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ACTION: See the new movie To Save A Life

Sunday, January 17, 2010, 4:25 pm |

I’m calling on everyone who loves God and loves people to an urgent, important, and pleasurable task. Together, we can and we must rescue our youth from being ruined by immoral influences.

There’s a life-affirming, faith-affirming film that needs your support. Please see To Save A Life, which is coming to the big screen January 22. After seeing an advanced screening, I can say that To Save A Life is the best tool in America right now to reach teenagers and young adults with the truth that God can save them and show them a better way of life.

For the sake of the next generation, please join me and prioritize taking yourself and the mature teenagers and young adults you know to see To Save A Life. This film is rated PG-13 because it shows real-life temptations of teens. Please watch my movie review below for specific cautions and the official trailer.

Visit our TO SAVE A LIFE page to find
theater locations, movie resources and more.


The family-friendly film The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry is playing again in select theaters. We were so impressed and moved with Sperry’s strong Christian message, that SaveCalifornia.com is sponsoring the showing of this film in Carlsbad, California on the weekend of Feb. 26. Visit our SECRETS OF JONATHAN SPERRY page to see the trailer and find out where it’s showing.


I avoid most movies in the theaters because they have garbage and appeal to prurient interests. Instead, I’m seeing great movies to view at home. Although they weren’t box office hits, they’re hits with me because they inspire and improve the soul.

I can’t say enough good about The Board. This 40-minute short film is a masterpiece. It was beautifully produced by an Ohio church, but it doesn’t look anything like a church movie. The Board is a very gripping portrayal of how our soul — our mind, feelings, conscience, heart, will and memory — all combine to make a decision for or against Jesus. I found it personally edifying because it reminded me that everything I do has already been approved by my mind, conscience, and heart. I give The Board my highest recommendation!

I also recommend the The River Within. This heartfelt and inspiring movie centers on a 20-something believer and a pastor who learn that talking about the Christian life is a whole lot different than living the Christian life. Through twists and turns, you can’t help but connect with the characters in this film as several plot lines merge and lead to its dramatic conclusion. The River Within is a clear message about doing God’s work, not “just talking.”

What’s really impressive is that The Board and The River Within were produced with very small budgets and volunteers, but both films have excellent cinematography, story line, characters…and by everything I can see, God’s blessing.

Another excellent movie I recommend is Time Changer starring Gavin McLeod. This film is challenging and stimulating. It explains how America fell away from God’s standards, and how God’s Word is essential to the health of nations, churches, and generations of families.

While I’m at it, let me recommend the 20-minute Butterfly Circus. This short film by Joshua Wiegel about two very different circuses and a life-changing ringmaster is a powerful message of hope and redemption. Warning: this film can make you cry. It stars Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms or legs. The Butterfly Circus is the winner of the 2009 Doorpost Film Project. View this beautiful film online.

But again, my priority, your priority, every concerned person’s priority is to see To Save A Life on opening weekend January 22-24. And don’t just go yourself. Bring along teenagers and young adults you know. Then afterward, talk about the life lessons and the spiritual themes. If you’re a Christian, I recommend you take some Gospel tracts if, after seeing To Save A Life, someone want to pray to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.


What’s at stake with Prop. 8 back in court

Monday, January 11, 2010, 12:55 pm |

What’s the deal with Prop. 8 being challenged in federal court?

As someone who has been fighting for marriage licenses and marriage rights since 1994 in the California Legislature and since 2003 in the courts, I can tell you a few things.

First of all, you need to know that homosexual activists are trying any means possible to knock down Californians’ 2008 vote to reserve marriage licenses for a man and a woman. These intolerant activists lost in state court, so now they’re trying the federal courts.

Ultimately, for homosexual activists, the case being heard today in San Francisco is about two goals:

1) Keeping the homosexual “marriage” agenda in the media to help them launch their own constitutional amendment next year for the 2012 ballot (they won’t be on the 2010 ballot, despite what you may have heard);

2) Working hard to have non-immutable homosexual behavior declared a civil right, something no federal court has ever said or ordered.

Because Judge Vaughn Walker is allowing unprecedented cross-examination of “witnesses” and has ordered the oral arguments posted on YouTube (he’s been temporarily blocked by the U.S. Supreme Court on an 8-1 vote), the judge is aiding the homosexual activists who want to charge up their supporters and use video of pro-marriage attorneys in future TV ads. The judge is turning this into a public relations circus.

And because Prop. 8 attorneys have chosen to operate alone in court, and are nearly completely focusing on defending marriage licenses for a man and a woman, homosexual activists and their greater number of pro-homosexuality parties in court have the upper hand in making arguments to get their behavior declared a civil right with the enforcement power of the federal government.

If this San Francisco judge overturns Prop. 8, his decision will likely be “stayed” (won’t go into effect) pending the near-guaranteed appeal to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Given those judges’ liberal legacy, their bad decision would absolutely have to be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Given the high court’s current makeup and projecting out one or two years when they could decide the case, I would expect Prop. 8 to ultimately be upheld by two or more votes. The Supreme Court has held, over and over and as late as 2003, that marriage is the sole jurisdiction of states.

The babies need you this month

Thursday, January 7, 2010, 9:51 pm |

Are you pro-life?

Then you’re invited to mark the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and remember the more than 50 million American babies slaughtered by abortion. And if you live in the northern half of California, please come to California’s big “Walk for Life” on Saturday, Jan. 23 in San Francisco.

If you do, you’ll walk just over a mile with tens of thousands of other pro-lifers. At the same time, you’ll show potentially tens of millions of people through the local, state and national media that unborn babies deserve life and that the God-life-and-family movement is growing.

For details, visit Walk for Life West Coast | Find a bus coming from the Bay Area, Central Valley or Sacramento

Live closer to the East Coast? Attend the huge March for Life in Wash DC on Jan. 22

Watch National Geographic’s 4D ultrasound sonograms of babies in the womb
Read “The Bible and Abortion: What Does God Say?”