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Lodi religious freedom rally a success

Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 11:21 pm |

RALLY PHOTOS: See snapshots of the historic August 5 rally for religious freedom in Lodi, California.

ALERT: Take a moment to email the five Lodi City councilmembers. Urge them to restore the policy allowing pastors to pray in Jesus’ name at council meetings.
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VIDEO: Pro-and-con prayer testimony before the Lodi City Council: The public comments on prayer begin 30 minutes into the video. Speakers include liberal pastor who’s OK with banning Jesus, an atheist, two Christians, a Buddhist who wants to ban Jesus’ name, and a Bible-believing pastor who wants to pray in Jesus’ name. I speak at 44 minutes in and Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt speaks at 48 minutes in. It’s worth watching.

BLOG: My account of the Lodi “Stand Up for Jesus” rally on Aug. 5

It was probably 1000 to 30.

Pro-religious freedom activists and supporters of praying in Jesus’ name heavily outnumbered athiests Wednesday night in Lodi, California.

It felt really good to see all the people. Most were from Lodi and nearby communities. But some came longer distances — from Salinas, the Bay Area, and as far as Orange and Riverside counties!

All were men and women who wanted to stand up for Jesus. Their voices for Jesus and religious freedom and against the city’s prohibition of council prayers against Jesus were heard loud and clear. Thank you to everyone who prioritized coming and taking a stand.

All the TV and radio and newspapers from Sacramento, Lodi and Stockton were there. I did a few media interviews, but mostly talked with reporters off-camera.

My goal was to give them constitutional and legal documentation proving that the U.S. Constitution and even the U.S. Supreme Court say the federal, state and local governments can allow pastors to deliver prayers to open or close public meetings.

It was a joy talking with principled people. How fragrant to connect deeply and spiritually with people who share moral values!

Speaking to the entire crowd from the podium was a privilege. The people were very responsive to hearing the Founding Fathers’ vision for religious freedom across America.

After the rally, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt and I went into the city council chambers and spoke directly to the city’s elected leaders.  While the anti-Jesus city attorney squirmed, we explained point by point why prayers, and especially prayers in Jesus’ name, are good and proper and completely constitutional.

The City Council announced it would have a special hearing and vote on September 30 on the prayer issue. With your help, SaveCalifornia.com will work, fight and pray to reverse the City of Lodi’s bad policy of prohibiting prayers in Jesus’ name. Stay tuned!

Podcast: Who was the real Harvey Milk?

Monday, July 27, 2009, 11:24 pm |

The worst bill in the California Legislature would pressure K-12 government schools to openly promote the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda to children. 

SB 572, “Harvey Milk Gay Day,” would institute an official schoolday every May 22 extolling the “accomplishments” and “contributions” of late homosexual activist and San Francisco county supervisor Harvey Milk.

Under SB 572, everything Milk believed in — the entire homosexual, bisexual, cross-dressing agenda, including homosexual “marriages,” sex-change operations, and gay-pride parades — could be taught to children as young as kindergarten. There is no parental permission required.

You need to hear the latest SaveCalifornia.com Radio Show reports what the “Milk” movie hid — that Harvey Milk was a liar, a sexual predator, and an avid booster of mass murderer and cult leader Jim Jones.

Listen to this important podcast and share it with your friends. California parents and grandparents deserve to know how bad “Harvey Milk Gay Day” would be for millions of children’s hearts, minds, and souls.


New, band-aid California budget nothing to be proud of

Friday, July 24, 2009, 6:19 pm |

The California Legislature has passed their band-aid budget, adjourned and gone on vacation until Aug. 17.

The big items that failed on the Assembly side were a $1 BILLION transfer of local gas taxes to the state, and a $100-million-per-year-generating off-shore oil well.

To bridge the gap, Schwarzenegger will have to line-item veto this amount. All this and no real reform. The overspending problem persists.

This bad budget is gimmicky, it steals from local governments, incurs more debt obligations, refuses to implement much-needed structural reforms, and continues to use taxpayer dollars to fund all kinds of abortions.

This budget fails to make the hard decisions because the Governor and the Republican leaders (who control the budget because of the two-thirds vote threshold) would not persevere long enough to make the tax-and-spend Democrat politicians agree to eliminate tens of billions of dollars of government waste.

This budget is like putting a band-aid on cancer because the cancer of government overspending continues to grow while the average family’s financial picture has noticeably shrunk. More than passing a budget, the California Legislature has again passed the buck and kicked the structural problems down the road.

For more analysis, please read Friday’s SaveCalifornia.com news release.