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Why did Californians vote that way?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010, 6:34 pm |

SaveCalifornia.com provides the following solely for educational purposes. SaveCalifornia.com does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

Why did Republican voters in California choose an advocate for taxpayer-funded abortions and homosexual adoptions as their nominee for Governor?

Why did Republicans also choose a tax-hiker and “Harvey Milk Gay Day” supporter as their nominee for Lt. Governor?

Why did solid conservatives who were electable, such as Chuck DeVore for U.S. Senate and John Eastman for Attorney General, lose on Tuesday?

And why did Prop. 14, which eliminated the party primary system and will result in more liberal Republicans being elected in conservative districts, win handily?

Here’s why. These days, more California voters — even those who are registered Republicans – seem to trust more in their emotions than evidence, and are uneducated on good morals and the requirements of good government. When faced with viable candidates, they vote on personality and image more than policies and principles.


Do more people not know or not care about government and societal problems that need fixing? I used to be divided in my answer, saying some people “didn’t know” and others “didn’t care.” But today in our internet age, people can find information if they want it. Voters could have found where viable (electable) candidates stood on moral, family and social issues at SaveCalifornia.com or by doing web searches. But apparently, not enough cared to look. That’s why mega-millions spent on campaigning are more influential than the candidates’ verifiable policy positions, like Chuck DeVore kept talking about.


It’s hard to fool a wise person. But it’s easy to fool a fool. So if lies are told by candidates, they bounce away from a wise person because he knows the difference and tests the information before buying it. But a foolish person eats whatever he’s given, as long as it smells good, looks good and feels initially good.


Elections used to be about what kind of government we would get. Now I think elections are more about what kind of people we are.

Hear me on this. Most voters went to government schools where knowledge of the written United States and California Constitutions are NOT taught. Nor are the historical Christian convictions of our founding fathers and the Judeo-Christian foundation of the U.S. Constitution. Instead, most government school graduates are taught that God should be kept in the closet, that evolution is fact, and that feelings are as important, as or even more important, than hard facts (which is why some school districts don’t even give A-F grades anymore). Ignorance makes people easy prey.


Add to this the self-centered entertainment culture, which has been trying to teach everyone in America to go with their feelings and with their “right” to do anything. This hedonistic mindset is why California voters are not as virtuous or morally principled as they used to be. Foolish feelings reign now, and the only wisdom will come from either spiritual repentance or painful lessons. We’ve slid a long way since 1969 when Frank Sinatra popularized the notion of doing everything “my way.”

And with most pro-family Californians either unwilling or untrained to volunteer or donate to political candidates, it’s the big-money candidates who have personal funds or are bankrolled by the obscenely wealthy government unions that most often win. By making the multi-million-dollar ad buys, these big-moneyed candidates can “connect” with voters and infuse them with certain thoughts and feelings. It’s a winning combination that promotes a certain type of idolatry as voters “bond” with candidates and remain loyal to them. Again, feelings rule!


What can be done to reverse this harmful trend? What can be done to save our culture by making truth more popular than lies?

Here are five courageous and effective projects for pro-family citizens to shine much more light in our culture, which the darkness currently dominates:

1. REPENT FROM IDOLATRY: Stop emotionally worshipping candidates. I heard from a pro-family conservative woman who glowed about meeting “Meg” and disbelieved SaveCalifornia.com’s factual report that Meg Whitman, like Jerry Brown, supports state taxpayer-funded abortions without limit. Finally she believed when she saw Whitman’s own statements on our website. She thanked us for “clearing up some matters,” for making her go “just a bit deeper,” and ended by saying she would work to “beat this woman.” But there were millions of pro-family voters who swooned like they did for Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2003. Resolve to never vote for personality or image or race or sex, but for policy and principles that are right and can win.

2. RESCUE AND TEACH YOUR CHILDREN: In order for there to be hope for the future, parents and grandparents must teach their children and grandchildren good morals and good citizenship. Today, the main influence upon the minds and hearts of children is government schools, with dumbed-down academics, political correctness, anti-God and anti-morality sentiments, negative peer pressure and now even hints of socialistic teaching. Public schools these days don’t teach the Christian foundation of our government, which is why many voters today support immorality and socialism. The best thing parents and grandparents can do for their children and grandchildren is to permanently remove them from the government school system so they can develop good character, critical thinking and learn to stand for truth. Learn how at RescueYourChild.com.

3. PERSUADE THE PUBLIC: Get educated on good, moral government and the arguments for it, and then start educating others by calling talk radio and writing on web sites run by newspapers and TV stations. Read “10 Ways to Impact Your Local Media.”

4. START A “LOCAL ARMY”: Who is going to win elections in your city, county and state? For your values to win, you need to build a pro-family “local army” to battle the money and volunteers on the other side. You need a working group to educate and motivate an even larger group (the voters in your community) to vote for your values.  Read “10 Ways to Build a Pro-Family Army.”

5. EDUCATE YOUR CHURCH: If you have a church, give your pastor books and videos about good government, voters’ duties, and what voters should fight for. Use resources here and here.

“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”
Samuel Adams, United States founding father, in 1775

ALERT: Defend Prop. 8, rescue schoolchildren, get equipped to vote

Friday, May 21, 2010, 9:19 am |

Let me quickly update you on the State Capitol battle over Prop. 8, why “Harvey Milk Gay Day” for children is just the tip of the iceberg of sexual indoctrination, and why you should visit SaveCalifornia.com’s Election Center.

SB 906

We’ve been telling you about SB 906, which intends to pave the way for the future legalization of homosexual “marriages.” If SB 906 becomes law, “LGBTQ” activists will say this means letting “any two people” get married doesn’t threaten religious freedom. But that’s not true — redefining marriage would mean further trampling the dearly-held values of religious business owners and parents of children in public schools.
View Tuesday’s TV news report on SB 906

Thursday’s anticipated vote on the floor of the California Senate didn’t happen, since the senators decided to make it a “check-in” session, where they show up for a couple of minutes to qualify for their $141.86 “per diem” money, and go home. This means Monday afternoon is the next possible floor vote on SB 906.

Keep emailing and calling against SB 906 | About per diem

Who’s sponsoring and supporting SB 906?

Equality California (co-sponsor)
California Council of Churches (co-sponsor)
AIDS Project Los Angeles
Anti-Defamation League
Asian Americans for Civil Rights & Equality
California Communities United Institute
California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
California Teachers Association
Consumer Attorneys of California
Jewish Political Action Committee (JPAC)
Sacramento Lawyers for the Equality of Gays and Lesbians
Inland Counties Stonewall Democrats
City of West Hollywood

Harvey Milk Gay Day

The “celebration” of homosexual activist Harvey Milk will hit its high point today and Saturday.

Today, aggressive liberal teachers in California are expected to tell children that Milk was admirable, when he was actually a teen predator, sexual anarchist, public liar, and an aggressive devotee of deadly cultist Jim Jones.

Tomorrow, Milk’s birthday, at the State Capitol in Sacramento, “LGBTQ” activists and their supporters will rally for the media. Throughout the state there will be special showings of the part-fiction movie “Milk,” starring Sean Penn. Nationwide, some 26 cities in 20 states will hold events to honor Harvey Milk.

This is just the beginning of this new, blatant and perverse indoctrination of children via Harvey Milk Gay Day. “Milk Day” is designed to teach children they may be homosexual, bisexual or transsexual, and that they should support political activism to destroy marriage and family and religious opposition to the harmful “LGBTQ” agenda. It will increase even more next year, and then Harvey Milk’s indoctrination will manifest in many more government schools in 2012 when May 22 finally falls on a school day, Monday.

Parents and grandparents, I plead with you to rescue your children and grandchildren from immoral education and awful peer pressure. Harvey Milk Gay Day is just one of 6 school sexual indoctrination measures passes in the last several years. And there’s a raft of other pressing reasons to save children from government-run schools.

Choose to permanently rescue your child | See one of the stories exposing Harvey Milk Gay Day

Visit the Election Center

With a little more than two weeks until Election Day, it’s important to study the propositions and the candidates. Don’t let yourself be paralyzed by lack of knowledge. SaveCalifornia.com’s Election Center will help you vote with confidence. Enter the Election Center

No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.
Samuel Adams, a major leader of the American Revolution (1722-1803)

ALERT: Keeping opposing anti-Prop. 8 bill

Thursday, April 29, 2010, 4:51 pm |

Send your prewritten message opposing the anti-Prop. 8 bill, SB 906.

Even though the pro-homosexuality, pro-abortion Democrats control the California State Senate, a bill undermining Prop. 8 still has not come up for a vote. I’ve got to wonder if the emails people have been sending through SaveCalifornia.com are part of the reason.

SB 906, which redundantly repeats the First Amendment’s religious freedom guarantee that pastors don’t have to officiate for any marriage they oppose, attempts to trick California voters into thinking that homosexual “marriages” won’t harm religious freedom.

But of course “gay and lesbian marriages” will trump other people’s fundamental rights, as the gay-marriage hammer is used in lawsuits against moral business owners, property owners, state contractors, and non-church religious organizations. Not to mention being taught as the norm to impressionable children in government schools. The whole reason behind SB 906 is to make it easier to legalize homosexual “marriage” licenses on the 2012 ballot.

We know that the emails being sent to the State Capitol by pro-family Californians, which state “SB 906 intends to pave the way for same-sex ‘marriages’ on a future ballot,” are being noticed. See this except from the reply of Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg:

Thank you for your recent communication in opposition to SB 906 (Leno). This bill would protect religious freedom by reaffirming the separation of church and state where marriage is concerned. As I understand it, you oppose this bill on the grounds that it would pave the way to allowing the state to legalize same-sex marriage. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

Irrespective of whether SB 906 would have the effect you describe, I am a strong supporter of peoples’ right to marry regardless of sexual orientation…

Despite the support of the Senate’s liberal leader, the floor vote on SB 906 has been delayed for more than a month. Maybe in this election year, some Democrats want to avoid seeming anti-voter. Or maybe some homosexual activists won’t support anything that purports to support religious freedom. Or maybe the Democrat senators are waiting for opposition from pro-family citizens to die down before passing SB 906 in a couple of weeks.

ACTION: Whatever the reason for the delay, don’t hesitate to do your part to win! Now is your window of opportunity. Please send our prewritten email to Sacramento – even if you’ve already sent it before – and forward this message to all your friends to urge them to do the same.

Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure,
for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

Hebrews 13:4 NIV