policies, they chose liberal Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger over conservative Republican Tom McClintock. As a result, bad policies were not reversed and bad bills were signed into law. Do you want to see history repeat?

If you have strong moral values and a sense of history, I invite you to stand for Truth with us at SaveCalifornia.com and our national arm, SaveAmerica.com. We have no horse in this race, but are working hard to get the truth about the public-policy records of the Republican presidential candidates to as many people as possible. The facts are found in our Report Card on the Natural Family, which documents the candidates’ records on 10 public-policy issues affecting families.

Truly, a candidate’s actual votes and public actions, along with his repeated, consistent, specific spoken positions, demonstrate where he really stands on public-policy issues regarding the natural family. Don’t disagree with the evidence before seeing the Report Card on the Natural Family documentation and source links here, in alphabetical order:

See the evidence for NEWT GINGRICH »
See the evidence for RON PAUL »
See the evidence for MITT ROMNEY »

Thank you for standing with us for God’s non-negotiable Truth. For the sake of our land, please forward the evidence of our Report Card on the Natural Family to all your friends.