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The shaky future of Prop. 8 may depend on one judge

Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 7:09 am | Randy Thomasson

In the past 24 hours, I’ve defended natural, man-woman marriage on all 4 English-language TV stations in Sacramento, including this good interview on Fox40. SaveCalifornia.com’s strong voice for real marriage, natural genders, and what’s best for children was also seen and heard in Los Angeles, San Diego, the San Francisco Bay Area, and in various national media outlets.

After reading the U.S. Supreme Court transcript of the March 26 oral arguments, my strong belief is Proposition 8, California’s Marriage Amendment, will be decided by one man on the divided court — Anthony Kennedy.

The high court’s “swing vote” is a non-constructionist who believes in the notion of homosexual “rights,” not realizing that  homosexuality is a behavior and not an immutable characteristic, which is required to be considered as a “suspect class” with “civil rights” protection.

Still, Kennedy seems to be a traditionalist in support of a married father and mother being in a child’s best interest, calls homosexual marriages “uncharted waters,” and doesn’t like the “odd rationale” of the Ninth Circuit, which deemed Prop. 8 “unconstitutional.”

See my statement to the media after the hearing

Hear the audio, read the transcript of the oral arguments

Our Republic is on very shaky ground when judges don’t follow the plain words and original intent of the written Constitution. This is why I’ve been telling people that the Prop. 8 case, as much as it matters as a role model for children, is more about our Republic than about marriage.

For no People will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when Knowledge is diffusd and Virtue is preservd. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauchd in their Manners, they will sink under their own Weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.
Samuel Adams, the “Father of the American Revolution,” writing in 1775

Someone’s got to say it

Thursday, February 21, 2013, 8:56 am | Randy Thomasson


SaveCalifornia.com and I have a moral obligation to speak and stand for what benefits children, families, and individuals, and to speak and stand against what harms people created in the image of God.

And on the important but uncomfortable moral subject of homosexuality/bisexuality/transsexuality, someone has to say the truth — because children and adults are being harmed by these unnatural, unhealthy, unbiblical, and tyrannical behaviors.

For example:

1. Against Health: Male homosexuality has the highest rates of HIV/AIDS and a host of other sexually transmitted diseases, higher cancer rates, and earlier deaths. Documentation

2. Against the Best Interest of Children: Boys and girls raised by female homosexuals have skewed gender identities. Girls are more masculine-acting and more aggressive than normal, and boys are less masculine-acting and more passive than normal. And a significantly greater portion of young adults raised in these homosexual households have experimented with homosexual acts themselves, as compared with those raised in natural family households. Documentation

3. Against Stability: The marriages of husbands and wives, on average, are 1000% stronger, with 10 times the duration, of homosexuals who cohabitate. There is no such thing as marriage without a man and a woman. And neither can claims of same-sex “commitment” match man-woman marriage. Official census data found 50% of man-woman marriages lasted 20+ years, while only 5% of homosexual couples even claimed this duration (among whom, male homosexual couples often have “open” relationships). Documentation

4. Against Liberty: In California, there are state laws and court rulings that give homosexuality/bisexuality/transsexuality the force of law. These official policies oppress religious freedom, parental rights, property owner rights, business owner rights, foster parent rights, physician rights, counselor rights, and even Boy Scout rights. Here’s the latest intolerant attack by homosexual activists against moral virtues and a private group’s right to set its own standards.

5. Against Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights: There is no “gay gene,” thus no basis for civil rights designation. Consider that race and ethnicity are inherited, but homosexuality is not, as both science and thousands of former homosexuals demonstrate. A changeable behavior is not immutable; therefore homosexuality/bisexuality/transsexuality should not have been given the legal force of non-discrimination laws, such as those based on immutable race and immutable gender. Look what’s happened — bestowing civil rights status upon homosexuality and “gender identity” (transsexuality) has resulted in the severe infringement of Americans’ First Amendment rights — religious freedom, free speech, and freedom of association. Documentation 1 | Documentation 2 | Documentation 3

6. Against God: From Genesis through Revelation, the Bible describes homosexual behavior as sin. Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, specifically defined marriage as only for one man and one woman in Matthew 19, and He taught that all sexual activities outside of marriage are sin in Mark 7 (“adulteries,” “fornications,” “lewdness”).

When people’s constitutional rights and their conscience before God is trampled, I’m concerned.

And when adults publicly celebrate and promote to children a behavior that results in three-quarters of the HIV/AIDS transmissions in our nation, I am very concerned. So should everyone who knows what’s true and cares about children and our society.

This is why SaveCalifornia.com speaks and stands for what’s right in God’s sight — to help individuals and families thrive – and speaks and stands against what’s wrong – to protect valuable human beings from harm.

Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth.
1 Corinthians 13:6 (HCSB)

Enjoy our Prop. 8 friend-of-the-court brief

Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 4:44 pm | Randy Thomasson

Good news! Our principled attorney friends at Liberty Counsel have filed a strong friend-of -the-court brief defending California’s Proposition 8 with the U.S. Supreme Court, which will hear oral arguments March 26.

This very solid brief represents the moral and constitutional values of both Liberty Counsel and our organization, Campaign for Children and Families, otherwise known as SaveCalifornia.com.

Our brief’s well-thought-out constitutional arguments address the false grounds on which homosexual activists are attacking real, man-woman marriage — specifically, the 1996 Romer v. Evans Supreme Court decision striking down Colorado’s voter-approved law against special rights based on “sexual orientation.”

Here’s the summary of our arguments in the brief:

1. Romer does not dictate the the outcome in this case as Colorado’s Amendment 2 and California’s Proposition 8 are legally and factually distinguishable.

a. Proposition 8 does not target a solitary class of people of discrimination.

b. Proposition 8 does not impose far-reaching changes in the law that impact broad protections in the private and public sphere.

c. Proposition 8 is consistent with the longstanding definition of marriage in California and, therefore, is not inconsistent with any emerging trend in California to redefine marriage.

d. Proposition 8 does not single out a solitary class of people and make it more difficult for them to petition their government for assistance.

e. Proposition 8 was not passed based on a bare desire to harm a specific group of people.

2. This Court should resist any effort to treat sexual orientation as a suspect classification.

From the Brief:

“Liberty Counsel is a civil liberties organization that provides education and legal defense on issues relating to traditional family values, including marriage, across the United States.”

“Amicus Campaign for Children and Families represents fathers, mothers, grandparents and concerned individuals who believe the sacred institutions of life, marriage, and family deserve utmost protection and respect by government and society.”

Liberty Counsel’s Jan. 29 News Release | Amicus Brief | SaveCalifornia.com’s Dec. 7 News Release

“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”
Jesus Christ in John 7:24 (NKJV)