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Posts Tagged ‘Children’

Our radio ads are waking up dads and moms

Wednesday, October 23, 2013, 12:23 pm | Randy Thomasson


Politicians won’t tell them. Mainstream media won’t inform them. Public schools won’t warn them. But we are.

Right now, SaveCalifornia.com is fighting for children and families by running important radio ads about the latest transsexual school bathrooms law, plus 9 more harmful sexual indoctrination laws impacting kids in K-12 government schools.

Because there is no parental notification or consent required, most dads and moms won’t know unless we can reach them. And radio ads are a powerful way to touch people.


Our vital campaign for children and families is running strong in California’s capital city on KFIA 710 AM. We’re currently airing hundreds of ads, reaching tens of thousands of ears!

Will you please help us reach more parents for the sake of their children? SaveCalifornia.com needs need more ammunition to reach more dads and moms statewide? Don’t they deserve to know what’s going on?

With your support today, you can help parents and grandparents intervene for the sake of their precious children and grandchildren.

Make an impact for good with SaveCalifornia.com
Please donate online or by U.S. mail to help reach more families

Since September, SaveCalifornia.com has been airing three targeted radio ads, 8 times a day on the radio. Our unique messages inform, challenge, inspire, lead and direct families to connect with us and see for themselves the 10 sexual indoctrination laws harming children, posted at SaveCalifornia.com.

RadioAd_3_Fall2013_200x160Our “Looking Out for You” radio ad introduces people to our pro-family work, mission and how we are here for them as an advocate and fighter for moral virtues. Listen

Our other two radio ads expose the reality of the public-school indoctrination laws. In our ad, “10 Sexual Indoctrination Laws,” I talk about the shock and disbelief I usually hear from parents when they learn about these awful laws. Listen

Bottom line, parents aren’t being told by government schools, the PTA, lawmakers or the media what’s going on … that K-12 state-run schools are not what they were even 20 years ago. Without SaveCalifornia.com’s radio ads, many parents aren’t finding out until it’s too late!

RadioAd_2_Fall2013_200x160Our latest ad, “Behind the Backs of Parents,” shocks parents with the reality of the new transsexual law AB 1266, which permits biological boys and biological girls to share bathrooms, showers, sports teams and more. It’s erasing gender distinctions altogether! Listen

AB 1266 is just the tip of the iceberg, but it’s the most in-your-face sexual indoctrination law yet. But informing parents to make responsible decisions is the only way their children can or will be protected.

As you can see, SaveCalifornia.com isn’t about saving a state. It’s about reaching, serving, representing, informing, activating and empowering individuals like you and me … people who believe in moral virtues and want what’s best for their families and their communities.

Please participate today
Donate to fuel our campaign to reach parents and redeem families

 So many people are cheering us on in our mission for children and families. And I deeply value their encouragement:

“Thank you for what you do for us in CA,” writes supporter Nancy from the Central Valley. “I so appreciate you and pray for you.”

And Todd and Connie in Southern California wrote in saying, “Randy, God bless you for all your efforts!!! We are grateful.”

As a friend who follows SaveCalifornia.com and believes in our front-line work for families, your tangible participation in the battle is crucial. Thank you for considering standing with us as we stand strong for moral virtues for the common good.

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”
Romans 10:14-15 NKJV

Facts about the AB 1266 referendum

Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 1:01 pm | Randy Thomasson


If you’re like me, you’re angry about the Democrats’ new law requiring transsexual school bathrooms on every public school campus.

As you know, AB 1266 — cobbled together by homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists, the immoral teachers’ unions, and their Democrat state representatives, who control California state government — forces all K-12 government schools to permit biological boys into girls’ restrooms, showers, clubs, and sports teams, and biological girls into boys’ restrooms, showers, clubs, and sports teams.

But will a ballot referendum protect children from sexual indoctrination? SaveCalifornia.com has always tried to tell you the truth. Here are the facts:

A referendum is so weak, if one succeeds, the Legislature can repeal it the next day. And believe me, the pro-homosexuality-bisexuality-transsexuality Democrats that have iron-fisted control of both houses of the California Legislature will want to. Documentation

Even without a statewide mandate such as AB 1266, school districts can – and are – implementing transsexual bathrooms and other cross-dressing policies. Already, the Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Oakland school districts have done so, with additional union-controlled districts more than likely to follow. And the Obama Administration has already pressured the Arcadia school district in L.A. county to have pro-transsexuality policies. Documentation

Repealing AB 1266 will in no way save children from terrible school sexual indoctrination. AB 1266 is only 1 of 10 school sexual indoctrination laws that already tell children in every government school that homosexuality, bisexuality, cross-dressing/”sex changes,” and heterosexual fornication are good and natural and maybe even for them. AB 1266 is just the tip of the iceberg. Documentation

It takes well over a million dollars, up front, to qualify a referendum for the California ballot. This large sum is needed to pay professional signature gatherers up and down the state, who will stand in front of stores and post offices, and rake in tens of thousands of voter signatures each week. Qualifying a referendum for the ballot requires a minimum of 750,000 raw-count signatures, not 505,000 signatures, which is just above the minimum required verified signatures.

In 2007, the same organizers of the current referendum campaign collected less than half of the raw-count signatures needed in their failed attempt to repeal SB 777, the “LGBT school programs and activities” law; in 2011, they collected just over half the raw-count signatures needed in their unsuccessful effort to repeal SB 48, the “gay history” law. Organizers got more donors and built a bigger mailing list, but average people got discouraged and nothing got on the ballot (which, if these referenda did qualify and a majority of Californians temporarily repealed SB 777 or SB 48 by voting “no” on either ballot referendum, the people’s vote still could have been easily “repealed” by the Democrat-controlled, pro-“LGBT” Legislature).

For all practical purposes, time has already run out for the AB 1266 referendum to qualify for the ballot. Consider these somber facts:

Once an objectionable bill is signed by the Governor, a referendum campaign has 90 days to collect and file 750-850,000 raw-count signatures.

Between the August 12 signing of AB 1266 and August 29, the first day that a two-signature petition was available online, there were 16 days lost, leaving 74 days total.

Of those 74 days, proponents must reserve 7 to 10 days to sort, tabulate, and turn in bundled, segmented signatures to election officials in 58 counties, leaving 64 to 67 days to gather signatures.

To collect the minimum 750,000 raw-count voter signatures in 64 days, proponents need to collect 12,000 unique signatures per day or 84,000 signatures per week for 9 straight weeks. See why you need to raise $2 million to pay professional signature gatherers to quickly spread over the state with their tables and clipboards with long-form petitions?

Where this stands today (Sept. 11) is there are no paid, professional signature gatherers for the AB 1266 referendum, and less than two months to gather 750-850,000 raw-count signatures. Like the unprofessional referendum efforts of 2007 and 2011, the AB 1266 referendum campaign is extremely unlikely to qualify for the ballot, and definitely will not protect California children from unnatural, unhealthy sexual indoctrination in K-12 government schools. I wish it were otherwise. But pro-family Californians need to realize that the very weak vehicle of a ballot referendum is simply not the way to protect moral values in California.

The onlyflyer_color_300px way to protect California children from sexual indoctrination

Since 1999, SaveCalifornia.com has been working, leading, and fighting for the moral values of parents and grandparents. For the sake of children’s innocence and God’s standards, we have opposed every sexual indoctrination law passed by the Democrat lawmakers and signed by either Gray Davis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Jerry Brown.

In 2008, I became the first statewide pro-family leader to publicly call upon parents to remove their children from immorality-teaching government schools. Even if the truth is unpopular, SaveCalifornia.com has tried hard to stand for the truth that protects children and benefits families.

And now, at this stage of California history, given the inherent weaknesses of California ballot referenda, and given that AB 1266 is only 1 of 10 sexual indoctrination laws mandated upon every child in California government schools, the only way to protect your child from the unnatural, unhealthy homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda is to permanently remove your boys and girls from the immoral government schools and to enter the safe havens of homeschooling and biblical church schools.

Again — the only way to protect your kids from perverse policies is to permanently exit the government schools. It’s that serious and that simple. If you want to do something to protect children from perverse sexual indoctrination, please get your kids and grandkids out of the government-run schools and please urge other parents to do the same.

Rescue your children from sexual indoctrination today

As scary as the infiltration in the public school system is, be thankful that there are still options in which to teach a child based on a parent’s preference, allowing for spiritual and emotional nourishment. Both types of schooling provide the time and environment to teach a child the very principles erased from public school curriculum, such as the Christian aspect of our American founding and the principles upon which our Constitution was created.
Caitlin Nicholas, HOMESCHOOLING: An Alternative to the Progressive Indoctrination Machine

Video: On CNN defending children and families

Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 10:57 pm | Randy Thomasson


My CNN appearance Tuesday was part of SaveCalifornia.com’s loving message of Truth, and one of the reasons people support our frontline work for children and families.

This live, nationwide interview was about the newly-signed transsexual agenda law of California’s Democrat politicians permitting biological boys in girls’ public school restrooms, showers, clubs, and sports teams, and biological girls in boys’ public school restrooms, showers, clubs, and sports teams.

On CNN, I shared why cross-dressing and “sex changes” are unnatural, are not a civil right, how AB 1266 destroys sexual boundaries, and why morally-sensitive parents are leaving the government schools behind.

At the beginning of the interview, the liberal host calls the woman, who is a transsexual activist, “sir,” and refers both to her and me as “gentlemen.” But at the end of the interview, I say “good to talk to you ladies,” because both the host and my bearded opponent are indeed biological females. (Of course, the bearded Masen Davis didn’t like this fact at all and she’s complaining to CNN about me — how tyrannical and anti-free-speech!)

SaveCalifornia.com loves all people, yet confused or malicious folks who don’t care about facts or truth call our love “hate.” But it’s a fact that if you’ve inherited a Y chromosome from your father, you’re male; if not, you’re female. No one can alter God’s unchanging laws of Nature. But the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual activists and their supporters can’t be bothered with facts, can they? Instead, they engage in ad hominem arguments and personal attacks.

Meanwhile, Jerry Brown, the Democrat state legislators, and the intolerant “LGBT” groups and their media allies are leading millions of children to support, vote for, and embrace unnatural and unhealthy lifestyles by promoting role models and behaviors that are detrimental, not beneficial.

Please stand with SaveCalifornia.com in our campaign for Truth, and please rescue your children and grandchildren if you haven’t done so already.

See my 5-minute CNN appearance with a bearded lady

See SaveCalifornia.com’s “Not Born This Way” facts + help

Parents, rescue your children from immoral public schools

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