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Black pastors vs. Prop. 19 (marijuana legalization)

Friday, July 9, 2010, 2:27 pm |

As I walked to the west steps of the State Capitol July 7 to watch the black pastors’ news conference against marijuana legalization, it was like hearing a powerful worship meeting in process. “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” sang a man at the podium, backed up by 20+ ministers. The un-colorblind media in attendance would never call them the religious right.

Watch the TV news report

What’s going on here? A long time ago, fatherlessness infected the black community, along with the irresponsible mindset furnished by government welfare. All that pain and sin was powerful fuel for marijuana addiction, now an epidemic among black teens and young adults.

Led by Dr. Ron Allen, head of the International Faith-Based Coalition, these pastors blasted Prop. 19, which would legalize marijuana up and down California. They also called for the resignation of Alice Huffman, the pro-pot head of the California chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Huffman is a liberal’s liberal. Notorious in California politics, Huffman was a former legislative aide to ultraliberal Democrat Maxine Waters (now in Congress) and doubled as president of the Black American Political Association of California, an organization founded by Willie Brown, the infamous “Ayatollah of the Assembly.” In 1984, Huffman became political director of the biggest, baddest government union in the state, the California Teachers Association.

In 2005, Huffman put the California NAACP on record in favor of homosexual  “marriage” legislation. That same year, she was the grand marshall of San Diego’s “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender pride parade.” So it’s no surprise that Huffman has put the NAACP down for Prop. 19, which would legalize pot “possession and  cultivation” statewide.


1. According to the American Lung Association, there is 50-70% more cancer-causing material in marijuana smoke than in cigarette smoke. In fact, marijuana smoke contains more than 400 chemicals. Marijuana is more harmful to the lungs than cigarettes.
2. Sixty percent of teens in drug treatment centers report marijuana as their #1 addiction.
3. Teens and young adults who regularly smoke pot are at risk of developing brain abnormalities.
4. Legalizing marijuana means teen pot usage will match, even exceed, teen alcohol usage.
5. Adolescents who smoke pot are 85 times more likely to use cocaine than their non–pot smoking peers. And 60 percent of youngsters who use marijuana before they turn 15 later go on to use cocaine.
6. Legalizing pot means it will be sold in your local grocery store, purchased by 21-year-olds who will then give it or sell it to teenagers.
7. Legalizing marijuana will dramatically increase “drugged driving” and fatal car accidents.
8. Legalizing pot will allow drug cartels to grow marijuana in large-scale operations on thousands of acres of California farmland.
9. More violent crime will result as drug cartels invest heavily in marijuana fields and dramatically increase their power.
10. Legalizing marijuana will make it impossible for employers to enforce drug-free workplace rules.

Not yet convinced that legalizing marijuana is a terrible idea? Watch Lei Green, 32, a single mother of seven, talk about how marijuana led her on a road to destruction.

Don’t fill yourself up with wine.
Getting drunk will lead to wild living.
Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 5:18 NIRV

Digest this before your Fourth of July picnic

Saturday, July 3, 2010, 10:53 pm |

With America’s Christian values seeming to erode wherever you turn, we must be honest about our own unpatriotic values. Will you join me in admitting that you look forward to food and friends and fun on July 4th more than you want to thank God and rehear the patriotic sayings of our founding fathers on Independence Day?

Yes, it’s taken only 234 years since 1776 for our minds to become clouded and our senses to become dulled. For whenever deeply rich, real and precious things are replaced with more pleasurable substitutes and fantasies, these counterfeits secretly rule our hearts, minds and souls. Yes, the strong materialistic pull of our “me first” culture affects even conservative, pro-family folks!

Do you want America to return to its moral excellence and again be “one nation under God?”  Do you want to extinguish all counterfeits, ignorance, and useless frivolity regarding America’s past, present and future? Do you want to “walk in the Spirit” so that you don’t “fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16)?

If you want to experience a real Independence Day, please take some time to rediscover the treasure chest of truth about the Christian roots of the United States of America. For there is both great purpose and tangible benefits of being an American!

So before you attend a Fourth of July picnic, please digest this and plan to share it with others. As a result, you and they will become better and our country has a chance to become better too:

1.    The 1337 words of the Declaration of Independence
2.    Pat Boone: “Let’s redeclare our independence”
3.    Celebrating America’s Birthday: Famous July Fourth Orations by David Barton
4.    John Quincy Adams’ Independence Day speech (1837)
5.    Jane Chastain: “Christians are slackers”

“It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore.”
— Founding Father John Adams, our 2nd President

URGENT ALERT: Elena Kagan is lying

Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 2:07 pm |

It’s terrible that Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is lying to Congress. She’s denying that she tried to kick military recruiters off the campus of Harvard Law School, when she did. She’s as liberal and make-up-the-law-as-you-go as Obama’s Appeals Court nominee Goodwin Liu, but this week is distancing herself from him. She won’t give simple “yes or no” answers but instead is behaving like a professional liar as she artfully doesn’t answer question after question. For lying under oath, she should be held in contempt of Congress.

But what’s worse is that Republican Senators are letting Kagan get away with it. They are being much too polite in the hearings, not not demanding “yes or no” answers, not calling her the liar she is, and not promising to oppose her with everything they’ve got. Consider the demand for specific answers from corporate leaders who’ve testified before Congress!

Instead of handling Kagan with kid gloves, Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee ought to be pounding away at her liberal philosophy, liberal past policies, and her refusal to adhere to the WRITTEN U.S. Constitution. More importantly, Republicans ought to publicly call her a liar for testifying falsely and then announce they’ll LEAD A FILIBUSTER on the floor. A filibuster is the only way to STOP KAGAN from getting on the high court where this liberal judicial activist, approved by Barack Obama and the congressional Democrats, will RULE OVER US ALL FOR THE NEXT 30-40 YEARS.


Click here to email and call U.S. Republican senators to demand they filibuster Kagan


SaveCalifornia.com Bulletin: Why Kagan must be stopped

NPR: Republican Jeff Sessions implies Kagan is lying (quietly outside committee)

ABCNews: Sen. Coburn: Kagan ‘Ignorant’ of Constitutional Principles

MassResistance: How Elena Kagan helped “queer” Harvard Law School

Phllyis Schlafly: Elena Kagan should be rejected

American Family Association: Obama’s court pick Kagan is a dangerous judicial activist

Who will stand up for me against evildoers?
Who will take his stand for me against those who do wickedness?

Psalm 94:16 NASB